The three epics present politics, abuse and quest for freedom of the people in the society. The three epics present the misadventures of people who either through no fault of their own, or through their efforts to help other innocents, fall afoul of authority or join the outlaw society. These three epics are considered to be brutal because during the 10th century in China, life was not particularly valuable then. In the Outlaws of the Marsh, describes the efforts of local and national authorities to stem the growing power of the outlaws. The outlaws see justice in killing a cruel official and his family and servants as a form of their revenge. The epic shows the attitudes and beliefs of the outlaws from a medieval point of view; these people are honest and high principled. By standards of the medieval times, the outlaws are good people performing a positive service for the society from which they were marginalized. Like in the Blood of Leopard, The ultimate leader is Song Jiang, a very good man who’s caring and honesty made him the obvious leader of the outlaws. Although, in true classic Chinese manner, It should be noted that some of the novels are also remarkable from a technical point of view. Superficially the reader might get the impression that technical proficiency has little to do with ideology or that it may be even used to embellish ideology. There are perhaps novels which are ideologically “correct” but technically brilliant. But such an impression is wrong, for the art of fiction is not compatible with ideology. Where ideology restricts, art frees; where ideology generalises, art discriminates; where ideology simplifies, art complicates; where ideology lies, art tells the truth. The real hero in Chinese Communist fiction today is the novelist himself who asserts his individuality not by an open revolt against ideology, but by his devotion, even in his limited way, to art. He who tries to sell art to ideology is attempting the impossible. It can only result in the weakening of ideology. Leadership to other outlaws he considers more worthy than himself. Only the constant urging of his closest comrades convinces him to retain the title.

The organization of the Outlaws of Marsh is primarily a war epic like with All Men are brothers and The Blood of Leopard. All of them presents the courageous heroes that suffered abused and injustice and united to fight the dynasty. They formed the strongest bond of friendship even though they were all from different backgrounds or classes in society.

On the other hand, in All Men are Brothers, there is no distinction of race or class, nation or religion. People work together for their unity; all their actions are inalienable love of mankind. All men are brothers and no human being should be a stranger to another. There should always be a welfare of all that should be the aim of the people. There is humanity even in the most wicked. This view leads naturally to the adoption of non-violence as the best means for solving all problems, national and international. Gandhi affirmed that he was not a visionary but a practical idealist. Non-violence is meant not merely for saints and sages but for the common people also. ‘Non-violence is the law of our species, as violence is the law of the brute. The spirit lies dormant in the brute and he knows no law but that of physical might. The dignity of man requires obedience to a higher law to the strength of the spirit.’

According to Gandhi, the principle of non violence from the individual to the social and political plane has the purpose of experimenting with non-violence and establishing its validity. Politics concerns nations and that which concerns the welfare of nations must be one of the concerns of a man who is religiously inclined, in other words, a seeker after God and Truth. For me God and Truth are convertible terms. In the struggle for independence, people should adopt civilized methods of non-violence and suffering. Their stand for freedom was not based on any hatred. People must hate the sin but not the sinner. Patriotism is the same as humanity. A man is patriotic because he is human and humane.

In the present predicament people are not able to adjust themselves to the new conditions which science has brought about; it is not easy to adopt the principles of non-violence, truth and understanding. But on that ground they should not give up the effort. While the obstinacy of the political leaders puts fear into our hearts, the common sense and conscience of the peoples of the world give them hope. With the increased velocity of modern changes people do not know what the world will be a hundred years hence. They cannot anticipate the future currents of thought and feeling.


However, years may go their way. They live in an age which is aware of their own defeat and moral coarsening, an age in which old certainties are breaking down, the familiar patterns are tilting and cracking. There is increasing intolerance and embitterment. The creative flame that kindled the great human society is languishing. The human mind in all its baffling strangeness and variety produces contrary types, a Buddha or a Gandhi, a Nero or a Hitler. It is their pride that one of the greatest figures of history lived in our generation, walked with them, spoke to them, and taught them the way of civilized living. He who wrongs no one fears no one. He has nothing to hide and so is fearless. He looks everyone in the face. His step is firm, his body upright, and his words are direct and straight. Plato said long ago: ‘There always are in the world a few inspired men whose acquaintance is beyond price.’


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