Employee performance management is a systematic process where employees are considered as members of the organization with the objective of improving organizational effectiveness and the goal of achieving company mission and goals (US Office of Personnel Management, n.d.). Employee performance involves, planning, monitoring, developing, rating and rewarding. Employee performance management also involves aligning the organizational objectives with the employees’ skills and competencies to ensure that there is quality and efficiency of the delivery of output, and alignment in planning. (People Stream, n.d.) Performance management also focuses on the organization, the organizational unit, major organizational processes and employees. (Mc Namara, n.d.)

            The factors that affect employee performance are managerial standards, motivation, commitment to employee success, and employee evaluation.  Managerial standards refers to the focus by management on job duties and qualifications outline in the job description (do not expect more than necessary), motivation impacts on productivity – financial incentives, involvement in company activities, training and development (for career pathing), commitment to employee success (competitive rate and pay, benefits, assistance in education, training and development , upgrading of technology) and employee evaluations (manager input assessment and employer feedbacks of what she learns, planning on the next year’s employee development, comprehensive employee performance). (Anderson, n.d.)


Review of Related Literature and Studies

            Much of the studies conducted on employee performance management focus on the motivational aspect of employee performance. Frederick Herzberg motivator-hygiene theory is a classic in the field of motivational study in the workplace. Herzberg identified factors in the workplace that cause satisfaction and dissatisfaction. He labeled the satisfiers as motivators and the dissatisfiers as hygiene factors. Factors that lead to satisfaction are achievement, recognition, the work itself, responsibility, advancement, and growth. The hygiene factors or dissatisfiers are company policy, supervision, relationship with Boss, work conditions, salary, and relationship with peers. Hygiene factors are also called maintenance factors which management must provide because they are necessary to avoid dissatisfaction among employees. For Herzberg, factors that are intrinsic to the job must be provided to employees for their job satisfaction. He emphasized that job enrichment should be a continuous management activity to provide employees with intrinsic motivators. Intrinsic motivational factors consist of a challenging job, enhanced level of ability and increasing level of responsibility.  (NetMBA. Com, n.d.)

            Ahmad and Shakil (n.d.) studied the impact of stress and employee productivity. They found out that job performance, decrease in financial incentives, a high level of personal dilemma, a decrease or loss of employee influence of his work environment and decrease in support coming from the supervisor, results to a decrease in job performance.  They concluded that without managerial concern for solutions to working condition, a higher level of stress among employees is an expected outcome, which lowers employee performance, and eventually results to employee turnover.  

Statement of the Problem

            This study will focus on the factors that affect employee performance. Managerial standards, motivation, commitment to employee success, and employee evaluation are the factors that will be examined in this study. To what extent these factors affect employee performance management is the major research question that will be answered in this investigation.


            This study employs both quantitative and qualitative approach. The qualitative data are gathered from interviews, observations and secondary data sources. The quantitative data will be collected using survey questionnaire as well as secondary data sources.

Data Analysis

            Quantitative data are processed using a statistical program. Qualitative data on the other hand are organized, categorized and coded and if possible processed as quantitative data using the statistical program. Most of the qualitative data however will supplement and support the discussion for a more in-depth analysis of the problem.



Ahmad, S., Shakil,S, n.d. The Impact of Stress on Employee Productivity, Performance and Turnover; An Important Managerial Issue. [online] Available at:< http://ciit-isb.academia.edu/MuhammadShakilAhmad/Papers/263254/The_Impact_of_Stress_on_Employee_Productivity_Performance_and_Turn_over_an_important_managerial_issue> [Accessed 4 June 2011].

Anderson, A, n.d. Factors Affecting Employee Performance. [online] Available at:<http://smallbusiness.chron.com/factors-affecting-employee-performance-978.html> [Accessed 4 June 2011]

Mc Namara, n.d. Employee Performance Management. [online] Available at:< http://managementhelp.org/emp_perf/emp_perf.htm> [Accessed 4 June 2011].

NetMBA.com. n.d. Herzberg Motivation-Hygiene Theory (Two Factor Theory). [online] Available at:< http://www.netmba.com/mgmt/ob/motivation/herzberg/> [Accessed 4 June 2011].

People Stream, n.d. What is Employee Performance Management? [online] Available at:< http://www.peoplestreme.com/what-is-performance-management.shtml> [Accessed 4 June 2011].

US Office of Personnel Management, n.d. Performance Management. [online] Available at:< http://www.opm.gov/perform/overview.asp> [Accessed 4 June 2011].



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