World Health Organization is the most authorized agency the world have known to set standard practices when we talk about health related issues, they are the most reliable organization to consider in improving global health by developing, evaluating and empowering revolutionized approach including a surgical operation especially in developing countries like African and Asian nation. Their responsibilities can reach the world beyond boundaries and cultural differences since they are accepted as the highest authority in health. They have exercised and passed on to hospitals around the world an improved and standard practice that includes wound infection surgical care. 

      Simple wound that bleeds can be cured at home using alcohol and a bandage or water and soap, a simple cut or a scraps can basically be handled by our own skin tissues because it has all the necessary skin glands and elements to heal itself but basically not all wounds can be prevented or ignored, sometimes it may need a real medical attention to be cured. Some wounds may not respond or may respond differently according to the situation a patient may encounter.

      According to World Health Organization wound infection in a surgical ward is not always a minor problem and prevention should always be acquired with proper treatment especially with patient who never stops bleeding is encountering a serious stage of wounds. Additionally wound infection has a frequency or range according to depth and intensity. Scrap, abrasion, laceration, puncture etc., a patient may also suffer from emotional distress brought about by the experience and reason where and how he gets the wound and also therefore wound is not at all a physical but can be an emotional injury.

      The patient who suffered from minor wound can also be exposed to micro-organism and bacteria, even a little cut and burn of children can cause a major problem disturbance when their skin or tissues are irritated and therefore vulnerable to germs infection. Some people may vary according to their stamina and resistance to infection but mostly children and older people are weaker and more susceptible to acquire most of the infection for their body and skin tissues are not firm may produce varying degree of liquids. Eventually everyone can be infected by disease especially when wound are largely open. There are improved basic and advance procedures that the World Health Organization is encouraging but generally this can be applied also in a surgical ward.

      The basic plan; is always a hygienic practice by medical professionals including nurses and staff so that they themselves will not be the source of infection. It is a basic practice that medical professionals are practicing clean hygienic personality not necessary presentation of oneself but for the protection of the patient. Medicines and antibiotic treatment that will prevent infection, parasites, tetanus, bacteria etc. should always be new and non- expiring so as not prevent a more serious problem upon treatment.

      Hospital and environmental issues including cleanliness and orderliness of materials used are primarily important. These are the basic materials used; blanket, bed, pillows etc. operating materials should be boiled or sanitized before use. this environmental factors especially the clinical ward cannot be full of crowd since everyone can be a source of infection during the operation, complete facility in surgical ward (not necessarily advance) for surgical procedure is a requirement otherwise the hospital may need to recommend the patient from another hospital for a complete surgical operation. Unexpectedly food preparation for the patient is also recommended to be a risk factor and a basic necessity depending on the patient’s immunity to be determined by medical professionals.

      World Health Organization may also required a surgical ward an infection control program for the prevention of widespread communicable disease not just in wounds but also in parasitic, airborne disease and microbial transfer control in any surgical operation including severe and minor treatment. People who are suffering from diabetes, cancer, allergies or aids that have a wound may need thorough testing and may require a deeper medical analysis attention since complication and infection may arise severely. 

      This program will control not just the patient’s status but also the medical practitioner and everyone who enters the surgical ward are subject for inspection. The hospital will assign a medical control team usually microbiologist and other medical practitioner to be responsible for overseeing the various elements found inside the ward and the hospital. In case of outbreak people with wounds are more prone to infection but the control team is the one who are responsible to discover a new found formula and treatment.        



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