Pregnant women are sensitive as they pass on the most difficult part of their life like Della who was admitted to the antennal ward from the triage. As of her pregnancy, she had a lot of admissions for many reasons such as pain in the abdomen and fetal movements, her hydronephrosis and nephrostomy to the antennal ward by herself. So there must be an appropriate care that may be suitable to the case of Della; responsibility for deliveries should be taken into consideration by midwives as they will guide her during her pregnancy, delivery and postnatal period and the general practitioners who will record all the necessary information about her for the effective operation. Building relationship also to patients like Della is also essential aside from promoting primary health care. This will preserve and intensify the delivery, so as to address the potential delivery of the patient as well as the desired pregnancy and giving of birth. As a result of the cooperation of the health care people; through the skills they contribute and the discipline they think about, Della has been successful in giving birth


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