There are numerous methods of teaching that can be used into the curriculum of early childhood (:2001). When it comes to the field of language, literacy and fine arts, each method has an approach of providing the particular need of a learner. Learners do not attain understanding in similar ways, teachers must make an effort to show information utilizing different forms of methods, and they must work to meet the learning styles of all children. To sustain the variety of teaching methods on hand, teachers must make an effort to master the art of asking proper questions. Asking questions can facilitate teachers to make sure that the children comprehend the idea s presented, assess whether the lesson was successful in meeting the acknowledged objectives, and to take students to higher levels of thinking.



As teachers develop lessons plans, they must consider the subject, the audience, and how the material would best be presented and retained. Merely, at hand, the information is not sufficient (:2001). If a preschool teacher wants her children to recognize magnets, for example, the teacher would not only show magnets, he would also give the children a chance to experiment with them. Problem-Solving in Early Childhood Classrooms points out the three key requirements in teaching problem-solving this includes: Time, Space, Materials. Large blocks of time, adequate space, and open-ended materials all work to promote an environment where problem-solving can be developed. In Methods for Teaching: Promoting Student, teachers are persuaded to enhance an individual method of teaching. It is suggested that they execute more than one method be implemented. It would be unreasonable to believe that early childhood teachers should only use one technique of instruction just as it would be absurd to believe all children in the program will learn in the similar approach. By changing the methods utilized to present the materials, teachers can apprehend a wider base of achievement by recognizing and meeting the diverse learning needs of the children in the program.



 (2001) provided a remarkably vigorous, realistic, and reader-friendly, introduction to early childhood education. He focuses on the value of play as a teaching method. Play is an assimilation of the world to their ego. Play is behavior in which the external world is completely transformed to coincide with the internal world of the child and involves no accommodation of the child to the external world. Play is the opposite of imitation, which is pure accommodation of the child to the external world.(2002) Play arises in order to reduce the tension caused by yearning which cannot be realized in the child’s world. Play, provides a cathartic function of coping with the realities and frustrations of daily life. Symbolization is the result of a sort of psychosocial accommodation.     ’s definition of play is tied to the intellectual; development of the child He strongly  discussed a child‘s development, as well as sympathetic discussions about guiding young children, working families, and multiplicity will help teachers smooth the progress of all aspects of the 0-to-8-year-old child’s physical, social/emotional, and intellectual growth.


            According to  (2001), there are some basic considerations in proving quality learning environment to young children. The most basic consideration is the physical space that varies in group sizes. Compatibility with the different centers and learning areas and personal spaces and planning an indoor conducive to learning environment for young learners is a very complicated process. The teacher should separate active/quiet areas and dry/wet spaces, include areas for different sizes of groups, and evaluate the quality of the physical space.



Students with teacher guidance need to engage in a variety of kinds of thinking. Why? Situations in life demand that each person become proficient in being a good thinker (:2001). For example, all need to become proficient in problem solving since each faces minor and major problems which need to be identified and solved. Beginning with the earliest years of a child’s life then, it is imperative to stress problem solving sequentially as a way  of life.













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