Domestic Violence Against Married Male in Bangladesh



The family is the basic and the most influential social unit being the basic institution that shapes, nurtures, and quite possibly exasperates an individual more than any other social group. Families are complex systems. They can provide some of the most challenging situations providing the core avenues and essential channels to learn and acquire attitude and behaviour patterns of an individual in order to respond effectively and adapt to societal changes. Unfortunately, the family at present is being confronted with social issues and problems concerning violence.

According to Shipway (2004) domestic violence is defined as any hurtful or unwanted behaviour perpetrated upon an individual by an intimate or prior intimate which normally is characterized by physical, psychological and emotional abuse. Domestic violence is based on the victim-offender relationship in the form of marriage, family ties, romantic relationships or a former marriage. It includes violence and abuse within same-sex relationships, violence by women against men as well as violence and abuse perpetrated by one family member against another (Shipway, 2004).

 However, studies show that most cases of domestic violence which occurred have been on women as well as children (Humphreys et al., 2000). As such, this proposed  research will present analysis of the domestic violence, its impact to women and children and the possible recommendations for the society of Bangladesh to avoid or eliminate domestic violence.

            Primarily, the goal of this paper is to evaluate and assess the extent of domestic violence of married male in Bangladesh


Research Objectives

Still it is imperative and highly relevant for the society to be vigilant particularly when the most important institution in the community – which is the family – is threatened. Recognizing the social damage of increased cases and incidents of domestic violence should be realized as detrimental not just to the victims of the household abuse but also the overall well being of the entire community.  In this regard, the following are the objectives of the proposed research

a.    To tackle key issues regarding domestic violence against married male in Bangladesh

b.    To make the community be aware of the impact and consequences of domestic violence among children and the society.

c.    To determine ways on how the problem of domestic violence can be changed.


It has been argued that despite being weakened and embattled, the family will survive as a fundamental social institution having been the cradle of the modern social order for quite a long time. However it is imperative to distinguish the impact of violence among women and children in order to help the victims cope with the short-term and long-term consequences of the suffering they have experienced.


Research Methodology

The study intends to investigate if domestic violence against married male in Bangladesh.  For this study, primary research and secondary research will be used. Primary research will be conducted using the data that comes from the mother. The researcher will also conduct focus interview to the doctors and other medical experts in this field. The data will be analyzed and compiled for the correlation of the hypothesis.. For this study, primary research and secondary research will be utilized. Primary research is conducted using questionnaire surveys that will be sent to the mothers and their clinicians. Here, the questionnaires will be used to collect quantitative data and the interviews will be used to provide qualitative insights into the data collected. As stated above, this research will partially base its findings through quantitative research methods because this permits a flexible and iterative approach. During data gathering the choice and design of methods are constantly modified, based on ongoing analysis. This study will also employ qualitative research method because it will try to find and build theories that will explain the relationship of one variable with another variable through qualitative elements in research. Through this method, qualitative elements that do not have standard measures such as behavior, attitudes, opinions, and beliefs about bullying will be analyzed.




Reference Shipway, L 2004, Domestic Violence: A Handbook for Health Professionals, New

Humphreys, C & Thiara, R 2002, Routes to Safety: Protection issues facing abused women and children and the role of outreach services, Bristol: Women’s Aid Federation of England.


Shipway, L 2004, Domestic Violence: A Handbook for Health Professionals, New York: Routledge.


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