Prototyping approach to information systems development


            Simply an iterative process of building a model, prototyping is intended for assisting system designers in developing an information system. It is aimed that through prototyping, system developers could design a system that is perceptive and uncomplicated for end users. Prototyping, which is based on system requirements, is peculiar in nature such that specifications are converted from basic into a tangible although limited working model of desired information system. As such, the development of the physical system should be strategically aligned with the requirements of the end users, making prototyping an evaluative process as well in modifying existing and developing new system requirements. Facilitation is important in prototype-based programs hence the necessity to use multiple prototyping tools.


            Fundamentally, one of the advantages of prototyping is the opportunity for systems developers to reduce development time and costs. Because prototyping requires user involvement, it is also possible for system developers to study existing information system, if there is one, with reference to user perspectives thereby receiving quantifiable user feedback. System developers could also develop accurate documentation based on the requirements and expectations of the users. Since users would know what to expect of the information systems developed, it would be easy for them to implement systems facilitation. This could result in higher satisfaction on the part of the user and exposure to potential future system enhancements for the system developers.


            The prototype approach, on the other hand, has its own share of disadvantages wherein the main drawback is that it can lead to insufficient analysis. Prototyping is highly dependent on user inputs and it would be difficult for system developers to evaluate or develop necessary changes for information systems because of incomplete and/or inaccurate documentation. The expectations of the users are also one of the downsides as they assume a superior performance of the information systems to be the same with the prototype. Even before prototyped-based systems are ready, development could be cut short hence be left unfinished and/or unimplemented. For system developers, there is a tendency to be too attached with their prototypes. Time saving benefit, finally, is reliant on the software prototypes used.


            As such, the criticisms of prototype-based programming center on the management of the information systems development project as evidenced by the disadvantages discussed above. Moreover, prototyping could only be successful unless users are able to actively participate in the development project. Not only that, users must have a background on prototyping or must be given proper training because if not users would not appreciate the prototyping experience. Users must be educated on the use and the purpose of prototyping. Sense of ownership in prototyping for systems development then is a must. Same goes with the system developers who should be competent enough and with credible prototyping expertise. Familiarity is also an important aspect for the developers especially of the language ultimately used for system design. Treating prototyping as part of the final system, system developers shall be given access to adequate prototyping support tools. Full commitment of the users and system developers combined is also a requirement especially in times of experimentation and learning.


            The success in the management of prototype-based information systems development project impacts three key issues: quality, usefulness and usability. It is in this sense that prototyping is often subjected to criticisms. For instance, new requirements for functionality are uncovered in the implementation stage perhaps because of the unfamiliarity of the system developers or users where in fact emergent requirements should be discovered firstly in the initial analysis phase. What makes such endeavour difficult is the integration, and lack thereof, of human factors issues in the design and development process. What I am trying to argue is that prototype-based information systems development are more centered on the system rather than on making the user the center of the design and development process. What is happening in reality is instead of the user supporting the systems, information systems should be created to support the user within an organization.


            Nevertheless, the seriousness of criticisms is vested on its technical, economic and political arguments. The question is that: what is the use of building a system or a prototype per se if it will not be used in the end? The process of prototyping could be costly and time-consuming depending on the extent of commitment of both designers and users. Importantly, the interface between designers and users should be an ongoing undertaking. Technical solutions to emergent requirements have an urgency into it which also requires an allowance for more iterations. The argument for iterative approach is that it involves prototyping process that is sensitive on avoiding patching. As such, the criticisms of prototyping project management have legitimacy when it comes to the factors unique to the process – the designer, the user and the system itself.


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