Unit 1 – Introduction to Learning Theories

Discussion Board

Students’ Perception of Constructivist Learning in a Community College American History II Survey Course


Link: http://www.questia.com/read/5000913988


            The study discovers the perception of the students of community college regarding the application of constructivism in their American History II survey course. Data were gathered from interviews of students who were enrolled in the said course at a Colorado community college. The result shows that the students see the constructivist classroom as more critical and independent, which enables them to develop in more cognitive and effective manner. As a result, they enjoyed their learning process. Because of the said result, it can be said that the constructivist theorist are correct regarding their beliefs that students develop their critical thinking and problem solving skills when they construct new knowledge that are based on their background experiences and multiple resources. This is because of the fact that students construct their knowledge as individuals or even as part of a given social unit, however, knowledge is not considered as a separate entity unto itself, thus knowledge cannot be independent of the knower. Therefore, it can be said that the theories focuses on the different learning approach which are considered as learner-centered.

            Just like the authors/researchers of the study, I also agree that there are different benefits or advantages that can be gained by using the constructivist methods. First is that, it will push class participation from all of the students, at the same time, it enables the students to gain more self-confidence and discipline. This is because of the fact that it will given the students the sense of responsibility towards their own learning process, together with the learning process of the entire team. It will not only improve the learning process of the students towards a specific topic or subject, but it will also help the students to improve and develop their communication and social skills by participating and sharing information and knowledge to other people. It also enables them to connect their past experiences and knowledge to their present lessons or lectures. This approach is applicable for the active learners because they take advantage of the extra credit opportunities if offered, participates in class discussion frequently, takes responsibility of his/her own learning, attentive in class and take full responsibility of their own learning (Strategies for Success, n.d.).  

            On the other hand, like the rest of the learning theories, it also shows different flaws or disadvantages. This is because of the fact that each and every individual have different characteristics, traits, beliefs and cultures which can affect their learning process. Like what the researchers stated, education is not a one-size-fits-all proposition. This is because of the fact, that there are some students who belong to the group of passive learners. They are the group of students who are the opposite of active learners. They are those students who just sit in lectures because they have to be there, borrow and use lectures notes from someone who has already taken the class, read the assignment just to get them over with, not interested in participating to group discussion or recitation (Sexton-Radek & Paul, 2003 p. 13). They are those students who do not want to get attention from their tutor and from their classmates.

            However, the result of the interviews shows that the said learning approach had helped most of the students, including those passive learners, because it enables them to decide on the topic that they are interested. Above all, it enables them to work on their own and be independent.



Maypole, J. & Davies, T. G. (2001). ‘Students’ Perception of Constructivist Learning in a Community College American History II Survey Course.’ Community College Review. 29(2), 54 – 60. Retrieved March 27, 2009, from http://www.questia.com/read/5000913988



Sexton-Radek, K. & Paul, P. (2003). What Do I Do with My Major in Psychology. iUniverse.


Strategies for Success. Active Learning: What is an Active Learner? Retrieved March 27, 2009, from http://www.accd.edu/sac/history/keller/ACCDitg/SS AL.htm.





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