Differentiate Conceptual Literature from Related Studies


Conceptual Literature pertains to articles or books written by authorities giving their opinions, experience, theories, ideas, what is good or bad. (1)  Experts in literature make use of this concept in research to outline possible courses of action or to present a chosen approach to an idea or thought.   Others theorized that it is a type of intermediate theory that pushes to connect all kinds of queries (e.g. problem definition, purpose, literature review, methodology and techniques, gathering of data and validation.  Specifically, .conceptual literature, have books, journal, literary materials, etc. …as they are sources of all data.  Related Literature on the other hand, aids the researcher  to know his subject better because it may put into light the absurd points about his queries and problems.  It also put into perspective the student’s way of making comparisons with others’ findings.  Hence, it is necessary that the concerned materials must have some kind of value such as: (1) the related materials have to be updated.  It is also of vital important that reviewed materials be fresh and relevant because of the inevitable changes in modern technology, socio-economic level, scientific and human advancement, (2) should avoid subjectivism and one-sidedness; stay away from materials that are political and religious,(3) should be connected to the purpose of the research, (4) should be grounded upon valid, real and , true facts, (5) materials need not be voluminous nor lesser in items. 

         In specific terms, Conceptual Literature’s materials, data, and other related topics originates from the books, journals, etc…while that of Related Studies comes from the modern technology such as internet and other researches from students undertaking graduate  thesis or dissertations.  Adherents of conceptual literature rely on others’ input to a certain topic and discussions, course of actions, or get an approach to an idea or thought.  Students or researcher who use this approach, are in a sense “eclectic” or those who gather every opinion from other sources and then choose what is good or bad.  Conceptual Literature helps researcher to “conceptualize” what is written in books or journals.  Sigmund Freud, the father of Psychology, for example, can let students learn to understand his theory by reading and analyzing his writings in Psychology books.  Researcher may expound on this topic by studying all his writings in different aspects or theories of personalities.  Students and researcher somehow attempt to unite all aspects of questions ranging from problem, purpose, literature review, methodology, data collection and analysis. (2)   Related literature helps the researcher delve more deeply into his topic.  It also guides him in treating vague points and, making comparisons between his researches and data with the collection of other similar studies.  However, there are things that need to ponder upon in following this kind of approach.  Researcher must see to it that related materials should be as recent as possible.  Again, in studying Sigmund Freud’s theories of personalities, the student has to go to the sources which are already been updated and revised by new breed of writers on Psychology, otherwise, there may be some absurdity that may arise.  Every literary work from the past needs “updating” and “modernization” so that it will regain its appeal to the reader.  Change in technology and, human lifestyle have to be considered too.   Researcher needs to bear in mind too that their researches should be objective and fair.  Espousing a certain political theory, religious groups or one-sidedness contradict related literature and its true value.  Partisan politics is not a characteristic of related studies nor of adhering to a certain belief.   Another thing is, research should be related or connected to inquiries and studies.  If a researcher research on the existence of God, then he has to use materials that pertains to anything that proves God’s existence and attributes.  If he ventures to use Psychology materials or books in attempting that God really exists, then he might miss the point of his venture.  Useful books in proving the necessity of God’s existence are: Bible, cosmology, metaphysics and, St. Thomas Aquinas’ proofs of the existence of God.  Hence, the relatedness of the study.  The  work has to be based upon reliable, original and true facts or data.  They must be valid and truthful.  Of course, every work must be valid and truthful otherwise it deviates from the truth. Veracity of work has to be based upon reliable and original facts or data.  Epistemology, the study of the veracity of truth comes into the rescue in adhering to this approach of studies.



1.Thesis notes—Google

2. Wikipedia     



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