Marketing Management


Topic No. 3

Discuss which brands do you feel successfully target the group “Generation Y”.

Which brands do not? What could they do better?


Topic No. 5

Discuss what is meant by the lifetime value of the customer and customer relationship management (CRM).

Using examples, what changes do organisations need to make if they totally embraced the concept of lifetime value of customers.



Topic No. 7

When it comes to buying decision process, what are the differences between consumer buying behaviour and that of business-to-business?

Why is it important for a marketing manager to know the difference?

Discuss using examples.


Topic No. 8

“The notion of market segmentation is very important and is in fact marketing’s contribution to business management”.

Do you agree or disagree with the statement above?

Formulate your answer around, though not necessarily limited to the following issues:

• The definition of segmentation.

• The underlying assumptions of segmentation.

• The criteria for effective segmentation.

• The notion of mega-marketing.

Support your arguments using examples, include…more


Topic No. 10

Using the Product Life Cycle concept, do you feel brands have finite lives?

Discuss some of special categories of product life cycles.


Topic No. 12

Discuss the different means of differentiating products and services.

Which ones do you think have the greatest impact on consumer choices?

In your answer, use examples of certain brands that rate highly on a number of these different means of differentiation.


Topic No. 13

Is service marketing different from product marketing.

Discuss using examples.


Topic No. 15 & 16

A job description of a Marketing Director is shown below:

“A cornerstone position with Disney Land Merchandise, as Marketing Director you will be responsible for the development and implementation of publicity, advertising campaigns and distribution of Disney Toys. With full responsibility for the strategic positioning, public relations, advertising campaign and distribution, the role is critical to the successful launch and profitability of Disney Toys in Hong Kong”.


Topic No. 17

What are some of the Public and Ethical issues in Direct Marketing?

Using examples, how are marketing databases used by consumer products marketers?


 Topic No. 19

a. Discuss some of the key issues facing retailers in Hong Kong.

b. Discuss the opportunities and risks of major brand Manufacturers providing and selling private label products.


 Topic No. 18

Discuss the key retail e-commerce lessons for businesses in the Asia-Pacific region.

What are the main differences between pure-click companies and Brick-and-click companies?


 If above was not clear, please refer to attached.


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