
For a lot of individuals, the “police” are uniformed public servants, usually carrying weapons, mandated with implementing the criminal law. The concept of policing means the law enforcement, examination and mediating activities carried out by police officers. To this one may possibly include that they are elements of a system of government produced by political and legislative procedures, and are similarly anticipated to uphold and preserve public order, or to maintain the peace. In democratic cultures, it is the courts who watch over the police, and to selected legislatures and executives. It is the role of the courts to look after the welfare of the public such that the authorities with much influence and power are checked. However, with regards to the functions of the public police, the private sector has similarly adopted some functions of the public police. The emergence of the private police brought to existence the public security officer.   

There is a fine line that marks the distinction of between the police office and the private security officer. Nevertheless, in order to clearly discuss the apparent haze that rests in the said distinction, a discussion on a much broader scale has to be taken into account. Specifically, the functions of the police force and private security will be the focus of the discussions in this paper. For clarity and coherence, the paper is divided into several parts in order to clearly provide a critical analysis of every aspect of the said issue. 

Policing the Society

Both police officers and private security officer are tasked on taking on policing functions. As defined in the introductory part of the paper, the function of policing has been a major element of the said positions. there are a number of academics who have taken into consideration this function of the said people to illustrate, whose work was censured afterward for its allegedly constricted explanation of policing, indicated how the term ‘police’ had been previously employed to mean the whole structure of official, bigoted regulation, and enclosed a lot of administrative functions in addition to law enforcement ones. On the other hand, stated that the term is acquired from the Greek word polis, and how, before the eighteenth century, it indicated the extensive social utility of governance of a city or culture. More recently,  has looked into the work of , the Treatise on the Police of the Metropolis, indicated his support for what he described as a ‘system of police’. Even though Colquhoun was soon after to be attributed with being an early advocate of a professional police force, as Garland indicated, by ‘system of police’ he essentially intended a well-organized arrangement of regulation, examination and command covering the whole social body and concerning several major agencies (both “public” and “private”) rather than a sole authority police force. Therefore, it is merely somewhat lately that the term ‘police’ has come to be connected essentially fully with an organization of personnel possessing extraordinary legal authority, and assigned by the State to keep order and implement the law. Nevertheless, in some manners the wheel has turned full circle, with the prominent works of now coming back to this more ancient notion of ‘policing’ which recognizes it with the wider movement of ‘governance’, which he describes purely as the action or business of governing.

On a more specific analysis of policing, looked into the existing type of policing in the US. They offered an impression of modern police functions in the United States. It grants an assessment of where police functions is and where police work is required to go. Their work reveals the data to support the reader in getting hold of knowledge of the connection involving the police and society, and in generating informed choices in relation to the numerous social concerns that the police institution is encountering. provided a historical account of law enforcement. They portrayed occurrences granting an understanding with regards to the growth of policing in the United States.

The text discovers the construction and development of police personnel systems. It grants an impression of modern-day policies, processes and approaches employed in personnel processes. Furthermore, their work characterizes how individuals grow to be police officers an outline of organizational theory as it involve policing. They investigate numerous meanings and terms that are vital to the understanding of how police departments are administered. The authors observe how police functions are carried out by means of the patrol, investigative, traffic functions and paramilitary elements of the force. They talk about the complexities encountered by police departments that do not possess sufficient reserves to rise to every investigation for service.

The book, “Policing in America” surveys police character and traditions from quite a lot of diverse standpoints — psychological, sociological and anthropological. It explains issues that form police character and traditions. The book similarly looks into the issue of police deviance, misdemeanors and civil responsibility. evaluated the research on how the public sees police officers and how citizens amount to expand their views. The authors point out that traditionally, police officers have relied on police-community connections and crime prevention schemes to get to the bottom of a lot of intricacies with the public. They indicate that such schemes are not constantly efficient.

Furthermore, the book reveals one of the more vivid distinction between the police officer and the private security officer. This involves community policing. Community policing stands for an organizational display that tries to bring about the police department to concentrate on community issues in preference to concentrating on symptoms of problems. affirms that community policing takes account of law enforcement, community participation and community development. 

Role of the Police Officer

Since the functions of the private security guard are patterned to some of the roles carried out by police officers, then it is imperative to discuss these. Not like the private sector industry which grants a concrete product, law enforcement issues an exceptional, monopolistic service. This service is revealed in the extensively acknowledged slogan that comes into view on a lot of local police cars, “To Protect and Serve.” In spite of of the level of technology an agency may possibly utilize, the service implemented and carried out is still conveyed by means of communication of agency personnel with the customers. In law enforcement, that contact is by and large a very personal character. It is also revealed that police officers are the most important asset of a law enforcement agency. assumes that front line personnel make the actual rule of an organization by open decisions created throughout the schedule performance of their responsibilities. He indicates police officers as particular instances of open policy making. The contention can be stated that administration manages the open policy making capability of officers by compelling austere principles by means of standard operating procedures (SOPs) and directives. Nevertheless, law enforcement agency supervisors frequently jog the memory of the troops that they are the organization and that the organization reputation is completed by their public contacts. The customary cliché that civilians do not see individuals, merely police uniforms, is proof of the information that an individual officer’s deeds are the actions of the entire division. This insight is similarly strengthened by court rulings, particularly acts concerning civil rights infringements where the agency, in addition to the individual officer, is brought under examination.

Moreover, law enforcement officials usually take steps dependent to either law enforcement or community caretaking objectives. The dissimilarity involving the two branches from the officers’ fundamental intentions. The law enforcement purpose takes account of behavior that is intended to perceive or get to the bottom of a particular crime, like carrying out arrests, questioning suspects, and probing for evidence. Community caretaking, alternatively, is anchored on a service perception that police serve to guarantee the security and wellbeing of the citizenry in general .

Private Security and the Enforcement of Law

An emerging industry in American society is the private security industry. It is a concept employed to illustrate those private organizations that offer the resources essential for private police work. Misunderstanding frequently comes up for the reason that the industry similarly supplies security personnel, and therefore whether these two ideas are the same has aggravated a variety of answers. A number of have taken on an extra term that integrates the notion that private policing is an action in addition to a collection of products on the market., for instance, in his account of the British private policing, recommends the employment of the “private security sector.”

Others have selected to unite not only private policing and the private security industry, but to take account of the public police similarly under the common word of “policing.” Therefore, for instance, has selected this technique to emphasize what he perceives as the indistinct border involving private and public policing. There lingers no agreement on the limitations of private policing or its connection to the security industry, and every predilection is extremely reliant on the researcher’s individual perspective.

The private security industry indicates to the collection of business-related security products and services, which takes account of three extensive categories: the granting of guards, gear, and investigation or consulting services.  Persons may possibly acquire goods and services from the industry devoid of automatically being caught up in private policing, as when a proprietor acquires an alarm system. Private policing, by contrast, indicates to the acquirement and employment of these products and services, in addition to the submission of specialized knowledge in fields reminiscent of crime control, examination, and risk management. In these contexts, private policing is the set of actions whose requirements are to some extent provided by the private security industry.

In an article of the potential issues that could be encountered when a police officer is moonlighting as a security guard. He noted that whether a police officer acts under color of state law does not depend on whether the officer is doing a shift at the instance of the incident. Off-duty police officers who either claim to work out official authority or who implement definite police authority may possibly be functioning under color of state law. If there is a noteworthy connection involving an off-duty officer’s behavior and his or her responsibilities as a police officer, then the officer will be established performed under color of law. Therefore, as revealed in the article, liability under Section 1983 will merely crop up if the officer is recognized as a police officer or if not calls upon his police authority and if that officer then applies police authorities in a manner that infringes a suspect’s constitutional rights.

The Blurring Line Involving the Role of Police Officers and Private Security Officers

This part of the study is going to discuss the specific elements that blur the line that separates the role of the police officers and private security officers.  In the face of the similarities, private security and law enforcement among police officers are intended to totally separate legal principles. Initially, law enforcement among police officers is a field of the government, and as the label points out, has a task of implementing the criminal laws of the administration. At the same time as private security may possibly be proscribed to some degree by government directives, its function as a representative of a private party is to look after private property and put into effect the rules and regulations that have been formed by that private party. For instance, police will not be involved if a worker acquires a product from the company without consent into a factory for the reason that it is not against the law. Nevertheless security will be concerned for the reason that it is in opposition to the rules of the factory.

One case that reveals this distinction is a 1979 case from California. This was almost certainly the high water mark of getting in the way a private party with law enforcement principles. The California court was involved with the creation of law enforcement features by private security forces and looked at this as a possible hazard to the public. In return to this alarm, it determined that a private security officer who carried out a citizen’s arrest was functioning in support of the public and not his boss. As a result, evidence he had obtained in a search was not permitted into evidence in a succeeding criminal trial. The security officer had no law enforcement association and had not functioned as indicated by police orders or in a dual operation with the police. In the court’s perspective he had assumed a public function.

This California court affirmed unambiguously that the fact that a private citizen carries out a citizen’s arrest does not involuntarily change this person into a representative of the state. Acquiring the subsequent step, the court discovered no proof that the security officers concerned had taken part in a dual operation with the state. The security people had made a decision to make an arrest on their own accord and in no means performed themselves as law enforcement officers. The court took notice of the information that the security guards were taught under state directives to recognize that they were not police officers and did not possess the similar responsibilities as police officers. The security people had at no time emphasized and affirmed the authority of the state and as a result, evidence they had obtained in a search was permitted into evidence. The California courts further obscured the previous case of “Zelinski” in “In Re Christopher H.” in 1991 and permitted the evidence acquired by private security personnel into evidence in a criminal trial.

Nevertheless, there are similarly many instances where off-duty police officers are employed as security guards by private institutions. This is similar to what took place. The Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals took account of a Section 1983 damages case in which the actions of an off-duty policeman working in a store as a security guard granted the connection to state action. In reaction to an apparent shoplifting event, the guard-officer displayed his badge, acknowledged himself as a police officer and carried out an apprehension of a suspect for shoplifting. An argument came about and local police appeared on the scene. Anchored on the account of the officer-guard, the police took into detention the suspected shoplifter and a couple of his brothers who had joined the dispute. When it came to it, the shoplifting suspect actually had not shoplifted. The three brothers charged for a suit, among other things, a Section 1983 court action in opposition to the store, the guard-officer, the local police, and the city on the argument they were dispossessed of due process of law, a federally protected entitlement, by the joint acts of the private parties and law enforcement officers.

The court declared that the store was not legally responsible for a civil rights infringement basically because it provided work for the off-duty officer as a guard, but it came to a dissimilar termination when it examined the guard-officer’s behavior. He had displayed his badge, acknowledged himself as a police officer functioning as a guard, completed his paperwork at the police station, and deemed filing charges in opposition to one of the suspects for assault on a police officer. This was enough in the court’s perspective to ascertain his status as a state actor. The court may perhaps then have tested to observe if there was a rightful state policy that had been neglected.

The court discontinued at this instant in its examination of the guard-officer’s actions and changed to a new point. It stated that even supposing that the guard-officer had not adhered on a police function there was enough evidence of dual activity to pass the Lugar tests. The court then paid attention on the police policy of acknowledging the merchant’s arguments at face value and not carrying out a self-determining investigation prior to carrying out the arrest. To the extent that the court was troubled this policy permitted a private citizen like a security officer or store manager to replace with his or her decision for that of the police. Such accommodating act involving the police and a private party was enough to make the store and guard-officer parties proceeding under color of state law even supposing if the guard-officer had not took action as a policeman.

The point is that there has to be collaboration involving private security and law enforcement but that collaboration is supposed to not widen to circumstances in which private security individuals work out judgments that are supposed to be exclusively within the region of law enforcement. Disconnected and with the exception of the joint appointment with law enforcement features, the case of Lusby is supposed to be kept in mind for the reason of its examination of the position of an off-duty police officer working as a guard. How much police-type action is essential to weigh on the direction state action is a complicated decision, but in state action was established when a bank guard reacted to an issue as a police officer by recognizing himself as such and revealing his police identification. In no state action was established when an officer made no deception that he was performing a task under color of state law. An element of the trouble in was that nobody in organization ever said to the guard- officer what his function was.


The paper has presented the blurring line that distinguishes the role of the private security officer and the police officer. The discussions established that private security personnel and those in law enforcement relate rather comparable but essentially dissimilar trades. The law acknowledges these dissimilarities and allots legal burdens for that reason. If private security takes on the function of law enforcement, the courts will dispense it law enforcement burdens. Private security, in that case, has to contemplate such elements as probable cause, warrants. Being familiar with and understanding the dissimilarities involving private security and law enforcement is an important step in carrying out sensible security decisions that is connected with the trade of putting into effect the regulations of private companies, not the criminal law.


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