Waiting for Justice to Be Served


In July 15, 2008, Cindy Anthony dialed 911 to report that her three-year-old granddaughter had been missing for a month.

            “Have you reported that?” the dispatcher asked.

            “I’m trying to do that now,” Cindy said. She then stated that she would like to have her 22-year-old daughter, Casey Anthony, arrested for stealing her car and her money. An hour later, Cindy called 911 again.

            “… My daughter was missing for a month. I just found her today. But I can’t find my granddaughter. She just admitted to me that she’s been trying to find her herself. There’s something wrong. I found my daughter’s car today and it smells like there’s been a dead body in the damn car.”

            The dispatcher requested to speak with Casey, who then claimed that, for the last thirty one days, her daughter –– 2-year-old Caylee Anthony –– was kidnapped by babysitter Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzales.

            “Why are you calling now?” the operator asked. “Why didn’t you call 31 days ago?”

            “’I’ve been looking for her and have gone through other resources to try to find her,” Casey said, “which was stupid.”

            ‘Stupid’ is the term I’d use to describe the alleged child killer Casey Anthony after she cooked up an elaborate imaginary world where a criminal mastermind babysitter, whom nobody –– not friends, family, nor former boyfriends –– had ever seen or met before, abducted and killed her daughter and managed to elude police officials, vanishing without a trace.

Tot Mom’s Fictitious Tale

            Anthony had spat out lie after lie when questioned by police officials and her parents regarding her whereabouts between June 16, 2008 (the day Casey left the house of her parents Cindy and George, taking Caylee with her) and July 15, 2008. Casey had told her mother, who had asked repeatedly to see Caylee, that she and Caylee were sleeping over at a former co-worker’s at Universal Studios. This co-worker was Zanaiga “Zanny” Gonzales, who went from a supporting character to evil villain in Anthony’s fictitious tale.  Casey had also told her mother that she went on a business trip in Tampa, and then that she went out of town to see a former boyfriend named Jeffrey Hopkins.

            In truth, Casey Anthony had spent that time in her life shacking up with then-boyfriend Tony Lazzaro. While Casey maintains that she had been looking for her missing daughter, prosecutors claim that this was false and instead, Anthony had lived the good life: shopping during the day, partying by night. According to Lazzaro, Casey seemed upbeat –– strange behavior for a mother whose daughter had been kidnapped.

            Five months following Cindy Anthony’s hysteric 911 calls, celebrity coroner Jan Garavaglia determined that the remains found in a forested area near the Anthony’s home belonged to Caylee. Casey was then charged with first-degree murder, and her trial began on May 2011. Although the cause of death has yet to be determined, prosecutors think that Casey asphyxiated her daughter by wrapping duct tape three times around Caylee’s head.


Dr. G’s Testimony

            Dr. Jan Garavaglia, a.k.a. Dr. G., the star of the Discovery Health Channel show Dr. G: Medical Examiner, testified in court, adamantly stating that Caylee Anthony was, indeed murdered and that there isn’t any other logical explanation.

            Casey Anthony’s legal team maintains that Caylee died of an accidental drowning and attorney Cheney Mason was more than a little hostile when cross-examining the coroner, especially when Dr. G pointed out that if Caylee had drowned, why wasn’t her death reported?

            “Accidental deaths are reported unless there is a reason for it not to be,” Garavaglia said.

            “No child should have duct tape on its mouth when it dies,” she added.


            Casey Anthony’s legal team must be having a bitch of a time, considering their case was weak to begin with and that their client may be a delusional loon who truly believes that Gonzales –– who, it turns out, has never met Casey and has filed a defamation suit –– actually kidnapped and murdered the toddler. Or she could truly be a murderous bitch who killed her daughter and sheds fake tears during the trial to garner sympathy while basking in all the attention. The world’s attention is riveted to the murder trial, waiting for justice to be served, while Casey Anthony continues to rise to infamy. Let us take a moment to pray for the darling little girl, who was much too young to be a victim of violence. It’s hard to feel sorry for Casey Anthony, who cries at the thought of facing a death penalty. Especially when looking at the picture of the little girl who could have lived a full, happy life.



·         Matt Semino, Huffington Post. (2011). The Casey Anthony Trial, a Cult of Infamy. Available: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/matt-semino/casey-anthony-trial_b_862174.html. Last accessed June 11 2011.

·         Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (2011). Death of Caylee Anthony – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Available: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Caylee_Anthony. Last accessed June 11 2011.

·         Megan Towey, CBS News. (2011). Casey Anthony murder trial begins in Fla. – Crimesider – CBS News. Available: http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-504083_162-20061150-504083.html. Last accessed June 11 2011.

·         Barbara Liston, Reuters. (2011). Casey Anthony texts: guess who spends eternity in jail | Reuters. Available: http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/05/28/us-crime-anthony-idUSTRE74Q03H20110528. Last accessed June 11 2011.

·         CNN Wire Staff, CNN Justice. (2011). Judge: Casey Anthony’s parents can be at trial, over her objection – CNN. Available: http://articles.cnn.com/2011-05-06/justice/florida.casey.anthony_1_george-and-cindy-anthony-caylee-prosecution/2?_s=PM:CRIME. Last accessed June 11 2011.

·         Cara Hutt, In Session, CNN Justice. (2011). Week 2: Jury learns of Casey Anthony’s web of falsehoods – CNN. Available: http://articles.cnn.com/2011-06-04/justice/casey.anthony.weekly.wrap_1_cindy-anthony-casey-anthony-anthony-family-home?_s=PM:CRIME. Last accessed June 11 2011.

·         Steve Helling, People.com. (2011). Discovery Channel coroner Dr. G testifies at Casey Anthony trial : People.com. Available: http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20501892,00.html. Last accessed June 11 2011.

·         HelpFindTheMissing.org. (2008). 911 calls, FL v Casey Anthony, Crimes & Trials, Help Find The Missing. Available: http://helpfindthemissing.org/forum/showthread.php?t=6911. Last accessed June 11 2011.



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