Today, many people eat fast food instead of home made food. The reason for this is that fast food is fast, cheap and convenient. However, at the same time, fast food is contributing to a big social problem in the world, which is obesity, and recently some people are beginning to sue the fast food companies for causing their obesity.

My aim is to write a plan for my fast food essay.

My Essay is divided in to two parts which includes positive points and negative points.




Negative issues:


1) Unhealthy: In an argument in New York City some of the fast foods are unhealthy (Baker, 2003). Obesity has improved in childhood (Laurence, 2007). Obesity rates have doubled in the UK and USA in the last twenty years (Stevenson et al, 2007). People are still concerned on children’s weight because more than 15 percent of children are overweight (Elias, 2004).


2) Litter: Mc Donald’s produce lots of litter in Australia (taken from Mc Donald’s Australia)


3) Nutrition: Fast foods are poor in nutrition (taken from Mc Donald’s Australia).


4) Addiction: scientists compare fast food with drugs such as heroin and morphine and say that although drugs give a bigger effect on body (Martindale, 2003) it is the same process. Sweet drinks that are often served with fast food are making people sugar addicts (Martindale, 2003).


5) No variety: Mc Donald’s tastes are the same everywhere (Schlosser, 1998)



Positive issues:


1) Price: The fast-food restaurants were too expensive for ordinary people in Russia (Sarkisov, 2002).

Delpazir Company invested 0,000 in Afghanistan in Fast-food restaurants (Shashdarak, 2005).


2) Quality of service: Fast-food restaurants began to serve a wider client, which brought about a decline in the quality of services in Russia (Sarkisov, 2002).


3) Scheduled employments: In Afghanistan employments scheduled in Mc Donald’s restaurants (Shashdarak, 2005)


4) Proving safe: Fast-food proved safety in Afghanistan’s restaurants (Shashdarak, 2005)


5) Hygiene: New fast-food restaurants brought clean food in Afghanistan.Mc Donald’s was the nicest, cleanest and brightest place in all of Palauan (Schlosser, 1998).


6) Taste: Fast-food brought a new taste in Afghanistan’s restaurants (Shashdarak, 2005)


7) Popular: Mc Donald’s was packed, filled not just with children and their parents but with teenagers, seniors, young couples in Germany (Schlosser, 1998).

Children in China like Mc Donald’s (Schlosser, 1998).

The first Mc Donald in Germany opened in 1971, twenty years later, it had 400 restaurants; today it has about 850(Schlosser, 1998).


8) Employment: McDonald’s is one of the largest employers and trainers of young people in Australia today (taken from Mc Donald’s Australia)






There are clearly great deals of issues associated with the fast food industry as illustrated. It is important for people to know there are side effects affecting these kinds of meals and they can then make their own informed choices as to what food to eat.

I think that people shouldn’t attribute their obesity problem to fast food companies, even though the fast food companies provide food which causes negative effects on health. The most important reason is that obesity is the result of individual choices based on liberty. We must take the responsibilities for our choices when given the individual liberty of choice. Moreover, the obesity problem in the world is related to life style, not just food consumption. It is unfair to concentrate the responsibilities for the nation wide obesity problem only on fast food companies.





Baker, 2003, “Mc Donald’s takes the heat on obesity”. Business Respect- CSR Dispatches No50.


Elias, 2004, “Children’s choices at ‘sit-down’ eateries often aren’t healthful”.


Laurence, 2007, “Fresh Kids: the efficacy of a health promoting schools approach to increasing consumption of fruit and water in Australia, Health Promotion International”.

Mc Donald’s Australia- A case of a multinational operating within the Australian economy.


Martindale, 2003, “fast food and obesity, Burgers on the brain”.


Nikson, Baum, Losekoot, Morrison, “Skills, Organization performance and economic activity in the hospitality industry. Case study: Pret a manger”


Sarkisov, 2002, “Market size of the fast food industry. Franchising in Russia”.


Schlosser, 1998, “World domination. Fast-food Nation: Meat and potatoes”.


Shashdarak, 2005, “Fast-food in Afghanistan”.


Stevenson, Doherty, Barnett, Muldoon, Trew, 2007, “Adolescents’ views of food and eating: Identifying barriers to healthy eating”, Journal of Adolescence, 30 (3), P 417-434.


Ikerd, “Eating Local: A Matter of Integrity”.


Ikerd, “My top ten reasons for eating local.”


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