Consumer Personality and other Factors in Situational Brand Choice Variation





I.              Introduction                                                                                           2

II.            Research Questions                                                                           3

III.           General Research Approach                                                                        5

IV.          Specific Methods                                                                                 7

V.           Sampling Strategy                                                                               8

VI.          Implementation                                                                                     10

VII.         Data Analysis and Interpretation                                                     11       

VIII.       Justified Conclusions in terms of Findings                                  13       

IX.          Aims and Objectives                                                                           14       

X.           Limitations or Alternative Approach                                               16       

XI.          Conclusion                                                                                            17       



I.          Introduction

The article entitled, “Consumer Personality and other Factors in Situational Brand Choice Variation”, was written by in 2005. The purpose of this article is to examine the drivers of intrapersonal variation in individual brand choice across consumption situations, based on the individual choice of wine brands. Variation of individual choice of wine brands depends on three situations, namely, self-consumption, hosting friends, and as a gift. In addition, the findings of this research study indicates that the variation of the individual’s choice of wine brands can be attributed to brand benefits being desired by consumers, and is related to one’s personality, situational disposition, demographics, and behavior. To be able to come up with the relevant conclusion, the researcher based the results of his study on the choice of 12 specific wine brands of consumers, sold in major retail outlets. An electronic survey was done in order to obtain needed data from respondents, corresponding to their demographics, personality, behavior, non-reference group specific variables, and reference group-specific scenarios, such as choice, desired brand, and situational disposition. The results of this research study are based on the hypotheses that would like to be proven by the author, and based on the assumption that the choice of brands of wine depends on three situational dispositions, including risk-taking, variety-seeking, and curiosity-motivated behavior.


Importance of the Paper.  Several points were emphasized in the research study. Primarily, this research study is important in supplementing knowledge from other studies, emphasizing that individual behavior influences brand choice. Results of this study indicate that consumers change their choice of brand based on the influence of their peers. As such, the social context of this finding must be given importance and attention in future studies. Secondly, the findings of this research study point out that variation in consumer brand choice depends on the benefits they obtain from such products. This emphasizes the fact that consumers give particular attention to the quality and social benefits of products, thus, becoming important to product manufacturers and designers. Thirdly, the choice of brands depends on the age, involvement, susceptibility to interpersonal influence, situational disposition, and purchase behavior of consumers. This provides relevant and important information for product manufacturers and designers, as this information can be used in order to tailor their designs based on the needs and demands of their consumers. Lastly, this research study is important for brand manufacturers and designers, as the results of this study give them insights regarding the personality, demographics, and behaviors of consumers, which can be used to further develop and improve their brands.


II.         Research Questions

The paper was based on the theory that the choice of brands of consumers depends on three consumer situational dispositions or behaviors, namely, risk-taking behavior, which is expressed through choices of innovative and unfamiliar alternatives; variety-seeking behavior, which is expressed through an individual’s switching within familiar alternatives; and curiosity-motivated behavior, which involves information-seeking, interpersonal communication, and shopping. The problem of the research study was not defined, thus, not clearly linking the objectives and the discussion of its literature review.



-       Well-defined and related to the hypotheses of the study

-       Emphasized the relationship of the theory to the behavior of consumers

-       Emphasized the relationship of the theory to the personalities of consumers

-       Good literatures to support the research study



-       Not thoroughly and comprehensively discussed

-       Problem of the research study not defined

-       Lack background of the problem

-       Not linking the literature review or the background of the study to the problem

-       Most of the sources used are more than 10 years old


How effectively and efficiently they were implemented.

The theory and hypotheses were implemented properly all throughout the paper, as the author comprehensively relates the finding or the results of the study to the theory, and supporting them with other relevant researches.



The author should have clearly defined the problem and could have provided the background of the article, as this clearly establishes and describes the problem existing, thus, identifying the research problem (2006). The author could have used the Internet in updating his sources. Older review articles that have been written five or ten years ago can be updated by using online searches to find out if the authors of the articles have continued to do research in the area, and what recent studies or works have cited the authors from in the early review ( 2005).  


III.        General Research Approach

The research study used a descriptive approach, which utilizes observations in the study, through gathering information about the present existing condition (1994). Specifically, the study used a quantitative approach, based on positivism, as the researcher worked with an observable social reality, and concerned with analysis of statements through observation (1998).



-       Theory was formed based on hypotheses

-       Statistical analysis shown in the research study

-       Shows the relation of the study to other researches

-       Comprehensive and substantial summary



-       Variables not clearly defined

-       Survey not shown

-       Use of specific research approach not expressed

-       Failed to state the time horizon of the study


How effectively and efficiently they were implemented.

The research approach was appropriate because this type of research approach would enable the researcher to obtain the relevant data he needs. In a descriptive design, questionnaires or surveys are being used to obtain primary data from respondents, and data were collected without alteration of the context of the research (.).



In a descriptive approach, the use of the qualitative approach would yield more relevant and credible results, as it is more open to adjusting and refining ideas as an inquiry proceeds. Through the qualitative approach, the researcher does not attempt to manipulate the research setting, but seeks to understand naturally occurring phenomena in their naturally occurring states.


IV.       Specific Methods

The positivist approach gives an emphasis on a highly structured methodology to facilitate replication and on quantifiable observations that lend themselves to statistical analysis (2003). The assumption is that the researcher is independent of and neither affects nor is affected by the subject of the research (1998; 2003).



-       Shows the tabulated and computed data of the research study

-       Shows the statistical treatment used by the author

-       Indicated the ethical considerations made by the author

-       Indicated the reason of choosing participants and wine samples

-       Use of electronic survey cost-effective and yields fast results



-       No questionnaire provided in the paper

-       Reason not indicated as to why particular statistical tools were used

-       Pre-testing of procedure not done

-       Too large sample size


How effectively and efficiently they were implemented.

The electronic survey was a cost-effective means of distributing questionnaires for the compliance of respondents, despite distance. This method has also enabled the researcher to obtain a large number of participants for the survey.



            The addition of data, questionnaires, and diagrams, such as graphs, tables and charts can further support the findings of the research study.


V.        Sampling Strategy

            The sampling strategy of the article indicates that to be able to obtain relevant information from respondents, the author chose 12 brands of wine that have been believed to be purchased by consumers, based on the three consumption situations. Respondents chosen were from the US West Coast, who are panel members, and comprised the 381 total of participants. Answers to the survey were obtained using the electronic survey.



-       Chosen participants utilized the use of electronic survey efficiently, given the high response rate

-       Selection of wine brands, both red and white wines, indicating the range of prices

-       Selection of wine brands corresponds to related literature

-       Provided gifts or token to participants

-       With ethical consideration, as the electronic survey has an individual login and password for every respondent

-       Considers broader geographical area

-       Minimizing biases

-       Statistical treatment of data

-       Tabular presentation of demographic data



-       Sampling population too large

-       Specific strategy used not identified

-       Choice of geography and respondents not justified or explained

-       Formula and use of statistical tools not justified


How effectively and efficiently they were implemented.

The sampling strategy was implemented effectively, as the researcher was able to obtain a high response rate from respondents. The choice of the use of an electronic survey is also effective, as the author was able to obtain the data needed in a faster rate, compared to traditional means.



The author could have specified and explained the choice of demographics used in the paper, as this would help provide understanding of the results of the study. Indicating or showing the formulas of the statistical tools used could be also helpful.


VI.       Implementation

            The implementation of the sampling strategy and sampling methods in the research study determines how the effective and how credible was the techniques used in order to obtain relevant data for the research study. As stated, data were obtained using a qualitative method through the electronic survey. The survey included an 11-item battery adopted from Bearden et. al, to measure an individual’s susceptibility to interpersonal influence, product category involvement, and consumer situational disposition.



-       High response rate from respondents

-       Consideration of all possible factors that affect brand choice



-       The reason why 24-hours is still needed before completing the next situation is not justified

-       Derivation of statistical answers not explained, assuming the knowledge of statistics of all readers

-       Timeframe of the implementation or procedure not indicated


How effectively and efficiently they were implemented.

The implementation of the sampling strategy was effective, as the researcher was able to obtain a high response rate from respondents. The electronic survey was also effective in determining not only the answers of the respondents in the survey, but their demographic data as well.



The author could have specified and explained the choice of demographics used in the paper, as this would help provide understanding of the results of the study. He could have provided a sample of the questionnaire to show the relevance of the items in the questionnaire to the aims or objectives of the research study.


VII.      Data Analysis and Interpretation

            The analysis and interpretation of the data or results of this research study indicate the explanation and the relationship of the results of the study to the theories or concepts that support the research study. It shows the effects of the statistical tools done to the data gathered of the research study, thus, supporting or negating the hypotheses of the author. It confirms that individual choice of brands varies across three situations, which can be attributed to the variation in brand benefits that consumers desire. These benefits are related to their personality, situational disposition, demographics, and behavioral factors.   



-       Each hypothesis were justified using the results of the study

-       Tables and figures were shown to support the statistical treatment done by the author

-       Each hypothesis was treated using different statistical tools

-       Shows the good fit of data across the models

-       Relates the findings or results to the theories or models presented in the previous parts of the research study



-       The presentation of data is combined with its analysis, and not separately discussed


How effectively and efficiently they were implemented.

The data analysis techniques applied were appropriate to the research design of the study because it was able to provide the study with relevant, reliable and adequate information and data. The analysis and interpretation of the research study was also able to relate the theories and concepts discussed to the results of the study, thus, supporting the hypotheses of the research study.



The data analysis and interpretation of this research study could have been presented separately from its results. Separately discussing the results and its interpretation can provide its readers more information, including proofs and statistical treatments used by the author. It can also allow the author to further express his views and opinions in the interpretation and analysis part.


VIII.     Justified Conclusions in terms of Findings

            The conclusion of this research study indicates that this study has been significant in extending currently available research on consumer-situation-brand interactions by analyzing a number of variables that have been examined in more isolated contexts for an array of products and brands. In addition, examination also include knowledge of their interactions that provides a far more comprehensive understanding of the behavior of consumers.



-       States the attempt of the research study to provide information regarding past related studies

-       Reiterates the findings of the research study

-       Emphasizes the findings of the research study to the concepts in brand choice, specifically the factors that influence brand choice

-       States the importance of the findings of the research study

-       States the benefits of the research study

-       Provides comprehensive analysis of the entire research study



-       Failed to indicate recommendations for the improvement of the research study

-       Incorporated the discussion of the findings of the research study to the general conclusions


How effectively and efficiently they were implemented.

The conclusions of the research study were effective in expressing the significance and importance of the findings of the research study. The conclusions of the author also express the importance of his research findings, as the produce implications in the practical applications and interpretations of the concepts that support the findings. In essence, it has provided substantial information to the readers.



The conclusion part of the research study could have been more effective if it was discussed separately from the discussion of the findings of the research study. It could have also expressed recommendations in order to further improve this particular research study.


IX.       Aims and Objectives

            The primary aim of this research study is to examine the drivers of intrapersonal variation in individual brand choice across consumption situations, specifically of wine brands. This research study also aims to close the knowledge gap on establishing links to brand equity dimensions in terms of the benefits desired. Its long-term objectives include providing better understanding of the consumer-situation-brand interactions in consumer choice. Furthermore, it aims to focus on the examination of how consumer personality and other factors influence desired brand benefits and choice when different consumptions situations are evident.



-       All objectives or aims were expressed

-       The aims and objectives stated were met through the discussion of related concepts and theories

-       Objectives and aims were feasible



-       Not separately or clearly indicated as a distinct entity in the research paper


How effectively and efficiently they were implemented.

The aims and objectives of this research study were effectively met throughout the development of the research study, as the author was able to address each objective using the relevant data gathered.



The aims and objectives could have been written or expressed separately for emphasis. It could have been enumerated before it was expounded.


X.        Limitations or Alternative Approach

            The only limitation stated in this research study is the examination of a single product category. However, this is suitable in meeting the aims and objectives of the research study, to avoid confusion on the part of the researcher and the readers.



-       Use of a single product category provided substantial discussion

-       Avoided larger respondents, leading to the unmanageability of the sampling size

-       Use of more product categories leads to the complexity of the methodology and survey used



-       Single limitation: use of a single product category

How effectively and efficiently they were implemented.

Using a single product category is effective as it enabled the author to examine the constructs of the research study in an organized manner, taking it as an independent element affecting the behavior and preferences of consumers.



The author could have justified the use of a single product category in his research study. The best way to do this is to indicate all the necessary changes that would take place if multiple product categories would be considered.


XI.       Conclusion

            From the assessment, the article done by entitled, “Consumer Personality and other Factors in Situational Brand Choice Variation” could be concluded fairly excellent in its entire research process, from its introduction to conclusion. Pitfalls would only include small details in the research study, such as the lack of formulas for statistical treatment, and the separate discussion for the results and interpretation of data and conclusion. In fact, the literatures carry great information to assist the author and derive its research hypotheses and objectives. However, the literatures used were outdated and too old in age. Although the author had planned an appropriate research design for the study, the sampling process had decreased its value, particularly in not pointing out why the respondents were chosen for the study. Nevertheless, the overall evaluation on the study is more than satisfactory, which makes the whole research study useful and informative.     




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