In any business organization, it is very important to implement Human Resource Management in order to achieve organizational economic performance.  Human resource practices are very vital to achieve the mission, vision, and main objectives of any corporation.  Various studies show that there is a significant relationship between the performance management and the effectiveness of the different human resource key functions as well as in planning, staffing, appraisal, compensation and training and development of the entire work force in the company.  Moreover, human resource performance management correlates also with the multi work practices, human resource systems and business relations in the organization.  It is also found out those short-term job contracts, lack of employer commitment to job security, low levels of training and development among the employees as well as old-form human resource practices are all negative associations with corporate performance.  However, in order to achieve high level corporate performance; there must be a “high-road work practices” which include “high commitment” in the organization and advanced changes in the working environment and the work force.  This study also reveals that good human resource management tremendously contributes to the effectiveness and competitiveness among the employees.  It drives the work force to excel in their jobs as well as to meet their deadline on time.


Furthermore, human resource management is also in relationship with the personnel management; meaning all the business activities of the people in the organization must be strictly monitored by the management in order to meet the solidarity and full cooperation and coordination of individuals and groups in the organization to achieve their common goals.  In addition to that, HRM functions as the people side management; it has various human resource practices that deal with the different phases of the employment cycle that include  pre-hiring process, staffing and post-hiring process.  Relatively, the pre-hiring process involves the organization in the decision making on the types of job available in the upcoming period of time.  It also determines the necessary qualifications required in order to fit in the various positions.  And, during the hiring process, the human resource management selects its qualified candidates for various jobs.  Selection of the deserving candidates must be done through recruiting applicants, then doing assessment on their qualifications and finally, select the qualified and deserving candidates who are able to pass in the assessment process.  Subsequently, during the post hiring period, the human resource management does effective and sufficient managing of qualified candidates once they are already “in”.  Likewise, in achieving high level of performance satisfaction among these “newbies” or new hired employees; the management must open its doors  to provide the new employees with the necessary knowledge and skills that the new members of the organization should equip with and be good at in order to perform their tasks effectively and efficiently.  Nonetheless, in order to successfully do this stage,  the human resource management should have the strong motivational strategies and training techniques that would definitely energize, direct and facilitate the new employees in doing their best efforts to meet the organization’s objectives. 


Typically, human resource management has the duties and responsibilities of developing and implementing the human resource practices to the employees.  There is a joint effort between the managers and human resource professional in leading effective performance appraisal system.  The success of the human resource management largely depends on the outstanding ability and effectiveness of both parties to do their jobs right.  However, the roles of human resource management really vary on how a company runs or operates its entire organization.  Every organization has its own unique organizational design and number of employees.  So, it is imperative to know that there are important areas of responsibility that the human resource people have to achieve.  First, they should establish human resource management policies and procedures that must be followed strictly by the entire organization.  Second, they must develop HRM methods and strategies in monitoring and evaluating the employees if they comply with the rules and regulations.  Third, they should assist or advising their managers on human resource management matters.  Fourth, the human resource personnel usually decide on what procedures to follow in the implementation of HR practices and policies.  Human resource professionals also have the duty to consult with the management on various human resource related issues such as in the selection of the most effective organizational procedures,  how to conduct disciplinary actions among the problem employees.  With all these in mind, proper and effective human resource management keeps the company and the work force in one solid working team.  And even keeps   the employer-employees relationship in a more solid and mature level through out the years of working together.  







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