RAD3062 Breast Imaging and Professional Skills 4

Mammography Physics Assignment 2008

The assignment is to be typed although diagrams, if used, can be drawn and labelled by hand.It is worth 15 percent of your final assessment for this unit. You must correctly acknowledge all reference sources used and, in particular, when referencing information obtained  from a text be sure to include the relevant chapter and page numbers. Also, ensure that you retain a copy of your assignment just in case of any submission problems.


Ensure that a signed Cover Sheet is attached and insert your Name and ID Number in the Header so that it appears at the top of every page.

The assignment should be a stand-alone document so it should contain a title, introduction and specific sections clearly labeled.


Assignment Topic


In approximately 1500 words, discuss the special requirements and specific design features necessary for x-ray breast imaging that distinguish it from conventional radiographic imaging.


In your submission, you should compare and contrast these features which include, for example, the x-ray tube design and orientation, anode target, beam quality, focal spot size, inherent filtration, grids, AEC control, image receptor etc etc. These are just a few of the many issues that are available for you to consider and you are encouraged and expected to discuss others.( 40 marks)


Assignment presentation, selection and use of reference material and writing style

(10 Marks)


The total of 50 marks for the assignment will be scaled to 15% of your final assessment for RAD3062.



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