Retention of University Students program for their own benefit is now being utilized and implemented; the university found their way to improve the process of accepting students and maintaining them to their university so as to eliminate transferees or dropouts. In almost all parts of the world especially in the United States where students in the universities have experience major challenges of eliminating students from their first year till the second year and later years they may be a transferee or dropouts in class.

      There are many reasons why this is happening it may be because of their social status, lack of interest or emotional condition whatever. Universities and colleges are making their way to provide initiative to their students to eliminate such incidents, during the first year they have been providing special counseling and holistic training method as an option to the students for them to be motivated for the next few years.

      Some colleges have also provides home schooling through correspondence and online courses or some may also offer a one on one tutorial for disabled individual hoping that this additional services can lessen the students perception to prevent school but give equal opportunity for education. Furthermore they are able to identify the following as a means to eliminate this changes and students behavior.

      Financial issues – This is clearly one of the most serious reasons why students suddenly disappear in colleges since they may try to enroll in a course for a chance but later they may not suffice their budget resulting in attrition and total drop outs. Colleges and universities have allowed student helper that they are allowed to be employed inside the campuses especially those who have experienced financial crises; they may also offer low cost tuition and scholarship for qualified individual.

      Working students can also choose different class schedules according to their work. Even outreach programs from Non government institutions are also accepted by some colleges, they also give importance to education especially from well deserved students. Students who suffered from low grades and those who are having a hard time with their academic studies have been giving remedial to bridge the gap of their university to prolong their existence.

      Peer assisted study support are very successful, since students find it easy for them to get acquainted with their peers and classmates who teach them about their academic class. This student teacher may or may be voluntary but they surely revive and motivate awareness of students to continue their education. Quality education should be maintained but never compromise, colleges and university can still upheld responsibility and high moral values that should be their main goal in its existence and therefore students should be able to realize their worth if they are going to draw back in their schooling.

      Teachers and teaching methods are also being evaluated by universities and colleges, this is great issue when students have experience traumatic approach, rejection and humiliation they sometimes tend to switch or neglect schooling. Principles and good practice of skilled teacher can do so much it can encourage students; they are able to earn respects and uplift their moral. Faculty interaction, regular training and seminars for personality development and other issues are also being initiated from other colleges so as to generate student’s awareness that the faculty is on their side.

      Graduate students also try to help motivate students by mentoring professional programs although sometimes not free. This motivates student to achieve the things that they can see from the previous student of their school. Commitment realization is also important. Before enrollment students may be ask if they really want their chosen course or what would be their expectation about the course and how are they going to deal with the challenges, of course this is not to frightened them but to give them a clear vision about what are they going to face and if they are determined they will pursue their course.

      By this time college students and even children have realized the value and importance of education as a basic need just like food and clothing. Colleges and university can only do so much to eliminate drop outs and transferees so as to stress its importance, they have already found their way to save students to hold on to their college dream. The challenge now is for students to pursue their chosen vocation of how they can handle the tough challenges that they are going to face in their college life. The big question is, are they going to finish their dream education or live in uncertainty forever?


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