The concept of modern European integration is inseparable from Christianity.


European integration is defined the process of political and economic (and in some cases social and cultural) integration of European (and some peripheral) states into a tighter bloc. The main and most powerful body of European integration is the European Union, though other institutions like the Council of Europe also integrate their member states. The regions of Europe are integrated into larger Euroregions..

Christianity is defined as a monotheistic religion centered on the life and teachings of Jesus as recounted in the New Testament. Christians believe Jesus to be the Messiah, and thus refer to him as Jesus Christ.

The concept of European integration as inseparable from Christianity would have a positive impact on the social and even in the economic sector of the Union.

            Where does Europe stands now? What holds its many people together? Where lies their destiny?

            The process of European integration has transformed the constitutional framework of Europe. And it would a lot of changes to the constitution and lots of issues to decide before a constitution can be submitted.

 The European Union’s first constitution was signed by EU leaders Oct. 29, 2004, in Rome. It takes effect in 2007, but must first be ratified by the EU national parliaments and the European Parliament. Ten nations will stage referendums (AP Worldstream, 2005).  

            In connection with this, an issue pressing on the role of Christianity to be recognized and be part of the constitution had arisen. The role of religious institution has been omitted from the constitution for the reasons that the leaders of the European Union believe that these would cause trouble to the integration of the European countries.

But a committee headed by former French President Valery Giscard d’Estaing has been preparing a new European Union (EU) constitution designed to integrate the continent’s social and political institutions. The committee’s attempts to preface its legal prose with a fitting introduction have triggered an unprecedented controversy over the spiritual sources and identity of Europe. What sparked this dispute was the absence of any mention of the historic role Christianity played in educating and spiritually unifying the array of tribes and nations.

 The proposed preamble to the constitution has neglected religion.  But Pope John Paul II reminded the committee that Christianity has left its mark on the rich life and culture of Europe for almost two millennia and that Christian roots of Europe are the main guarantee of its future. Christianity also added a spiritual dimension to the young culture and fundamentally transformed its moral values.


Europe was optimistically described as a kind of great republic, embracing several states but in all relationship with one another, all having one and the same religious basis, the same principles of public law, and the same political ideas.  Edmund Burke also referred the continent as “virtually one great state, having the same basis of general law and the same Christian religion” (Dupre, 2004). But unfortunately, this description does not correspond to the existing reality and already not seen in Europe today.


In the early modern age, tradition underwent modification when the beginning of rationalism became an ideology. Europe experienced its darkest period in its history. Edmund Husserl, a Jewish thinker exclaimed that the root of European crisis is in a mistaken rationalism. He also added that rationality is an evil or that in the totality of human existence it is of minor importance. Moreover, he qualified that the original concept of reason sets Europe upon its spiritual destiny and it controlled its intellectual development and directing it toward an ideal image of life and being (Dupre, 2004).


The foundation of European integration should be inseparable from Christianity.  Yet unity had been shattered by the division among Christians, European unity is still essentially spiritual. This proposed to unify Europe on the basis of the idea of common humanity. In doing so, they disregarded existing traditions, customary rights, and diverse cultural identities.

 As history describes it, Europe was primarily consisted of people who are concerned with the inner life and who care for their soul more than any other. And that continuous spiritual thread links the successive sources of Europe’s unity.


Europe’s political and economic unification or integration must be accompanied by a strong awareness of spiritual identity. With Christianity still in the hearts of people, there would be peace and unity. Believing and fearing God makes every person to act and follow the footsteps of Christ. Without Christ in the hearts of human kind, the world would shatter and there would be menace and chaos everywhere.


For instance, in the country of Wales, a remarkable religious revival happened which was led by the charismatic preacher Evan Roberts. From around the world Wales was known as the holiest place on earth but that was 100 years ago. In Wales, there were no crimes and policemen became the members of the church choir instead. Beer houses were closed and were converted to churches. This is an example of a nation that has God in their hearts.


 European integration should not marginalize Christianity for it had contributed and continue to contribute the culture of humanism in Europe. History of the Old World was marked by natural values that were defended by Christianity. Moreover, without Christian religion, Europe would not have arrived at this level of civilization. 

The foundation of the new Europe needs a more inclusive base.  Europe’s spiritual identity should be preserved and it must firmly attached to the principal values of tradition


European integration should recognize Christianity because it has contributed enormous on human values such as the dignity of the human person and solidarity.


Christian teaching, with its emphasis on the calling of sinners to repentance, provided a means by which convicts might be controlled and perhaps reformed. It gave a moral underpinning to the penal system and exposed the recalcitrant to the threat of eternal damnation.


It should be recommended that the EU constitution should contain an invocation of God. This would offer a unique opportunity to enhance peace and prosperity in Europe and also promoting development, justice, freedom elsewhere in the world.


European countries are in crossroads. The fundamentals and the defining role of Christianity should be reflected and should be given importance. Recognition of the spiritual nature of human person and the moral character of social and economic development must be prerequisite for the transformation of the society into true civilization.

As quoted by Pope John Paul, “If Europe wants to be a harmonious association of human beings and peoples that live with deep respect and mutual benevolence, Christ must inspire this continent”.


Recognition of the continents heritage would not diminish the secular nature of the EU. Rather it would help guard the continent against double risk of ideological secularism.


From his book, “The Republic and Religion: Hope,”  Sarkozy quoted , “That the religious phenomenon is more important than people think, that it can contribute to peace, to balance, to integration,  and to unity” (Ford, 2005).


The roots of the problem of fragmentation and the fading solidarity can be traced to a worldview without God or Christ. It should be understood by the committee of the European constitution makers that spiritual aspect plays a very important role in the lives of the mankind.





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