

Renton Clothing Company (RCC) is a company that aims to provide the best clothing products for various kinds of clients. RCC employs a small number of trusted and efficient personnel, has development centers in four countries and has created offices in more then 12 countries. Process orientation and improvement are part of the RCC work culture and the different processes are made for most tasks that are performed regularly. RCC have various issues. One issue is the company not finishing projects on Time. Another issue is the redundancy in the documentation. An issue within the firm is the lack of leadership skills. Moreover Leaders are not informed enough on what to do on certain situations. One of the issues is the communication problems in the project. Lastly a problem is the Project leader has not planned the resource well to finish the project.


Project management process

Triple constraint of project management

Projects are fraught with risks of many kinds. When the project contract is finalized, many factors will have been considered and an agreement about the risk assumption will have been reached. There are three prime risks associated with project construction and completion. Generally, they are described as cost overrun risk, risk of delay, and technical risk. Cost overrun risk refers to the fact that many projects are finished significantly over estimated cost (Hines 1997). One constraint for the project is the scope or reach of the project. This involves what aspect of the business will be changed. The scope determines the boundaries of the project.  Another constraint for the project is the time that will be used to finish the project. Time is important because it will determine which aspect of the project needs more focus. This constraint needs to be balanced thoroughly so that the project can achieve all of its purpose.  Lastly a constraint for the project is the budget. The budget is the one used to finance all that will be needed to finish the project.  The budget is important because without it the project cannot move on to its other aspects.



The project only covers the opening of the new branch in Leeds area. The project will only determine means for the project to establish itself in the new branch. The project will only put attention to the branch area measuring up to 2,000 sq meters in size and the 15 to 20 staff that will either come from the company or from outside sources. The project will cover areas on budgeting, time management, hr management and maintenance,



The project aims to do the following

  • Determine the lead person for the project

  • Identify the budget that will be used for the opening of the Renton in the new branch.

  • Balance the time that will be spent in undergoing the project.

  •  Determine how the personnel will be managed and who will manage them.

  • The leader for the project and their skills

    The leader for the project will be the project manager he will closely work with the top management and the administration staff. The project manager needs to have perseverance and diligence in making sure that all aspects of the project will push through.  The project manager needs to have the drive that will help them finish the project no matter what happens.   The project manager needs to make sure that he can relate well with all the personnel that will be involved in the project. The project manager needs to have enough patience in dealing with various kinds of personnel.  The project manager need to make sure that he is responsible and is willing to do the best they can to finish the project.  He needs to plan wisely the actions that will be taken and take full responsibility once the project fails. The Project manager should be prepared for the criticisms and intrigues that will be hurled towards him.  He needs to be ready for all people that will try to discredit them or the improvements he has done in the project.


    Stakeholders for the project

    The stakeholders for the project include the management team of Renton clothing, the clients of the company and the different divisions that the company has. The management team of Renton are stakeholders because the success of the project and opening of a new branch will depend on how well they supervise the planning and implementation of the project. The clients are stakeholders because the success of the project and the opening of a new branch will affect the way future branches will be operated.

    Program of work for Project

    A. Initial stages of the project

    -       Find out the issues of the project

    B. Project implementation

    -       Research about how durable the project will be

    -       Know the boundaries of the project

    -       Research about other similar projects and its weakness.

    C. Final stage of the project

    -       Determine whether the project is feasible or not

    -       Know the problems that might be encountered


    Time sheet



    Time needed

    The first stage of the project will take around 1 to 2 weeks. The first stage focuses on the initiation on the project. This part focuses on the initial part of the project.  The resources for this activity includes different sources that can provide information on how the business can grow and achieve its goals; the other resource for this stage includes different notes and information  that will provide the different changes that needs to be done with regards to the employees and the initiation process. In this stage the project manager will gather the needed resources. The second stage of the project includes the planning stage. The second stage of the project will take one week so that proper planning, testing and analysis of the new project can be made. In this stage the budget, human resource, and job responsibilities have been known and are ready to be used in the opening at the new branch.  The third stage of the project will take three to four weeks for proper adjustments. In this stage the project is on the full implementation stage wherein the goal is to slowly start the business on the new market.  The resources for this stage are proper information and training tools for employees. The fourth stage of the project will involve the control, validation and evaluation of the project. The resource for this stage included informative materials that will be distributed to the different project managers that will be used to understand the changes the project has done to the company and what are the current problems of the initiated project. The fourth stage will check how the project succeeded in its goal and how the project should change. The last stage of the project will take around one to two weeks.


    One major responsibility of many project managers is developing and adhering to a budget for the project. Often they will be rated a success or failure as project managers according to whether the project comes in under, on, or over budget (Frame 2003). Project costs are typically composed of four components: direct labor costs, overhead, fringe benefits, and auxiliary costs. (Frame 2003).The budgets can either come from the parent company or from other sources like investors. The budget will be used to pay for the different expenses of the firm in operating in a new market. The budget will be used to pay for the rent expense on the new shop, the payment for all the 15 employees, the cost of supplies used in creating the products, the cost of electricity, the cost of office materials and other costs or expenses.  The next part will give a visual representation of the budget. This is for the first month only. It will be divided into the expenses and source of funds.

    Sources of funds

    Renton funds              ,000

    Investor contribution    10,000

    Bank loans                    5,000

    Total Funds               ,000



    Rent expense on the new shop   ,000

    Overall employee salary               12,000

    Cost of supplies                              6,300

    Cost of electricity                               600

    Cost of office materials                      200

     Other expenses                                100

    Total Expenses                            ,200


    Total Funds          ,000

    Total Expenses      30,200

    Cash at hand           4,900

    Human Resources

    Organizational structure

    Organizational structures help the company have a direction and Organizational structures also provide assistance for the firm to know who takes responsibility for a certain action.

    The new branch will still be supervised by the administrators and the management team. They will make major decisions regarding the operation of Renton. The branch manager will be the one having hands on experience in dealing with the members of the new branch. The branch manager is the one that will make minor decisions regarding the operations of the firm.  The support staff assists the branch manager. The Sales, marketing, finance and production teams are the backbone of the operation and will be responsible for the creation and distribution of products. The finance and production staff will focus on financing and advertising the product.

    Sales, Production, Marketing, Finance staff

    A number of interacting factors affect productivity, including privacy, communications, social relationships, office system organization, management, and environmental issues. Increased productivity occurs when people can perform tasks more accurately and quickly over a long period of time (Clements-Croome 2000). Renton will need employees that are productive. The production staff will consist of 3 people. The production staff will determine if there is a need for change in the clothes and what can still be done to improve the product. The production staff will be the ones who will create needed changes to the clothes sent by the mother branch. The production staff will make sure that the products will have attractive covers or containers.  The sales staff will consist of 4 people, they will be responsible for making sure that the clients will receive and pay for the products they have ordered. They are in constant coordination with the other staff. The Marketing staff will consist of 1-2 people. They will make use of marketing channels to promote the product. .  The marketing channels come in various forms. It may be in the printed, visual or online forms. The chosen marketing channel was printed advertisements and internet advertisements. The marketing channels will help the products be known to more clients. The printed advertisements will be in the form of newspaper advertisements as well as banners that will be put it various places. The finance staff will consist of 1-2 people. They will be the ones that will balance the budget, costs, sales and other finances. The finance staff are the ones that will make sure that Renton is earning appropriately, spending wisely and is maintaining its finances well.

    Project control and validation

    The first of factors for success is a group of External ones like government, community, general economic conditions, ecology, and so on. The second set of factors affecting the viability of project definition is that the project offers a sense of cost-benefit relationship and that the terms of the Financing of the project make sense (Earl 1998). The last factor affecting the project definition is the project’s Timing. Curiously, this aspect is often totally ignored in the project management literature which tends instead to dwell on scheduling methodologies. Timing means the pace at which the project is developed: its urgency, its phasing, and the placing of the strategic review points (Earl 1998).The project itself must then be implemented using a range of concepts, tools, and techniques which have traditionally been thought of as the province of project management. These include matters of organizational structure responsibility and contract strategy, terms and conditions; issues of personal leadership and management style, resourcing, systems, and procedural conflict management and industrial relations, team-working, and matters of control and communication (Earl 1998).  The project will be constantly monitored to check its effect on the company and the changes it has done on the new region. The initial problems on the project will be known fixed to reduce the emergence of other problems. To control the project communication systems will be used between the members of the organization. The communication systems will assist in monitoring the project. The project will be validated via its effect on the company and the industry.

    Project evaluation

    In a business setting there is a chance that projects might fail. Projects are not perfect it will contain certain flaws. If these flaws merge wit forces within the environment the result would be the failure of the project. Project failure can be due to the lack of preparation or planning wherein the manager became too concentrated on the end result rather than the specifics of the project. Project failure can also be due to lack of cooperation between the manager and his subordinates. When there is no teamwork between the manager and the subordinates’ aspects of the project will not be completed. Another cause of project failure is when the manager does not take risks. The risk may have given the project a better chance for success. Moreover a cause of project failure is the lack of alternative strategies that should be used whenever there are small problems or irregularities seen when the project is being undertaken.  Lastly a cause of project failure is the inability to use the approved strategies. There are certain times that project managers fail to make use of strategies set by the organization, this results to an altered direction for the project and in the end failure of the project.  To avoid project failure, the project should be constantly checked and evaluated to see if it still performs according to standards. Evaluation will focus on checking how the firm has adjusted to the new environment and how the firm has grown after expanding into a new region. Evaluation will be used to determine the things or issues that should be changed within the project and determine the next courses of actions that should be taken to achieve success.



    Cappelli, P 1999, Employment practices and

    business strategy, Oxford University Press, New York.


    Clements-Croome, D (ed.) 2000, Creating the productive

    workplace, E & FN Spon, London.


    Decarlo, Lewis, JP & Wysocki, RK 2001, The world class

    project manager: a professional development guide. Perseus

    Books, Cambridge, MA.


    Digiovanna, S, Lee, Y & Markusen, AR (eds.) 1999, Rapid

    growth beyond the metropolis, University of Minnesota

    Press, Minneapolis.


    Earl, MJ 1998, Information management: the organizational

    dimension, Oxford University Press, Oxford.


    Frame, JD 2003, Managing Projects in organizations: how to

    make the best use of time, techniques, and people, Jossey-

    Bass, San Francisco.   


    Frame, JD 2002, The new project management: tools for an age of rapid change, complexity, and other business realities, Jossey-Bass,


    Hines, MA 1997, The development and finance of global private power.  Quorum Books, Westport, CT.


    Johnson, J 1996, Information seeking: an organizational

    Dilemma, Quorum Books, Westport, CT.



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