Reduce the Use of Plastic Bags


The rapid change in climate is very obvious nowadays. The experts told that the climate changes are the effects of the abusive methods of the people in the environment. In order to provide the essential strategies regarding the country growth, the industrialism affected the environment for all over the world. Apparently, various environmental awareness campaigns already help by various organizations to, at least, minimize the abuse of mankind in the environment. Because of the aim of the organizations, the most common campaign they use is educating the people regarding the negative effects of the plastics and emphasizing the methods of reuse, reduce, and recycle.   

Background and Problem Statement

In every country, it is identified that there is less than 1% of commercial bags are recycled. This is because, it cost more to recycle a bag than to produce a new one (USEP, 2003). The failure of campaigns of the environmentalists regarding the reduction of the plastic production and use is not because of the slack of their campaign or its insignificant impact but on the compliance of the organizations in producing the plastics. Obviously, the plastics can affect the environment particularly the land and water. In this case, the usage of plastics lies on the hands of the consumers. How can an environmental group or organization persuade the consumer to reduce the use of plastics, particularly in shopping?


Research Aim and Objectives

The main aim of the study is to investigate the appropriate solution to lessen the use of plastics. In order to achieve this aim, there are three objectives that should be satisfied. First is to recognize the various solutions or methods used by the marketers to lessen the production and consumption of plastics. Second is to give ideas regarding the disadvantages of using the plastics. And third is to identify the factors that might contribute on the hesitation of the people in reducing their use of plastic bags.

Literature Review

The Greenpeace organization already placed their position in the fight against the plastic bags. Definitely, the plastics can pollute both land and water. The animals on both land and water suffer in the plastic pollution because they mistakenly took the plastics as food. Plastics are another contributing factor that increase the death toll of the animals because it enters in their body and destroy the food chain process. For the environmental organizations, the aim for the “zero plastic campaign” is impossible if the people do not support their initiatives. Because of the plastic pollution problem, poverty can be also mirrored. The large contributor of plastic pollution is the industries and their improper waste management approach. The industries litter the plastics on the land and sea without knowing that they can affect both wildlife and humans. The works of the organizations cannot be effective if the people has no concern and address the strategies they impose. The simple usage of plastic bags in shopping can create a significant impact on the environment and affect the entire ecosystem (Greenpeace, 2008).


The plastics can also cause clogs into the public drainage if washed by the strong rain and cause floods in the cities. Singapore is one of the cleanest countries that successfully implemented the zero waste products. The solution they provided is through imposing the penalty or fine for the individuals who were caught improperly disposing their garbage. However, the organizations do not look for the strict compliance but in the action of the consumers in using the recyclable bags. That can replace the shopping plastic bags. It is possible for the other country to follow the actions of countries like the Ireland, Bangladesh, South Africa, Thailand, and Taiwan. Although, the most developed country like the United States can apply the environmental actions of the other countries. The other proposed method that can be applied is the use of plastic bags but with the properties that can be recycle (Mieszkowski, 2007).


The suggested method in the study is the use of secondary information regarding the plastic usage. The materials that can be use are the organizational reports, particularly on their CSR (corporate social responsibility) on the environment and their compliance with the environmental agreement with the governments. The other resources that can be use are the reports coming from the Department of Environment, various organizations such as the Greenpeace Organizations and the like. Through the examination of the reports coming from these organizations, the study can analyze the appropriate methods and ways in increasing the campaigns towards the reduction of plastic bags.



Greenpeace, (2008) Greenpeace Statement on Plastic Bags [Online] Available at: [Accessed 06 Aug 2010].

Mieszkowski, K., (2007) Plastic Bags are Killing Us [Online] Available at: [Accessed 06 Aug 2010].

USEP, (2003) National Geographic News, United States Environmental Protection Agency [Online] Available at: [Accessed 06 Aug 2010]


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