The study tells us about the infusion of the social structures and the life course approach. Initially, the literature on life course basically uses the stages in life to determine the causes and implications of aging. There are existing studies that uses biological terms that seek to explain the existence of phases and stages in the life of the individual. In the account of Riley, she attempted to explain the social structures through the life-course approach. This means the bulk of the study is mashed up in periods resembling the life span of the individual. In the course of the discussion, Riley realized the complexity of analyzing the existing research. She tried to explain this by pointing out the asynchrony of the life course. This means that with the consequent manifestation of aging in the person, the existing social structures similarly move towards the “axis of historical time.”

On the whole, the article appears superficially as an account of the relationship of social structures and the subject of aging. In a deeper level, the article is an attempt to provide a discussion on the development of the paradigm throughout the years. The account of Riley using the life course approach seems to provide a narrative similar to popular fiction. To illustrate, the Harry Potter series is an account of the central character’s life which concurrently pointed out the specific changes in society. From his initial encounter with Lord Voldemort, re-entry to the wizarding world, and eventual road to vanquishing evil, these phases of the central character’s life course marks how the structures in society change as he age. It is in this pattern that Riley highlighted the inescapable connection between the social structures and the concept of aging.


Riley, M.W. (1998) “A Life Course Approach: Autobiographical notes.” In Janet Z. Giele and Glen H. Elder, Jr. (eds.), Methods of Life Course Research (pp. 28-51). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc


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