Personal SWOT Analysis:   


Competencies and Foundation Skills


Based On:  What Work Requires of Schools:  A SCANS Report for America 2000



Student’s Name: _____________________________ Date:  __________________________________

Evaluator’s Position/Title:  ____________________________________________________________


Please read each statement as it relates to the competency or foundation skill. Indicate which ones are either your Strengths or Weaknesses.  




SCORE 1. Resources: Identifies, organizes, plans and allocates resources

S          A. Manages Time – Selects goal-relevant activities, ranks them, allocates time

              and prepares and follows schedules

S          B. Manages Money – Uses or prepares budgets, makes forecasts, keeps records

              and makes adjustments to meet objectives

S          C. Organized – Acquires, stores, allocates and uses materials or space efficiently

W        D. Plan – Identifies and plan tasks based on importance

W        E.  Allocate Resources – Establish appropriate priorities


SCORE 2. Interpersonal: Works with others

S          A. Team Work – Participates and interacts well on a team, contributes to group effort

S          B. Sharing – Ready to share and teach others new ideas and skills

W        C. Leadership – Communicates ideas to justify position, persuades and

              convinces others; responsibly challenges existing procedures and policies

S          D. Negotiates – Works toward agreements involving exchanges of resources;

              resolves divergent ideas

S          E. Works with Diversity – Works well with men and women from Diverse

              Backgrounds and Cultures


SCORE 3. Information Management: Acquires and uses information

S          A. Acquires and Evaluates Information Effectively (Use Libraries and Search Engines)

S          B. Organizes and Maintains Information on computers

S          C. Interprets and Communicates Information Effectively without biases

S          D. Uses Information Appropriately (My Space and Facebook)



SCORE 4. Technology: Works with a variety of technologies

S          A. Applies Technology to Task- Understands overall intent and proper procedures for setup,

              use and operation of computer equipment and software

S          B. Uses Technology – Efficiently uses software such as Word, Excel, Power Point, Web

              Development, to process and store information and data

W        C. Maintains and Troubleshoots Equipment – Prevents, identifies or solves

              problems with equipment, including computers and software


Foundation Skills


SCORE 1. Basic Skills: Reads, writes, performs arithmetic and mathematical

                  operations, listens and speaks

W        A. Reading – Locates, understands and interprets written information in prose

              and in documents such as manuals, graphs, and schedules

S          B. Writing – Communicates thoughts, ideas, information, and messages in

              writing; and creates documents such as letters, directions, manuals, reports,

              graphs, and flow charts

S          C. Arithmetic/Mathematics – Performs basic computations and approaches

              practical problems by choosing appropriately from a variety of mathematical


S          D. Listening – Receives, attends to, interprets, and responds to verbal messages

              and other cues

S          E. Speaking – Organizes ideas and communicates effectively orally


SCORE 2. Thinking Skills – Thinks creatively, makes decisions, solves problems,

                  visualizes, knows how to learn, and reasons

W        A. Creative Thinking – Logical thinking and reasoning; generates new ideas

S          B. Decision Making – Specifies goals and constraints, generates alternatives,

              considers risks and evaluates and chooses best alternative

S          C. Problem Solving – Recognizes problems and devises and implements plan of action

S          D. Seeing Things in the Mind’s Eye – Organizes and processes symbols,

              pictures, graphics, objects, and other information

S          E. Knowing How to Learn – Uses efficient learning techniques to acquire and

              apply new knowledge and skills; believes in life long learning

S          F. Reasoning – Discovers a rule or principle underlying the relationship between

              two or more objects and applies it when solving a problem


SCORE 3. Personal Qualities – Displays responsibility, self-esteem, sociability,

                  self-management, integrity, and honesty

S          A. Responsibility – Exerts a high level of effort and perseveres toward goal


S          B. Self-Esteem – Believes in own self-worth and maintains a positive view of


S          C. Sociability – Demonstrates understanding, friendliness, adaptability,

              empathy, and politeness in group setting

S          D. Self-Management – Assesses self accurately, sets personal goals, monitors

              progress, and exhibits self-control

S          E. Integrity/Honesty – Chooses ethical courses of action


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