Change Management

For ABC company, there needs to have ways to utilized within the research study will basically involve the process and the related information regarding the social change theory and its aspects that may result to a certain resistance to change such as in the field of social communication and how to manage change and strategies to avoid resistance to change in terms of social perspectives within a business and or a company’s context as well as point of view. Thus, any theory that purports to explain how these systems work and how oppressive social inequalities are maintained must not be so framed as to imply that those who benefit from them are not free to change them. Otherwise they would not be morally culpable for their part in perpetuating the system. The problem involved a kind of change-responsibility and resistance level problems, to avoid this problem any explanation of how process of social change are supported in a way that implies that both those who benefit and those who are responsible for challenging and resisting such sources of change. It might seem that social constructionist theories of male and white dominations could better handle this change dilemma but ‘social construction’ (1990) as a theoretical tendency is not a coherent whole.

Change is the process of going from one state to another, be it a subtle or total difference like for example, when ABC company brings in a systems analyst to model the existing structure they are more than likely going to want a new system implemented, thus creating change in embracing it, creating a giant change in companies across the globe. (1997) Moreover, it could be a reality that companies resist to certain changes in the workforce as for them change is negative in the sense that the company is changing its system, and staff members might feel that their jobs are being threatened like by the implementation of certain SCM systems and that a good change management is crucial as it’s not really that easy to make a loss from sudden, unplanned changes.

The framework of the ABC ways is based on competencies, which contribute to the timely and accurate implementation of SAP software and technologies. The core components of the ABC Methodology dramatically improve the SAP implementation timeline, while ensuring that all the steps in a new project are concisely addressed. Application – This is a team of successful developers’ average over 15 years of experience in SAP and systems management methodologies. The deep industry-specific implementation experience allows the company to quickly assess a company’s needs, and deliver a solution that is designed specifically to a company’s industry. Best Practices – The ABC methodology takes advantage of proven practices, utilizing best practices keeps the implementation process in alignment with proven and trusted practices, while delivering the desired company-specific SAP system. Configured Solutions – GEMS configures SAP solutions in synchronization within IT and business needs. Henceforth, change Management – It is essential that each new project has a seamless transition from old systems to new. New processes and systems demand change inside a company and managing the adoption and change of new systems is essential to the success of a project. The combination of GEMS expert training and the use of iTutor in the SAP Solution Manager, allows a company to seamlessly manage the transition from the old to new. GEMS extensive change management experience enables a company to accurately address the pain points that are often present in a systems change.

ABC Methodology Change Management

In the implementation of a new system, the ABC Methodology facilitates a fundamental change in the way in which applications work within an organization through the following means: Dramatically transforming old manual paper-flows and work tasks, or changing simple batch-based computer systems. Reducing costs, improving product throughput eliminating duplication and redundancy, improving supplier relationships, improving customer service levels, and improving product and service quality.

Training staff to use new system, and ease any cultural change aversion For ABC, supply chain management (SCM) is the combination of art and science that goes into improving the way your company finds the raw components it needs to make a product or service and deliver it to customers. Supply chain management software is possibly the most fractured group of software applications on the planet. Some vendors have assembled many of these different chunks of software together under a single roof, but no one has a complete package that is right for every company. For example, the company need to track demand, supply, manufacturing status, logistics and distribution. They also need to share data with supply chain partners at an ever increasing rate. Many SCM applications are reliant upon the kind of information that is stored in the most quantity inside ERP software.

Internal resistance to change

If selling supply chain systems is difficult on the outside, it isn’t much easier inside. Operations people are accustomed to dealing with phone calls, faxes and hunches scrawled on paper and will most likely want to keep it that way. If ABC can’t convince people that using the software will be worth their time, they will easily find ways to work around it. The company cannot disconnect the telephones and fax machines just because you have supply chain software in place. There is a diabolical twist to the quest for supply chain software acceptance among the employees. New supply chain systems process data as they are programmed to do, but the technology cannot absorb a company’s history and processes in the first few months after an implementation. Forecasters and planners need to understand that the first bits of information they get from a system might need some tweaking. If they are not warned about the system’s initial naiveté, they will think it is useless. In one case, just before a large automotive industry supplier installed a new supply chain forecasting application to predict demand for a product, an automaker put in an order for an unusually large number of units.

Supply chain management is a paradigm driving many businesses and in turn business relationships as of the present. Aside, customers are dictating how their orders and shipments will be handled. They want to drive out excess inventory and costs. They want their orders shipped complete, accurate, on time and in the manner they require. Compliance means continued business. Non-compliance means financial penalties and possible loss of business. Furthermore, ABC should distinguish between basic needs, such as delivery on time and advanced functions, the needs are attained and are mandatory, whereas advanced needs give a competitive advantage. The issue is not just to identify problems. It is to understand what the best practices are how performance compares, why it may not be competitive, what must be done to improve it and implementing changes.

Thus, activity based costing permits proper identification of the present cost of SCM, a starting point for SCM improvements. With this cost foundation, you can see the financial impact of supply chain programs as to revenue growth, asset utilization and cost reduction. ABC permits customer profitability and order profitability analysis. It permits non-traditional analyses such as performance measurement, partnering or outsourcing so important to competing. The supply chain management requires that an organization be built from the outside in, from the customer inward to what is required to meet his needs. SCM is not functional; it is a process that horizontally crosses the company. 


A healthy organization is one that welcomes change, supports learning and development of individual abilities. (2001) Furthermore, a successful organization development program should create an organizational culture that solves its own problems and adapts readily to changes in managerial wishes and the environment. In this sense the objective of implementing change is to create a learning, dynamic organization with a higher quality of working life for individuals (1993).



1.            How did you consult and inform the people affected by the change?

The introduction of change at ABC resulted to several effects on its personnel. Although the change project was intended to improve the company’s operations, negative issues had also been observed. For instance, the initiation of change in the company has been difficult at first due to the resistance of some employees. The employees believe that change in the company will only take valuable resources such as funds, time and energy. They also believe that changing their work routines will only lead to work disruption. This in turn affected the training programs conducted during the change implementation phase as some employees would refrain to participate in the said programs.

Internal change and external change may highly affect the people involved in the company, co in order for them to be prepared for the changes that would occur within the company, I proposed a meeting that would at least, give them a brief insight on the goings-on within the company. Though this meeting may not change the whole effect of the changes implemented, at least, the people involved would not feel left out.

2.         What risks did you identify and how did you overcome them?

As mentioned in the previous question, reactions on the specific changes differ, whether negative or positive. This effect of change had been cited in  (1951) theory of change. In this theory, Lewin noted that managers should be aware of the two types of resistance forces that can result from change. These forces are derived from customs or social habit and the other is from inner change resistance. The root of change resistance is brought about by the interplay between the group and its individual members. As most group members would want to maintain behavioral norms of the group, the individual resistance from each member would increase. This is the same in organizational application. Some ABC staff would want to maintain their usual work routines and practices; these employees’ resistance influences others, thus, the issue worsens.

The company however, did not leave the problem unaddressed. The management encouraged its staff to participate in its training sessions, one-on-one sessions, team meetings, and follow-up sessions. Once the one-on-one sessions got underway, positive word-of-mouth quickly began to change employee attitudes. When people heard about the effectiveness of the belief approach in solving various organizational problems – and how good their co-workers felt after their one-on-one sessions – they became less apprehensive about participating and even began to look forward to meeting with their managers.

3.   In what ways does your project support the strategic business directions of your organization?

Significant developments were obtained by the company through its introduction of change. Its ability to develop effective developmental strategies for instance, had been developed. Through the initiation of change, the company management was able to develop a change project that directly addresses its main issues. By developing an appropriate plan, PNS was able to gradually achieve its objectives. This development is important as this allows the company to apply cost-effective projects. The value of this development had been stressed by the contingency theory. Basically, the contingency theory stresses that there is no single way on how one can manage different organizations.

The change allowed the retail company to apply the concepts indicated in the contingency theory. In turn, this enabled the company to increase its competitiveness. Considering that the company is being threatened by the presence of several competitors and new business entrants, the change made it possible for PNS to maintain the business and integrate essential improvements. These include the development of highly-skilled employees, acquisition of better customer relations and enhancement overall store operations. In addition to this, the modifications in the company made its management sector more aware of the different pressures affecting the business. Another important development in the company brought about by change is that it made the company more adaptable, resourceful and creative. In terms of human relations, designing a change project that is directed for the customers and employees made the company more people-oriented, which is an important feature in today’s business sector. As people serve as the main support of the company, learning how to give them due value is an important factor for PNS’s progress in the future.


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