Transitional program are program for special people with intellectual disability it can also serve people with physical disability these are various activities that are suitable for autistic, chronic mental illness but cooperative and open, down syndrome and very slow learner and other mental and intellectual disability. Program may include but not limited to functional skills, structural skills, and vocational skills for the teen-ager, technical training for the youth and community based and special training for the elderly or a combination of any of the following.

      This transitional program aims to enhance the student’s academic, vocational and technical performance of students with disability and master those skills if possible. If not possible at least they have the opportunity to understand basic academic learning that they can integrate in their real life. Through this they can also experience socialization and interdependence, for those who are not possible to come to school they can also be trained at home using online or correspondent learning which means that the subject will be delivered through mail and it may require the help of their parents or guardian and their schedule will be dependent on their availability and their capacity to learn.

      There are also programs that needs special attention that do not focus primarily on intellectual but also in behavioral. They are eligible for mental development and cognitive diagnosis depending on their disability, this program associate cure to learning and it is best for students during their toddler years so that they can maintain their status till they have grown.

      There are also programs that may focus on transitional independence especially from young adult and teenagers who have been experiencing puberty and adolescence period they are taught to do household chores, responsibility management and interpersonal development in addition to academic training so that they can accomplished a certain task at home even on their own. This program is fitted for people with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Mental experts says that this program should be given at the young adult rather than children or the elderly because they are the one who are physically capable of handling the task and practices.

      It is very important for the parents to identify what kind of transitional program they have to enroll their children so that they can focus on their status and basically learn from it. The hassle of program that are not suited for the student would create even more mental disruption in the students life, as to a normal people in elementary grades the teenagers will not likely to get along well because they realized a different needs.

      People with this kind of disability will need to learn close to someone or with the supervision of their parents or immediate guardian during the first few weeks of their learning experience and later on if they are familiar with the studies then that will be the time to learn to let go slowly for the students or patients to work independently.

      The laurel house Middlesex clubhouse for the mentally disabled in Livingstone Avenue New Jersey offers various transitional programs for the students with intellectual disability. The good news is they are expanding and members, government and non government funds, sponsorship and other special sources of funds helps them grow, this collected funds have been used to transform not just the student but also the club the physical character or structure now has private clinic for the members, social and recreational opportunities so that they can relax and enjoy learning outdoors and most of all there are available rooms for cooking, laundry and computer use. This will bring the transitional education more like a home based learning and the student and members will feel like they are an extended family.

      Again they would like to emphasize that the overall goals of the transitional program is to help student and family to bring together the best possible outcome of the person who are suffering from intellectual disability so that their transition is smooth and secure that goes beyond expected. They would like to emphasize that intellectual disability is not at all a hindrance for a people to learn the behavior of a normal individual and that they too have the rights to education. They would like to develop the students in full maturity as possible so that they will not just be a normal human being just like everyone but they want to see them to be a progressive individual and as responsible as they can be and transitional program is the key.




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