Improving the quality of a working environment


            “There is no place like home,” as what had Dorothy had said in the Wizard of Oz; truly, no one can replace home in our hearts but wouldn’t it be better to have a second home? You heard me right! Our workplace should be as cozy as our home. Contrary, not all work setting is as amiable as we imagine. We have officemates from the ends of nowhere and dropping us with cannon balls or some so-called supervisors who would like to engage in distasteful sexual behavior. These instances are big no way! Working environment should never be hostile to its employees for it will hinder the growth of the workforce thus, limiting manual labor and output.

            What then is the ideal working environment? Well, it varies from one to another. Others excel in an environment where it caters good communication, great teamwork and places where they can grow professionally as well as intellectually; ideas are well received and respected and these will give them a boost of security in the organization. Human resource department in every company are mindful enough to accommodate the needs and wants of every employee. What are their strategies or innovations that give their employee’s hearts’ content? According to  Ph.D., a Pensacola, Fla.-based management consultant and author of the book “Getting Employees to Fall in Love with your Company,” has identified five things you can do to make people want to work for your organization:

1. Capture the heart of employees. To cite instances it would be balancing the life and work of the employees by giving them enough time for breaks and acknowledging or providing positive feedback.

2. Open communication. This promotes an amenable environment that allows workers to ear out their ideas, thus; giving room for growth.

3. Create partnerships. Treat employees as associates in the business world, a companion to success in that way, one is gaining respect and trust from the other.

4. Drive learning through career, peer counsel or seminars that will enrich their knowledge thus, avoiding stagnation and timidity. Offering career conversations once in a while is also fueling them to act on their hidden talents.

5. Offer professional growth. This could be done sharing the limelight by permitting an employee to handle work projects. Encourage wellness physically or mentally through free subscription to a gym or a health spa. Remember to offer rewards or allow them to choose what they want as an additional benefit.

            The above guidelines are just examples of what one can do to be creative in improving workplace conditions. Diversity of ideas isn’t a barrier to create an environment a homey-effect. One Human Resources executive stated “We work hard to understand and value differences and we celebrate our diversity” (1991). The changing times in the workplace allowing the employees a wider perspective in their chosen jobs, increases their motivation to grab opportunities thus, greater chances of achieving success.


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