All people around the world uses their hands that is why it is a common practice to wash our hand for the purpose of hygiene and sanitation to reduce transmission of common bacteria that may lead to various diseases and it should be taught especially among children during their play and other activities that may required them to clean their hands and body. There are various records of children’s death  because of bacteria and infectious diseases coming from their hands especially children from two years old and below may eat their hand as much as 100 times every-day. (World Health Organization).

      If you can see the children in the commercial sneezing and eating their hand or touching soil on the ground and biting their hand, they can easily get various bacteria and germs that can ruin their health this bacteria can easily reproduce themselves in less than half an hour especially from children, it may cause gastrointestinal diseases, allergy, colds and flu or pneumonia. Parents are advice to always look for children especially babies and do not leave them playing on the ground and any other areas that is unsafe and unclean, always wash their hands as often as possible. Adults are also prone from various diseases although they may have stronger immune system than children but they may also carry on the diseases and transfer it to other person. Bacteria like Salmonella, Coli, fungus and other are easy to transmit and transfer without physical connection from the person who has it but to the material things that they used or surfaces that we share and touch like stairs, computer, elevators, remote control,  toothpaste, shampoo or even towel or pillows for the family.

      Hand washing and sanitation is very important and it is easy to do, it is automatically taught at home and in school even in any forms of media it is also encouraged. We are very fortunate that soap and water are there for us to reach but not in the case of other people some people who do not even have enough water to drink; their children have developed so much disease like diarrhea and respiratory tract infection because of unhealthy sanitation. Sometimes they simply do their defecation or secretion at their backyard without washing or with a little amount of water without the use of soap that will kill bacteria and this has been their common practice to save water. They will need to take a walk on rough terrain and it would take a mile to get the water and usually if they had they will use it for their food and drink, sanitation is not in their mind as long as there is water to drink that maybe enough.

      This happens usually in the countries of Ghana, Senegal, Peru that is mostly African countries because there are times that their lakes and rivers run out of clean potable water because of drought, rain may not come in time and they will experience drought almost the whole year. Even if they can gather water for a few rains they may not even have enough money to buy soap and toiletries but usually they would spend their budget on food and water. People who are living in civilized society who have instant access to soap and water are very lucky like we do. Through this reasons the Global Public-Private Partnership for Hand-Washing (PPPHW) with soap has brought together organizations from different villages to promote the importance of hand washing on a large scale.

      They call on the government and non government initiatives to bring together in schools and organizations the integral hand washing basics and the importance of hygiene to prevent various diseases that is spreading in their areas. The program also includes giving away various kinds of toiletries and soap and a careful regular monitoring of people washing their hands, children lined up in school to teach proper way of washing their hands and the villagers enjoy their activities of washing their hand during the 70’s and it doesn’t take much time and effort until people in the villages has learned and adopts such easy approach to hygiene. In this present time they hope they have even convinced their organizations and members to promote a faucet or a well creation as a source of water in their villages and in their farms for agricultural use.

      Their people understood the basic of hand washing should be used at least before eating, after defecation, before feeding their babies and before preparing food for safety. They have also learned the importance of hand washing and sanitation that it can eliminate various transmissions of diseases and kill bacteria, it helps us to be healthy and clean all the time, because of this program they have gained the reputation to get the sponsorship of world class companies including Colgate Palmolive, Unilever and Procter and Gamble and they have also included it in their promotions worldwide.






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