Human resource development: Strategic factor in organizational goal attainment in South Ghana Standards State Board


Looking into human resource development as one indicator of positive goal attainment in South Ghana Standards State Board and the research places better framework as noted for South Ghana Standards State Board organizational analysis linked to HRD ways. The derived approach does not emerge from the observation of actual organizations, but from the ordering, through multivariate techniques, of criteria that organizational theorists and researchers use to evaluate the performance of South Ghana Standards State Board. The organizational theorists and researchers were impaneled to make judgments about the similarity of commonly used effectiveness criteria. The model derived from the second group closely replicated the first, and in convergence suggested that value dimensions control-flexibility, internal-external, and mean-ends underlie conceptualizations of South Ghana Standards State Board effectiveness. The HR model serve important functions organize organizational effectiveness literature, indicating HRD strategies and tactics to be used by the Board, construct of organizational attainment in lieu to effectiveness, makes clear the values in which the concepts are embedded, demonstrates that HRD effectiveness literature on South Ghana Standards State Board analysis are analogues of one another, provide overarching framework to guide subsequent efforts at HRD based assessment.

Thus, efforts to relate the management of human resources to South Ghana Standards State Board strategy have taken approaches matching managerial style or personnel activities with strategies, forecasting manpower requirements given certain strategic objectives or environmental conditions, presenting means for integrating human resource management into overall effort to match strategy and structure between South Ghana Standards State Board attainment of goals and human resources strategy. Implications for research and practice will be discussed. Organizational attainment is a concept mentioned in human resource development models but rarely explained in detail and looks at extent to which strategy, structure, culture create an environment that facilitates the achievement of South Ghana Standards State Board goals. The concept lends for performance work systems by explaining how the interdependent elements of the organization can achieve greater individual and collective efficiency and effectiveness. Well-attained South Ghana Standards State Board apply effective leadership and HRD processes to create systematic agreement among strategic goals, thereby increases the performance of individuals, processes, and the organization as a whole.

The prevailing formal and implied conceptions of “organizational effectiveness” are examined and found deficient. When effectiveness is defined with reference to goal attainment, both methodological and conceptual problems, for the goals are those of persons, not of the organization itself and there is in principle no possibility for stable consensus about the nature of the goals. When defined with reference to societal function, the values and standards for assessing South Ghana Standards State Board effectiveness are similarly external to the organization itself. An improved conceptual framework, derived from system model of South Ghana Standards State Board will be proposed; the framework emphasize distinctiveness of South Ghana Standards State Board as an identifiable social structure and the interdependence of Board with its HR environment. The assessment of organizational effectiveness must be in terms not of single criterion but of an open-ended multidimensional set of criteria for empirical investigation, for South Ghana Standards State Board management to be in discussion.

Case study analysis will be used in research this will be along with case survey methodology, total of at least 10 HR employees working at South Ghana Standards State Board will serve as research participants, survey statements will apply and be analyzed through five point scaling response system of strongly disagree down to strongly agree statements linking to human resource development recognizing South Ghana Standards State Board attainment of HR oriented goals and attainment of such goals of the Board for Ghana policy strengthening advocacies and other plans to integrate.




Strongly Disagree








Strongly Agree











Board’s HR must capture the sequential effect of goal oriented effects over time in assessing organizational effectiveness with respect to different areas







The ultimate HRD construct is clearly the

abstraction of Ghana’s resource led performance and means different things to the Board







There really is no such thing as attainment of Board goals if HRD functions are limited only to performance without definite purpose apart from specific domain







HRD purpose is necessary for Board goal measurement because it is not simple

possession of an attribute but utilization of attribute toward some end that reflects on attainment adaptation







For literature assumption, human resource at South Ghana Standards State Board have undergone rapid evolution, initial roots as the function involved in administrative aspects of employee satisfaction, legal compliance have served as dominant areas of emphasis and expertise (1997) justifying the expenditures for and existence of the HR function. HR departments and programs have become an element of the firm’s profit equation to be minimized as cost and maximized as value adding component of Board strategy (1996). The HR field must face the questions of micro-macro linkage, bias in aggregation, plausible mechanisms of action to connect individual human activity in form of HRM with organizational performance. The presence of case for expanding the concept of attainment to enable establishment of South Ghana Standards State Board construction basis for organizational performance through the adoption of organization effectiveness concept.


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