Title: report of HSBC;or newest or any organizations; Creativity and Innovation

Throughout your module programmed you will have been made aware, with the help of writers on organizational learning, that, for many reasons, pockets of creativity and innovation at work are often stifled, or not encouraged; these companies often are not aware of the benefits an examination of organizational learning might bring.

You have played the role of consultant within your target company over the past few weeks, and will now be well placed to put forward some views on creative and innovative practices.

• Using research from your target company discuss whether you believe it is feasible to stimulate, encourage and reward creative and innovative practices within contemporary organizational settings. (Please ensure that you make specific references to the three areas outlined below.)

• Suggest where you believe any blocks to such creativity might be. Wherever possible, use real-life examples to illustrate your viewpoints.

• Use a briefing format i.e. an extended informal report to the head of your consultancy company (which has been called in to conduct this survey of its personnel and practices). This will require sound back-up of your views and findings by reference to appropriate organizational learning research, and your researched company practices.

A reminder of your company research

From Week 12 onwards, you have conducted research into the following three areas of your company for this assessment:-

• Small team operations and their influence on creative working practices

• Owner / Line managers encouragement of individual and/or collective innovation.

• HR department support for promoting good ideas, innovative practices, etc.

Criteria for Assessment

• A clear knowledge of creative and innovative approaches within the workplace

• Evidence and understanding shown of at least one of the three areas of company research you have made (as listed earlier)

• Inclusion of supporting organizational learning principles

• Evaluation of findings, demonstrating greater critical thinking than evidenced in Assignment 1

• Sound, comprehensive literature research; well-referenced

• Inclusion of investigative research materials as an appendix

• A well-produced briefing report, using appropriate format and language, free from typographical and grammatical error

• 2000–2500 word length

Assessment Deadline 4 pm on 3rd May 2007


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