The topic will focus on the innovative approaches in lieu to managing communications adopted for business change and transformation within the organization.


            From within communication management of organizations, effectiveness is achieved when organizations attain their goals, but the goals must be appropriate in relation to the organization’s environment. Communication management helps the organization achieve research goals by identifying and building healthy relationships with the strategic constituencies. The healthier the relationships are, the more likely the organization will be successfully achieving what it sets out to achieve. The quality of relationships determines the effectiveness of the public relations function within the organization, to achieve creativity and innovation. Communication managers could fulfill the bridging functions and facilitate interaction and network building, as well as contributing to management, by ‘helping the corporation adjust to this change by creating understanding and making knowledge more productive’ (1992;  1995). The role of communication management is becoming increasingly relevant, if not invaluable. The core responsibility of communication management is the maintenance of relationships and the facilitation of interaction. Then, the communication becomes the basic requirement for organization and communication management becomes the strategic tool to manage the interactions ( 1992;  1995).




For the overview of the study, there can be impeding presence of communication within the organization, considering effective handling as well as communication management. The organizations are going through rapid changes and the role of innovative approach for communication management is needed to be identified, recognized and challenged. Information innovation approaches is core in transformation and change deemed possible into the operative areas of the organization. For instance, when the organization is threatened by several business environment changes, an outcome of information technology development as well as demand patterns of the business paradigm, the need for ample communication execution are to be applied and increased. Thus, as seen and viewed, it can be that, in certain high change situations, when the team building as well as manpower area of the organization needs to be initially involved into the communication assimilation of the organization, as communication is integral and serves as a major factor for organization success and development to always be in parallel with organization effectiveness and leadership over others. Furthermore, if the organization could utilize communication management more effectively and seen into a  two-way process and a participative way, there is the need to create as well as organize ideal and positive relationships into key players of the organization, and the need to assume management of communication along with the need to transform and embrace change. This research study will look into the communication ways and assimilation of the innovative processes which can be found into transformed and changed organization, and to assess and discover patterns of how the organization operations will have to be managed by presence of communication. Research implications are needed to be drawn into the issues of innovation that will affect positively and or negatively to the organization. There links to contingency view of communication. There will be the need to create a framework for analyzing communication settings and the need to suggest an alternative communication approach to respond to problems, to be ethically motivated. Thus, presenting an innovative paradigm that will emerge as response to innovative reality as well as to determine some treats of communication, relationship oriented and from communicative importance. This research will lay out some theory grounded foundation for having certain transformation and change centered perspectives from within guiding principles to realize several approach problems of the communication discipline as it can go beyond the background of innovative multidisciplinary communication approaches. Thus, there can be specific approach towards new media through which to communicate is constantly being created, bringing information to everyone with an active interest in innovation and technological developments. “Organizations that want to excel use communication management to assist in transformation and relationships within the environment. Communication players in the organization are also more likely to play a managerial and strategic role in the organization during times of instability” (1998;  1996). The main method for this research is to utilize narrative quantitative method into case study analysis and some pilot survey questionnaire method ideal for statement assessment and the utilization of Likert scaling for interpretation purposes. Aside, the need to discuss briefly the innovative approaches to change and transformation for effective communication and the need to explain the significance of communication management from within its determinants and methods triangulation. The need to understand fully the approaches of change, as well as the implications for communication management, it is necessary to look first at the process of communication from within concepts and attempts in explaining the research approach to be used.





I.                     Executive Summary

II.                   Introduction

III.                  Literature Review

-          The Process of Communication

-          Determinants to Communication management

-          Communication and Management

-          Transformation and Communication

-          Change and Communication

IV.               Research Methodology

V.                 Discussions, Findings and Analysis

VI.               Recommendations and Conclusion

VII.              Implications of Emergent Approaches for Communication Management during transformation and change

VIII.             References/ Bibliography

IX.               Appendices


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