Intelligence Classifications:

Verbal IQ = Average range.

Performance IQ = Low Average range.

Full Scale IQ = Average range.

Note: For the purposes of the present assignment, use the scaled scores provided not the age-corrected scaled scores. That is do not attempt to convert these scores into age-scaled scores.

Please note that a more recent version of this test battery, the WAIS-III is now also in use. The structure of the two versions (i.e., WAIS-R and WAIS-III) is very similar.

Observations made during the administration of the WAIS-R:

·                Responses of ‘I don’t know’ were given to many of the later items of the Information and Vocabulary subtest.

·                Eva was able to complete correctly four of the items of the Block Design subtest however, her completion of these items were over the allocated time limit (i.e., no credit could be given). A similar difficulty was observed for three items of the Object Assembly subtest.


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