There are  a lot of things that I do for fun especially after the whole hard days at work and every time that I get so bored in my place. I usually hang out with my friends. I go out and watch movies, eat or just simply talk and have coffee with tem. I can also consider myself as a very sports minded and active person. I love playing soccer and volleyball. At night, while relaxing, I surf the Internet and read blogs, since it is the trend these days. I usually go to ,  etc.

            There is another past time that I like, and this surely satisfies me inside out, makes my heart pound and relaxes my soul. This is Salsa dancing. Yes! You “heard” it right, “SALSA.” Even for people who are not particularly interested in dance, the triumphant rise of Latin music and dance all over the world must be striking. Wherever you are, you will hear some kind of Latin music: in discos, on the radio, in TV commercials, as background music in shops and bars, in concert venues or on the internet. Styles of Latin music range from the songs of top earners like Ricky Martin or Jennifer L to the Old Guard of Cuban son like Ibrahim Ferrer or RubGonzs to a multitude of salsa, merengue and bachata bands from the Caribbean, the US, Latin America, Africa or Europe.


I want to concentrate on one musical phenomenon, on salsa. To clarify relations between salsa and Latin music in general I have to elucidate briefly the history of salsa. Salsa music has been a hybrid from the very start. Thus, salsa was not really a musical style,: ‘Salsa is not a rhythm. It is a concept. An open, ever-evolving musical, cultural, socio-political CONCEPT.’


In the beginning I just wanted to dance. I already had some experience as a hobby dancer, and had tried several dance forms. However, I was looking for something else, something that was not restricted to the classroom like the other dances I had practiced before. I was attracted to salsa because it took place in discos, where I could dance whenever I wanted to and as long as I wanted.

There were cases of dancers who abandoned partners as a consequence of their passion for salsa, and many neglected former friends and hobbies because they spent most of their leisure time dancing. Simultaneously, I noticed that salsa, and Latin music in general, had become a worldwide fashion. I started to wonder what made salsa and Latin music so fascinating for so many people, and decided to have a closer look at the part of the phenomenon I knew best: the salsa dancers of Hamburg.

When I started to visit salsa discos I watched the advanced dancers with admiration and decided to follow their example. I was more and more drawn into the music and the dance. At peak times of my passion I was out dancing five nights a week, and I realized that other dancers shared or even surpassed my enthusiasm.




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