

Willem C. VIS International Commercial Arbitration Moot

The Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot as noted as one of famous as well as prestigious moot competitions as held in Vienna, Austria. The moot is annually taken as organized by certain association linked into the organization upon the promotion stature of Willem C. Vis International Commercial Moot, the 16th moot was being sponsored by various institutions all over the globe for example, International Chamber of Commerce, The London Court of International Arbitration and others.


There is tough purpose and goal for the moot and that is to “foster the study of international commercial law and arbitration for resolution of international business disputes”. The statement integrates empowerment and strength of commercial laws and the arbitration processes upon solving in business disputes if happened. Moreover, believing that there are problems known for the moot for instance, there is basis towards global transaction of sales that has been the subject for the UN Convention on Contracts, International Sales of Goods. There arguments made indicating that, the moot centers into simulation of international commercial arbitration before which some of the dispute arises, as being out of contract sales, resolved from within. There is affectivity of such issues towards the arbitration, procedures adopted into the pressing discussions pointing towards the application of UNCITRAL law. The moot emphasizes such distributed problems as comprised of such parts. For one, there assumes preparation and submission of written memoranda prior to the oral hearings as being written, one for Claimant, and other for respondent. 

If being the respondent, arguments have to be substantive at the same time constructive to incur desirable weight of any issues raised; oral arguments have to be deep and will impose justice. For example, the faculty of Law of Belgrade University has been participated at the Vis Moot as being under auspices of cooperation to University of Pittsburgh into the Center for International Legal Education, there competition in final part of the competition and achieved remarkable success. The previous year, it was evident that the, 16th Vis Moot have took place, the moot had become world’s biggest law competitions ever held. Thus, during the year 2007, 2008 there were about 203 universities from 52 countries participated, and the moot implied an unforgettable experience for participating groups. Accordingly, the moot involves writing in of a memorandum, memorandum for respondent upon countering document from another University to which the team is paired during 22nd of January, allowing in oral hearing preparations of arbitration tribunal and travel to Vienna and the attending of the oral phase of pleading moot competition from April 3 of 2009 until April 7, of 2009 there plead process before certain panel of such international arbitrators. There will be a lot of work to partake and too much gratification to bring in honor as there will be about six individuals who will be going to Vienna and expenses are covered.


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