Infant Observation

Table of Contents


 TOC \o “1-3″ \h \z \u INTRODUCTION.. PAGEREF _Toc216004866 \h 2

METHOD.. PAGEREF _Toc216004867 \h 5

THE NEW BORN.. PAGEREF _Toc216004868 \h 6

First Month.. PAGEREF _Toc216004869 \h 9

Second Month.. PAGEREF _Toc216004870 \h 10

Third Month.. PAGEREF _Toc216004871 \h 10

Fourth Month.. PAGEREF _Toc216004872 \h 11

6 months 5 days. PAGEREF _Toc216004873 \h 11

Clara is now 8 months. PAGEREF _Toc216004874 \h 13

9 Months 7 Days. PAGEREF _Toc216004875 \h 13

10 Months 5 Days. PAGEREF _Toc216004876 \h 15

11 months 8 days. PAGEREF _Toc216004877 \h 15

12 Months One Weeks. PAGEREF _Toc216004878 \h 16

THE PRE-SCHOOL.. PAGEREF _Toc216004879 \h 17

February. PAGEREF _Toc216004880 \h 17

March.. PAGEREF _Toc216004881 \h 18

April PAGEREF _Toc216004882 \h 20

July. PAGEREF _Toc216004883 \h 22

September. PAGEREF _Toc216004884 \h 23

October. PAGEREF _Toc216004885 \h 24

Repairing Attachment Disorder. PAGEREF _Toc216004886 \h 24


Childhood days. PAGEREF _Toc216004888 \h 26

His present illness. PAGEREF _Toc216004889 \h 30

CONCLUSION.. PAGEREF _Toc216004890 \h 32

References. PAGEREF _Toc216004891 \h 33






            Attachment is the bond of tie between an individual and an attachment figure. Between two adults, attachment can be reciprocal and mutual, on the other hand, between a child and his or her parental or care giving figure, attachment are likely to be asymmetric. The attachment theory explained that the need for safety as well as protection that is paramount in infancy as well as childhood is considered as the basis of the said bond (Bretherton 1992).

            Charles Darwin said that animals were, in the first place rendered social, and that they feel, as a consequence, uncomfortable when they separated from each other, on the other hand, they feel the other way around when they are together.  The said statement suggest that Darwin may have been the first attachment theorist, but he just focused on the society instead of specific person in the life of an individual and comrades instead of figures (Cassidy & Shaver 1999, p. 115).  As a result, he became the first person that appreciated the degree where in human social nature may have been the product of strong, directional selection pressure.

            Attachment theory can be considered as the joint work of John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth, by drawing important concepts from ethology, cybernetics, information processing, developmental psychology as well as psychoanalysts. John Bowlby is the one that formulated the basic tenets of the theory by revolutionizing the idea regarding the bond or tie of a child to his or her mother, as well as their disruption by their separation, deprivation as well as bereavement. On the other hand, Mary Ainsworth offers innovative methodology that had helped to made it possible to test some of the ideas of Bowlby in empirical ways but also helped to expand the theory that is responsible for some of the new direction of the subject. In addition, Ainsworth focuses on explaining the existence of attachment figure as a secure base where in an infant can explore the world. Furthermore, she also formulated the concept regarding the maternal sensitivity to the infant signals as well as its role in the development of the infant-mother attachment patterns (Bretherton 1992).

            Bowlby admired the theoretical vision of Darwin spent much of his career treading an in intellectual path that Darwin had established first. Bowlby developed a grand theory regarding the personality development across the lifespan which is the lifespan. His interest towards the subject of cognitive, emotional as well as behavioral ties that connections of human began with a perceptive observation. He stated that across all human culture, and even several primate species, young and vulnerable infants tend to display a given sequence of reactions that follows after his or her separation from his or her stronger, older and often wiser caregivers. Instantaneously, after the separation, the infant more often protest vehemently, crying, screaming as well as throwing temper tantrums as they reach for their caregivers. According to Bowlby, the said strong protest during the early phases of absence of the caregiver is an initial strategy that helps to encourage survival, especially in different species with the developmentally immature and highly dependent infants (Cassidy & Shaver 1999, p. 115). Furthermore, if the loud and persistent protests of the infant fail to retrieve their caregivers, they will soon enter the second stage, which is despair, where in their motor activity slow down and they fall silent. According to Bowlby, despondency is considered as the logical second strategy that can be used in order to promote survival. Excessive movement for a long periods of time may result in different injuries and damage and their loud protest with movement are likely to draw predators, that’s why if the protest fail to retrieve their caregivers, the next best strategy for survival is to avoid actions that may result to the risk of self-inflicted harm or even predation (Cassidy & Shaver 1999, p. 116).

            After that stage, infants who are not yet reunited with their caregivers will enter the third and final stage, which is detachment. In this phase the infant begin to continue or resume his or her normal activity in the absence of a caregiver that will lead them to show manner of highly independent and self-reliant. According to Bowlby the main function of detachment is to clear or remove away all the formed affectional relationship in order to give way with the new and potential caregivers (Cassidy & Shaver 1999, p. 116).

Ainsworth focuses on the security theory that stated that the infant and young children need to develop a secure dependence on their parents before launching out into unfamiliar situations. In her study about the evaluation of Adjustment Based Upon the Concept of Security, she stated that the familial security during the early stages is considered as of a dependent type that helps to form different basis from the individual that can work out gradually, forming new skills as well as interests in other fields. When the familial security is lacking, the individual is handicapped by the lack of what might call as secure base italics added from which to work (Bretherton 1992).



            These studies use the top priority extensive naturalistic observation. It is considered as the most direct way in order to assess child and adolescent behaviour in the setting where in the behaviour typically occurs (Merrell 2003, p. 53). The essential elements of the said method focuses in: observation and recording; objective observers; and behavioural description system that requires a minimal amount of interference by the observers-coders (Merrell 2003, p. 53).

            These studies were conducted by visiting the families in their homes and schools over one year period in order to observe the normal changes in terms of interaction. The allocated time that was spent in each and every session of observation was one hour and was done weekly based on the arrangement between the parents and school and school authorities and the observers.

            This paper will focus on analyzing three different stories: a newborn from her first day of life to one year; a 3 ½ preschool child; and a clinical study case of an adolescent of 18 years, and its connection with the attachment theory.



            This story is about Clara’s mother that shows about her conflicting relationship with the father, and the early days of Clara.

            At the moment Clara’s mother suspected that she’s pregnant, she visited and consulted a physician and made series of pharmaceutical test for pregnancy that show negative result. After few more weeks, she decided to undergo a blood test that returns positive result. She said that, at first, she was really scared because the pregnancy was unexpected, however, at the same time, she felt happy. As she received the news, she immediately told this to her boyfriend, and his reaction was unexpected. He was quite and then told her that he was not yet ready to have a child. To her surprise, the next day, the young man went back to his home country, in Africa and after a few days she found out that her boyfriend’s primary reason in going back to Africa is to get married.

            She attempted desperately to contact him and explain to him how delicate her situation is and for reconciliation and solution, however, the boyfriend gave a repulsive reply and suggested that the best solution to their problem was for her to have an abortion. However, she still decided to continue her pregnancy despite of her present state of disturbance. The said situation shows lack of support from the father, and it is considered as one of the most important causes of attachment disorder (Geoghegan 2008).

            In addition, Clara’s mother is a young Italian woman with thalassemia, a hereditary form of anemia that interferes with the normal production of hemoglobin (Holt International n.d.). The said condition is important because during pregnancy, the fetus uses the red blood cells of the mother for growth as well as development, more specifically during the last three months of pregnancy (Children’s Health Center 2008). Aside from that, it is also important to consider the young age of the mother, together with the unexpected pregnancy that are considered as one of the most vital causes of attachment disorder, and because it is thalassemia is a hereditary disease, there is a big chance that Clara can have it, and there are different studies which shows that related attachment disorder to neglect and nutritional deprivation, primarily anemia that caused by iron deficiency (Lubit, Maldonado-Duran, Helmig & Lartigue 2006). In connection to that, Clara’s mother had a heated discussion with her boyfriend regarding her being thalassemic, thus, each of their meeting and contact in personal and via phone has always been stressful, that resulted Clara’s mother to adapt an incoherent attitude that kept her in doubt regarding her decision to continue her pregnancy.

            When I enquired regarding her emotional state and sentiments during that time, she told me that she have a deeply unconstructive sensation such as loneliness, sense of abandonment, sense of guilt because her future child will not have a legitimate father, and anger due to the fact that her future and professional career was at stake. Furthermore, she also stated that each time they met, instead hearing consolation, her boyfriends hurt her in psychological way and it affects her state of mind due to her violent reactions. However, the said situation did not affect her entire psychological being and strongly continue her pregnancy. As a result, they decided to separate and go on with their own individual life, but maintain minimal conversation.

            She also stated that during her 7th month, she fainted in public places twice because of low arterial pressure as well as high Easter temperature. Apart from the sense of abandon, she was also very far away from her parents, that why she could not have even their important moral support and lack of extended kin support can cause attachment disorder (HelpGuide.Org 2008). In addition, her last ultrasound showed that she has borderline ventriculomegaly that caused her to undergo series of ultrasound control tests before the end of her pregnancy that accentuates her anxiousness.

            Clara was born at 41 weeks by cesarean cut after 17 hours of labor. According to her, she was planned to undergo normal delivery however du to complete dilation of her cervical canal, the child remained blocked-up, that’s why the doctor decided to have her under surgery. Clara was born 4100 g in weight, 52 cm in height, APGAR score of 9, with no any serious medical problem, even the third ventricle that was previously dilated was normal. Soon after her birth, she started breast feeding.

            Her anxiety did not end after Clara’s birth, most of the people cannot believe that Clara’s father was an African due to the color of her skin, and the fact that she declare at the birth declaration office that Clara’s father is unknown causes her to cry all night. However, the said situation did not pushed Clara’s mother to be engaged in different activities that can be dangerous for her baby.


First Month

            Ten days after Clara’s birth, her mother told me that she never cried, and that she was an energetic child, calm and quiet and looks with much attention in her environment and she was always looking at her mother and other people. Her mother reported that during their stay in the hospital, Clara was attracted to a red cupboard and this can be observed in her fixed focus towards the said object.

            During her first month, she slept for long hours, and her mother always carry her about 10 to 20 times a day and kept on rocking her. Clara’s mother loved the feeling of having a child and she always speak to her baby because being a mother gave her a new feeling of taking care of another life. As a result, she exclaimed that Clara’s presence has lowered her anxiety and problems just a month back, because, she was much occupied towards taking good care of Clara.

            Given the said situation, the reversed attachment can be observed, where in Clara’s mother sees Clara as her source of comfort that is insecure and vulnerable, the relationship is considered as inverted and the infant, although unable to reassure the parent completely, provides the security (Gardner 2005). However, its impact on Clara’s behavior can be seen in the future.


Second Month

            During the 2nd month, Clara did not show any behavior that can be connected with the attachment disorders. She showed healthy eating or breastfeeding habit. However, in during the said time, the mother experienced two stressful events: first, Clara, experienced abdominal pain that made her cry; and second the return of Clara’s father to recognized their daughter, however, the said initiative has a wicked intention and that is to make his and his wife’s stay in the country forever. As a result, she did her very best to stay away from Clara’s father and his new family. During the second month, due to the fact that Clara’s mother doesn’t have any close relatives in her place, and she only have her baby as her source of strength, that’s why it made a reverse attachment to be strong.


Third Month

            Clara reached 8500g in her exclusively on breast milk. During the third month it can be observed that she is already responding to her mother by emitting sounds and other facial expression. She is already extending her hand in order to touch her toys that are hung over her head and brings her hand to the mouth several times and bring her fingers together.  It can be observed that Clara and her mother has a strong relationship and closeness, her mother keeps on teasing her by touching the side of her stomach, and Clara will respond by laughing and kicking. After playtime, the mother carried her, fixed herself comfortably in order to feed her. Clara sucks joyfully and then falls asleep. During this time, it can be observed that Clara’s mother devote much of her time towards her only child, and perhaps her only family in the place.

Fourth Month

            During 4th month, Clara was being carried by her mother to her lessons. According her mother, Clara played very much with her colleagues, and most of them found her very attractive. The said behavior is important to observe because it can be a symptoms of attachment disorder that is superficially engaging, affectionate, charming or phony behavior (Focus Adolescent Services 2008). As a result, Clara is always showered with complements by her mother regarding her beauty and bravery. 


6 months 5 days

            At 6th months, Clara already reached 10,500 g. At 6 months of age, Clara looks very beautiful, a colored  child with much black hair, brown eyes and with a weight of 10,500g. Clara’s pediatrician was amazed by the increased of her weight. Clara’s mother explained that she already introduced solid food for Clara, as a substitution for breast milk. The said increased of weight is important due to the fact that one of the most important symptoms of attachment disorder is obsession for food, and in the case of Clara, she is somewhat obsess with her mother’s milk. There are also some times where in Clara bites and plays with her mother’s nipple. In addition, her mother explained that Clara’s way to sleep is to accompany her with her breast.

            Clara has a designated room for her toys; where in different animal toys can be found on the floor. During one of my visit, Clara was not excited to play. Her mother explained that this is due to my presence, because Clara always plays their alone and will continue to play there for one or more hour, when there is no other person around. So the mother placed Clara in other place and offer different toys which make Clara to observe and start interacting with them.

            According to the mother, Clara seldom cries at night, but she always in the good mood during daytime. This shows that Clara is not used to being with other people, beside her mother inside their house. It can be symptoms for attachment disorder due to the fact that she does not have the ability to develop and maintain friendships with other people (Focus Adolescent Services 2008). 

            On the other hand, during this time, Clara is already showing signs of learning such as imitating the sound by a lion and magic.


Seven months 9 days

            During 7th months, Clara’s mother stated that they’ve already spent their day at the sea shore. According to her, Clara is already used to water because they have already attended some swimming classes. However, during the initial contact with cold sea water, Clara feels fearsome. 

            Furthermore, Clara loves dancing whenever she hears music, and she loves playing toys and throwing them away.

            During one of my observation, I found out that Clara is somewhat dependent to her mother. Her mother was engage in other activities, and Clara was busy playing. After some time, Clara starts to search for her mother, and when she found out that her mother was not there, she started to muse and protest. When her mother heard Clara crying, she appears so that her presence can console her, and then go back to her work. Aside from that, no one can stop hear from crying but her mother. The said behavior is important because being needy and clingy can be symptoms for attachment disorder.

            I also observed her behavior during meal time. Her diet is consists of vegetable. As a result, Clara eats just one or two spoons and rejects the rest. Her mother complains that she has not succeeded to feed her out of her breast milk.

            Her mother always sing for her at night and Clara responded by dancing and showing hand movements. Thus, her mother always tells her how good she was.


Clara is now 8 months

            At 8th months, Clara is still very dependent on the breast milk of her mother. In addition, Clara has already developed the habit of dragging every object that she comes contact with. That’s why her mother has to stop her minute by minute. The said situation shows one of the symptoms of attachment disorder, where in Clara is showing lack of control in grasping every things that she can reach (Focus Adolescent Services 2008).

            In addition, Clara continues to become more charming by impressing me by dancing with the tune of her favorite piece of music. As a result, her mother gives her complements that she loved.


9 Months 7 Days

            During this time, I observed that Clara is already familiar with me. As soon as she saw me, she dash with her hands and trunks showing that she wants me to carry her. However, it can be observed that Clara looked at me in inquiring manner and then to her mother. In addition, I also joined her during her playtime and found out that she is not that comfortable and surprise that there was other people in the room. She wonders around with her hands, takes up a toy in order to play for it for a while, abandon it, and then takes another. She also displaces herself moving her buttocks a few centimeters but still within the limits of the carpet.

            I also noticed that her mother is always there whenever she’s about to cry or show signs of tiredness. In order to shift her attention, her mother offers her toys or objects that are producing tones. In addition, Clara plays with both her hands and legs and takes hold of her toe with both hands and then direct them towards her mouth. She also claps her hands and makes different facial expression.

            When her mother, don’t show up in quite some time, she becomes irritated and looks around and then starts uttering noises. Once, I have tried to comfort her, by presenting her different toys. However, I was not successful, that’s why her mother left her works and joins Clara. I also observed that whenever Clara cries, her mother always breastfed her, in order to stop her from crying. She sucks from one breast to another that causes the mother to adjust her position each time. As a result, Clara makes fun of her mother’s breasts, look at her mother and then at me. She puts her little hand on the breast pressing it hard even against the protest of the mother. She also buries her head between the two breasts pretending to suck. Her mother explained that she is just playing.

            Other behavior of Clara did not change such as being charming as well as her being clingy to her mother. She always plays quietly, and always looks around assuring that her mother is within her sight and reach. When she sees her mother she always smiled. She also shows affection by presenting how intelligent she was such as mimicking the movement of the duck, flying bird and the sound of the lion. Us usual, her mother always gives her compliments.


10 Months 5 Days

            During 10 months, Clara was already into solid food. Her mother told that banana is her favorite food. In addition, her mother always offers Clara, whatever she eats, and as a result Clara eats it without resistance. This is important because this can be the impact of the behavior of the mother towards Clara. It is important to consider that Clara is starting to show symptoms of reversed attachment where in the child closely monitors the mood of the parents, learns to respond with the compliance to the demands of the parents and manages to cope by suppressing their own needs, having learnt not to make demands (Reder & Duncan 2003, p. 82).


11 months 8 days

            During this month, the observation took place at a public garden where in children of 6 months to 5 years are brought to play. I observed that Clara looks attentively at other passing visitors. She would turn her head in the direction of her eyes until the passerby goes out of her sight. The said movement keeps on repeating. One of the most positive behaviors of Clara is that she was really happy on seeing people and if there will be any possibility, she will interact with them. She stares with other children who are running and playing in the pace, with excitement in her face.

            Clara was placed by her mother on a playground that is full of pebbles and sand and then offers her toys: spade, pot, spoon, bucket, plates, frying pan and others. At first, Clara was somewhat agitated on seeing other children. But she smiled at them when they come running, and bigger children help her fill her bucket with sand and she also does it with herself. She also placed the bucket over her head and throws it back. However, during the entire play time, she was more or less at the same spot, but extends her hand to reach the toys and other children. However, it is observable that she plays with an eye close to her mother who sat just a meter away.


12 Months One Weeks

            During the 12th month, I observed that Clara clung on the right breast and then remain sucking and playing with it. The said behavior went on for about 10 minutes, and then her mother reprimanded her due to her exaggeration. She did not want to leave the breast as she held it with both hands with her mouth firmly attached to the nipple. The said situation keeps the mother to feel uncomfortable and ask me to pull her away from her breast, and when her mother reprimand her, she did not let go of the breasts as her gums clung onto the nipple of the mother’s breast that caused it to stretched and bite it. Clara did it with much satisfaction by smiling. The said situation shows some of the symptoms of attachment disorder such as aggression and violence as well as lack of empathy, compassion and remorse ( 2008).

            In the end, Clara does not have any simple and serious health problems, however it is important to consider that there are some instances where in Clara is already showing some signs of attachment disorders. It is due to the behavior of her mother towards her. If the said situation continues, there is a big chance that she will show anxiety, lack of self-confidence, low self-esteem, lack of ego-differentiation as well as preoccupation with the parents’ well-being and comfort (Reder & Duncan 2003, p. 82).




            This story focuses on the observation regarding 3 ½ years in March 3, 2008. His mother is 35, a nursery school instructor, while his father is 41, a civil engineer. He has a senior brother, 6-years old.



            Inside the room, trampolines of different shapes, seesaws, ladders, football pole, a tunnel, mattresses of different dimensions and other objects can be found. Out of 23 pupils, about 2/3 of them were running from one end of the play ground to another. The L, the pupil to be observed ran after another child and both dived into the mattress nearby. He later on climbed up a ladder to the top of miniature house and slides back down.

            After a good time that have spent in playing, another fellow introduced a football, and I see him immediately joint the kicking team that went on in the room and was only brought to stop by the mistress, then went on this way, abandoning one set of play for another.

            For the next 30 minutes, none of the children took notice of me, and started noticing me, when they are already exhausted and tired. Afterwards, they come forward to their mistress in order to remove their pullovers, while other comes towards me in order to have my assistance. Some of them told information about their name, thief family, birthday and others.

            I also notice that L is exchanging glances and conversation with the queen of the play. The child with the black hair cut at the reams of the neck is smart looking and speaks clearly. After that, there came a long list of complains to the mistress, that dedicated the said child and L to go to the kitchen in order to search for ice.

            After a considerable time of chaotic playing, the pupils where instructed by the mistress in order to form a couple and then match into the bathroom for the cleaning up activity. L searched for her partner and then took a position on the line and then matched out of the playing room. I find him brushing his mouth on the wash hand basin, went into locker and then took towel and with the assistance of the mistress, L had been able to take off his tidings and cleaned his self. After that, he put on his new clothes and socks and carried the dirty one to the dirty locker.

            During the first day of observation, it can be said that L is showing normal behavior, aside from the fact that his interests easily expires. 



            This observation was took place in the garden. L was with his 3 friends, 2 males and female. All of the boys were wearing face caps for unknown reason. All of the children were involved in sort of play where in L took the part of a dog that chases an animal, and he does it by chasing his friends on his four arms. When his friends caught my presence, they somehow communicated with each other and turned towards to my direction.

            Later on, L left his first playmate and then found himself with other fellows that mimic the galloping horses, where in one will take the position of the horse and then a friend will take position as the rider. Afterwards they will exchanges positions and the game will go on. It can be observed that all of the children are enjoying it.

            Afterwards, L spotted his friends at the top of two way ladder and then climbed to in order to meet them. Then, the three sat at the peak of the ladder observing other children who are playing beneath them. At the top, the three plays and interacts with each other. One grabs the cap of other, and then the cap will fall, and then the three will raced down the ladder scrambling, and determining who will be the first to pick up the cap.

            After the time for garden playtime ended, the mistress warn that the play will soon be over, and instructed the pupils to line and pairs and match inside the classroom. Despite the said instruction, the playing continued as if the mistress did not say anything. Then L spotted another group of pupil that is lined-up for their turn to swing, and he was third of the line. While, on the other hand, group of children are already marching into the classroom. L was left there with one pupil that decided not to give up. He continued to swing, however, due to the fact that most of the pupil gone inside the classroom, there was no one to help him swing up and down, thus he decided to abandoned the play and joined the rest of the pupil inside the classroom. The said situation can be connected or related with the attachment disorder where in it shows that he is having a behavioral problem at school as well as his lack of self control (HelpGuide.Org 2008).



            I observed that L was holding two animal toys: a lion and a tiger, and kept them on the table and facing one another. Afterwards, he went into his mother’s arms and complains about something, as a respond his mother carried him, kissed him and encourages him. He waited in the parlor and then collected his two animals’ toys and started playing with them. He later on placed the two animal figures on the table facing each other and commands them to fight and communicates with them. It can be observed that he is somewhat satisfied with this activity. Then he made the animals stand side by side as if they were friends. Furthermore, his mother comes near him and ask which of the two is stronger, and then he answer his mother and then continues the fighting scenes that is accompanied by animal sounds.



            Inside the classroom, the children were apparently divided into 4 groups while seating and playing on the 4 large tables that are made up of 2 small tables that were joined together. Each pupil was free to move and joined any group of his choice and none was aloud to loiter and fur different activities were carried out for each and every table. L seated amongst 3 female friends. Each and every one was busy drawing or coloring. Each table contains 4 cylindrical cups that contains crayons, where in pupil can get crayons to be used for coloring.

            L told his friends that he will draw a beans, and then he will lifts-up his head in order to see what the other pupils were drawing and often chats with someone or comments about the drawing of other. He deployed most of the crayons at his disposal and exchanges with his partner in order to draw his beans. When he was sure that his drawing was done, he lined up towards the mistress in order to present his project. However, his drawing looks like banana instead of beans.

            After correcting their works, the mistress labels them with the appropriate name and orders all the pupils to place it on their personalized albums. Afterwards, L and other pupils let me see their works and look happy to get their approval.

            Afterwards, L abandoned his group and move to a group of boys who are constructing models by using small blocks of different shapes, where in every one was busy doing something. He decided to create his tall building or skyscraper. After some minute of silent work of dismantling and reconstructing, he came up with a gigantic structure. As a result, other children were attracted to him and other pupils offer help by giving him a piece of material. At the end, the work is considered as a result of a team work. When they are finished, he carried the structure, together with other two pupils in order to show it to the mistress. Unfortunately, one pupil stumbles on them in this process and the work partially crumbles. L dropped on his knees and pick up the rest of what was left, and attempted to rebuild the structure. However they did not succeed to make their Mistress sees their effort.

            As a result, L retires in an angle of the classroom and relaxes on a trampoline that was placed on the floor, first on the lying position and in supine one. He just stayed there, plays with one toy. Time and time again, he will be distracted by a friend that will make him to move but comes back eventually. After, it shows that he is not that interested on what is going on.

            I also observed that L shows empathy and compassion, he saw a mate that can be younger than him who is trying to reach a card pinned on the wall by placing a chair and climbing on it. L went towards to help the girl and helped to bring her down gently, took the chair to its place, before they were joined by the mistress.



            I found out that L and his senior brother were busy putting together pieces of papers of a puzzle in an attempt to construct something, together with their mother. L and brother got into a little argument and the presence of the mother, most especially it is obvious that she always favors to his first son. Afterwards, she dismantled he game and started it all over and came-up triumphantly with he same structure after several attempts and happy abut it.

            In addition, he came up to me with a rectangular cardboard that shows a picture of a house, with a garden and the center of the garden, a tree and a bear. He later on explains the scenery of the picture and a slow and impressive voice. Later on, he was pleased to receive my appreciation. Then, he went straight into their room and brought out another carton such constructive playing objects, and was ready to go to work. But her mother interrupted him, by inviting him on the table because there is something important going on. Then, L, her mother and her brother, go to table looking at a group picture, the class picture of his brother. This is due to the fact that the class is ending. The mother then asks the brother to identify his friends by name, the brother tries, but unfortunately he failed. The mother then asked L if he could remember the names of his friends, but he did not have any picture of them, L had been able to identify them. This challenges the brother, who took a pen and piece of paper and wrote the names of his friends that are found in the picture.

            Later on, L and his brother retired into their room and then L played with his mother.

            During this time, it is observable that her mother is offering an unequal attention towards her son. It is obvious that the mother devotes much of her time, attention to L. As a result, the mother is always favoring the side of L. The said behavior of the parents has an impact towards the current and future behavior of L, not to mention his brother.  



            During this observation, I found out that L is a child who talks very little, he plays much more than he talks. However, L can express himself like the others; he chooses his preferred color and play well over it till the mistress says it was enough and then took it carefully and placed it amongst the others on the large center table. It shows that L is just the same as other pupils.



            One of the most important thing that I have found out during this time is that although, L is somewhat connected with attachment disorder, L does not show lack of conscience. After playing with the brother, L went to the kitchen and took a freak of yogurt without asking the permission of the mother. As a result, his mother reprimands him and his face shows that he was ashamed and guilty.

            All in all, it can be said that L is just like a normal child; however the mother must focus on the fact that L is also showing some important symptoms of attachment disorders that can cause him to become bossy or sneaky, speech and language problems (HelpGuide.Org 2008).


Repairing Attachment Disorder

            Generally, children with attachment disorder shows problem regarding social relationships, insecurely attached children and may become even more isolated and withdrawn from their primary caregivers, family and friends. Thus, they maybe seen as bratty or bullies that makes them hard to form a good relationship with people (HelpGuide.Org 2008).

            According to the, the following are things that can be done in order to repair attachment disorder:

§ Parents must learn to create secure attachment. This will include interactive that focuses on verbal and nonverbal skills. This is because children can sense the moods of the parents;

§ It is also important for the parents to have a support. This is due to the fact that the emotional health of the parents has a direct and huge impact over the future emotional and mental aspects of the child;

§ Parents must help the child to express his or her needs. Thus, children must not learned not to cry if he or she is in pain or frightened or not associated touch with being soothed. Furthermore, they may revert to developmentally inappropriate behaviors if they are stressed or scared;

§ Parents must focus on time, consistency and predictability. Problems regarding attachment are somewhat a problem regarding trust. Thus, repairing an attachment disruption takes time, consistency and patience. Thus, it is important for the children to realize that they can also trust and rely on other people around them (HelpGuide.Org 2008).



            Stefano was born and was raised in Trieste with his father. His father is 43 years old from Naples and works as a generic cleaner, a job that he has been doping for many years. He said that he has changed from one unskilled job to another due to the fact that he never had an opportunity to have any formal training that would have landed him on a better job. Currently, Stefano is now 18, and has a junior sister of 15 who stays with their mother. Their parents were already together for 20 years. Stefano is suffering from attachment disorder hat was already visible during his childhood, however due to the conflicting relationship and situation of his family, it was not take care of and resulted to huge behavioral and mental disorder during his adolescence years.


Childhood days

            Stefano’s parents separated when he was just 4 years. During his earlier school years, he stayed with the mother. He and her mother stay in a mother-child temporal rehabilitation home at Pascoli Besegui. Later on, Stefano was entrusted to a volunteer family. According to the father, during that time, Stefano shows a drastic change in his life.

            Stefano was enrolled into a day care center and seemed to thrive in the said environment and would look forward to his twice weekly visits. However, just before his 5th birthday, Stefano grew ill and had to be withdrawn from the school for more than a month. Subsequently, Stefano was brought to the center and then taken back home, almost a month later because of the instability of his health. As a result, each time he goes to the center, he’s always highly agitated. Due to the request of the school, his mother withdrew him from the program as well as from the volunteer. It is important to consider that the loss of the parents is the most common causes of attachment disorder. If a child was orphaned or put in the foster care, just like the case of Stefano, at very young age, there is a big possibility that child will develop the said behavior. This is due to the fact that if the infant receive are from many people or move from one place to another often, a bond to a single consistent caregiver cannot be formed (
Encyclopedia of Mental Disorder 2007).

            For the next year, until he began primary school, Stefano joined the mother who was living with her new companion. Thus, Stefano and the sister suffered from serious crises of adaptation with this new father. However the situation did not last long due to the act that the mother and her husband, separated after 2 years. During those times, they had the privilege of seeing their biological father at least once or twice a month to which they unleash their immediate discomforts.

            However, the situation did not last long; their mother had a third companion. At first, things went well, both Stefano and her sister went to school under the new guidance of their new father, where in Stefano describe a gentle and caring. The said relationship ended to a marriage and resulted to a new female child. On the other hand, the father is also acquainted with a lady, where in at present moment is his legal wife. This can be considered as one of the most important causes of attachment disorder, the changing attachment figures. Attachment disorders can also occur if the child has a very little interaction with a primary caregiver, but instead has a succession of childcare providers that are not attuned to the child and do not stay in the life of the child (HelpGuide.Org 2008).

            Even as a small child, Stefano showed a behavior where in, he seemed unable to restrain himself. He would jump and leap around the house that caused him to crash into walls and objects that lead him to break items or destroy plates and house plants. It shows one of the most important attachment disorders that is destructive to self, others and other material things or being accident prone (Nancy Thomas Parenting 2008).

The said behavior became more pronounced just after meals and even after he was angry or disappointed. In addition, he seemed to require a very little sleep and would quickly become bored with most of the activities. However, he would spend long hours playing computer games and also enjoyed playing alone. Again, it shows other attachment disorder symptoms, and that is lack of self control (Nancy Thomas Parenting 2008).

            Stefano entered a period of low mood at the age of 10; however it was not diagnosed until a year after. From then on, he has been followed up in a psychiatric health center for adolescence. As a result, Stefano shows a typical episode of his panic crisis.

            Stefano’s father reported that up until 5 elementary, Stefano brought back home with the some satisfactory school report. However, the said performance was affected negatively because when he started the junior secondary school, he began to disagree with the mother and step father. That’s why his father and mother decided that Stefano will stay with his father. Poor school performance is one of the most important symptoms of attachment disorder that will later on lead to lack of interest towards going to school.

            In addition, Stefano’s father stated that his wife is a loving, caring and educated woman. As a result, Stefano created a good relationship with the woman and added that there are times where in Stefano testifies his gratitude toward her and even wished that she was her real mother. Furthermore, Stefano’s father stated that he had really loved his mother but she has never cherished the idea of marriage. Thus, the said separation took him some time in order to find the real woman for him to spend his lifetime and that was 11 years ago, and Stefano was 8 back then.

            However, even after staying with him, Stefano did not changed much; he has always been an insecure child, slow to complete the toilet training. As a result, his parents sometimes provoke him about his frequent accidents which continue until he was 8 or 9 years old. He is also compared with his little sister. This shows that Stefano is having a problem regarding his learning process (HelpGuide.Org 2008).

            Stefano did not get along with his third grade teacher, who was fairly inflexible in his approach. As a result, Stefano’s grade dropped dramatically, and later on steadfastly refused to put forth an effort at school, he become irregular in terms of school attendance. As a matter of fact, he felt so discouraged that he stopped completely at age of 15, and entered low-mood and was helped in the center and sometimes passing only few months at home.

            At age of 11, Stefano entered puberty, and during hat time, his mischievous behaviors had become more destructive. He frequently got in fights with classmates and would verbally assault teachers. He was also suspended from school several times because of breaking school rules. Stefano explained that he does not have the power to control his actions. Thus, his parents disciplined him by preventing him from playing with his computer.

            During middle school, he began to associates with the older boys in school. His parents suspected that it had a negative impact on Stefano due to the fact that their son started to try smoking cigarettes and may have experimented with the sniffing drugs. In addition, at the center, Stefano was noted for fighting in the lunch room and repeatedly threatening smaller children.


His present illness

            Stefano was brought into the emergency ward 25 with coetaneous lesions on his face, in the peri-orbital region, and also on the lower left side of the mandible, his mouth was also a bit swollen and experienced lacerations on his throat. In addition, he was a little bit confused, and lamented headache and vertigos. In addition, he was a little bit confused and suffers lamented headache and vertigos.

            He also complained about stomach pain where in on objective examination provoke pain on the right abdomen. He also told that he has fought with a friend in which his father admits that was not true. Stefano’s clinical history led to the conclusion that he had a cranial trauma that results him to feel nervous. He later on put on drips and kept for the wait and sees the diagnosis for about an hour and afterwards, transferred to Cattinara Hospital. As a result, I took the advantage to introduce myself and to undertake this study.

            The father added that Stefano was dropped off from the psychiatric center in La Madeline for about 6 months. This is due to the fact that he could no longer be kept there due to his age, but still relies on them for drugs and follow-ups in moments of crises. He also grieves that the center is failing to do its duty because instead of administering the drug by themselves, they end up entrusting the medication to the boy who hardly drink them. From that time, Stefano feels unwell, and whenever he goes to the said center by himself, he will end up with no help. In addition, he also stated the isolated situation of his son, where in very insecure for any episode of his crises that could be fatal.


June 27, 2008

            In June 27, 2008, unexpectedly, Stefano was once more appeared at the emergency ward, where he was accompanied by his real mother. The said time, he has wounds or lesions that can be found in his hands, face and lower abdomen. He also accepted to have been the course of the wound and said that when he is annoyed or in an episode of panic, he uses wire, pieces of metals or whatever things that is possible in order to produce his wounds, and after doing it, he will be satisfied.

            The mother stated that her son called her as he has always done after any episode of auto lesions, and that is the reason why she was there. She’s also disappointed regarding the inadequate follow-up of the son by the Magdalena’s hospital, because she says that they supposed to administer the drug themselves instead of the contrary, also Stefano admits that he had not taken any drugs that were given to him.

            As have mentioned in previous parts of the paper, repairing attachment disorder will take some time and it will take the participation of both the parents in order to correct some of the unnecessary and not so good behavior of the children. In the case of Stefano, it can be said that he is already suffering from severe attachment difficulties. That’s why it will be important to seek for professional help. His parents can learn different tips, techniques as well as methods that can be used in order to cope with their children and help to repair the said attachment disorder. In addition, therapists can help the caregivers to learn how their children can communicates by different activities that can help their children to express their feelings as well as desires that they cannot verbalize (HelpGuide.Org 2008).



            Based on the three different stories that have presented in this paper, it can be said that attachment is a very important aspect in life of each and every individual. It is important to consider that attachment is all about building relationship. Human needs attachment with other in order to develop their psychological as well as emotional aspect that can help them to survive. Thus, infants need to be physically close to the mother and be able to receive as well as give affection in order to create a strong and enduing emotional bond. In addition, children need to feel that they are safe and will not be abandoned by the people that they love and value. However due to the different events and development in the lifestyle of people in the world, the attachment disorder is considered as one of the common mental and emotional condition that occurs during the first three years of life when a child does not attach, bond and even trust his or her mother. It stems from the lack of connectedness in the most significant relationship of a person and manifests itself as fear of connection that is taken to the extreme (Focus Adolescence Service n.d.).  According to Deborah Hage, a therapist, traditionally it has been believed that children who have been orphaned or abused are considered as the primary victims of the poor bonding and attachment in the early age. However, in the two-income society, a new phenomenon has emerged, children who are being overindulged by the parents who have more money than time to spend with them. As a result, the children are being raised in financially secure; however emotionally empty environments with a little discipline and structure. This can be seen in the second that have been presented, where in two parents that belong to the double-income family that raises two children that lead to somewhat unequal treatment towards the two children that can affect the behavior of both the children, in positive and negative way (as cited in Focus Adolescence Service n.d.).

            In addition to that, all of the cases shows that the primary causes of the present behavior of the children can be rooted on the situation of the parents in terms of relationship, financial, educational as well as personal life. In the case of Clara, the reverse attachment is somewhat strong and it can be seen in the devotion of the mother in giving her child everything that she needed, however, the said effort can be seen as something that can affect future behavior of the child. As a result, when the child goes older, the reversed attachment may arise when the child devotes their energy to meet the needs of their parents. In addition, the child will closely monitor the parent’s mood, responds with compliance to the demand of the parents and cope with the process of suppressing their own needs and not to make demands. In addition it will lead to anxiety, lack of self-confidence, low self-esteem, lack of ego-differentiation and occupation with the needs of the parents. As the condition Clara’s mother, a typical context will be a primary attachment figure that is isolated in the community, lack of extended family support and shows other important dependency behaviors such as psychosomatic illnesses, alcohol or substance abuse. Later on, the child will be emotionally manipulated by the parent and will be given undue responsibility at home during an early age (Reder & Duncan 2003, pp. 82 – 53).

            The parents must also consider that their relationship whether to the father of their children and their second or third and so on husband is important, because it has a great impact over emotional and behavioral attachment. This is due to the fact that it can make it difficult for the children to have a strong and permanent relationship with a single attachment figure.

            That is the reason why parents must monitor the behavior of their children in terms or their relationship with other people who are in the same age as their as well as adults, together with their performance at school, eating habits, sleeping and other aspects. It is also important to communicate them more often in order to hear their comments and feelings regarding things and happenings in their environment. By doing this, the mother or the caregivers will have a strong connection with the children, then helping them to learn to trust other people.  







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