Assignment 1: Computerized Information System Analysis


  • Overview of the Computerized Information System

  •             Primarily, the main objective of this dissertation is to evaluate the Leave System implemented as part of the management information system of a petrochemical industry.   The management of this industry aims on having an information system which is accurate and flexible. Being able to realise the importance of having a new automated leave system that will enable the company to automatically manage the leaves of their employees, they invested on a new MIS, i.e. automated Leave system. The Automated Leave system is running on a Lotus Notes[1] and the records are stored on a mainframe. Through the system, the management is able to decide efficiently in terms of allowing the employee’s leave request or not. The ALS updates the employees leave days automatically.


  • Significance of the System

  • As the company employees grow each year, the management has invested on an information system that would regulate or facilitate their leave system. The following are the perceived benefits of the computerized information system.

    1-     The automated system provides more security to the user.

    2-    The approval of the leave is done electronically.

    3-    The automated system provides a history of the employees’ leaves, which will help the managers to take the correct decision about approving the employees leave applications.

    4-    The automated system provides search features.

    5-    The employee can forward his information (his form) via e-mail.

    6-    The automated system provides a notification feature that alerts the manager about receiving a leave application, which requires his approval.

    7-    The users just will see the sections of the leave application form that pertain to them.

  • Analysis of the characteristics of the Information

  •             The following diagram shows the data or the information flow of the automated leave system of the company. The process of the automated leave system is described with the following information.

    1-    When the employee enters his ID and Password, the system will recognize the user and will retrieve his data (Name, Department, position, etc.). So, he can simply apply for a leave by clicking on “Apply leave” icon then, he can choose the type of the requested leave (Marriage, annual or others) and he can specify if a check is required. Finally, the system will calculate the working days when the employee click on the “*” button and the information will be sent automatically to the department head

    2-    The department head will check the employee’s leave balance, which provides the last thirteen records of the employees leave history), to decide whether to accept or reject his request. Once the department head approves the leave request, the approval will be sent by the system to the personnel section. Otherwise, the request rejection will be sent back to the employee

    3-    In the Personnel section, the leave application will be checked against the employee’s leave record that will be displayed automatically so that it can be approved (since the leave application is approved by the department head) and any remarks can be added..

    4-    Then, the General Services will add the necessary data (adding the tickets or the services required, which is done only for the expatriates) and will send them to the finance department, in which the authorization to process the purchase order can be approved

    Figure 1

    Assignment 2: Iterative Development


    Assessment of the Iterative Development

                The term iterative implies the context of repetition. With the advent of the information communication technology, company is being faced in developing their own information system to make work easier for the management and the entire industry. The context of iterative development has been one of the most essential aspects that evolve. Iterative developed refers to a strategy which cycles through the development stages, from collecting the requirements to delivering its functionality in a workplace.

    The Iterative Development is regarded as the general process of enhancing information systems by using multifaceted procedures from investigation of the preliminary requirements through systems analysis, systems design, systems implementation and systems maintenance. Further,  is also recognised as Application Development or Information Systems Development which is a method of solving information systems problems. Iterative Development has various models and approach, but each normally consists of a cycle of defines procedures and stages

                As mentioned, the Iterative Development covers step-by-step procedures. Usually, it follows seven habits in order to ensure that the tasks to be performed are well planned.  This seven habits according to Cardozo (2002) includes being proactive, beginning with the end in mind, putting first thing first, thinking of a win/win situation, seeking first to understand then to be understood, synergizing and sharpening the saw. The basic aspects to be considered in iterative developed includes the Phases are Time-Boxed not Functionally-Boxed, Test early, Test often, Deliver early, Deliver often, Production Quality.  There are various iterative development process which include Agile (eXtreme Programming) , Iconix, OPEN, RationalUnifiedProces and SelectPerspective.

    Accordingly, iterative development is a rework scheduling approach in which schedule is set aside to improve, revise and modify parts of the system. Iterative development does not presuppose incremental development, however works very well with this. A common difference is that the result from an increment is not essentially subject to more refinement and its testing or the user feedback is not utilised as input for changing the specification or plans revising the plans or of the successive increments.

    Figure 2

    Iterative Development Model



    Usefulness and Importance of Iterative Development

                The problems most industries have in terms of development and management of software is because of the poor requirements rather than coding.  There are different reasons why iterative development is important and useful. First, iterative development has the ability to slice the system functionality and deliverable business value in the iterations. Herein, each iteration is considered a piece of functionality which is being delivered through cross-discipline work which starts from the unified approach group iteration into stages which include inception, elaboration, construction and transition. Through inception, the project scope are being identified as well as risks and requirements may it be functional or non-functional.

    On one hand, elaboration is the ability to deliver a working architecture which mitigates the top risks as well as the fulfillment of the non-functional needs. In addition, construction is responsible for incremental fills-in with the production-ready codes which has been produced and generated from analysis, design, execution and testing of the requirements and the transition is the one which delivers the system into the production operation aspects. Each of these stages may be subdivided into 1 or more iterations that are usually time-boxed rather than the featured boxed/

    An important aspect of the iterative development approach is the Joint Application Development (JAD) aspects. Joint Application Development (JAD) is used as an approach for the business development system requirements. The goal of this is to bring close information technology and the business environment in a structured workshop that sets to extract consensus based system needs.  This is achieved by utilising a trained Joint Application Development facilitator and modified, planned agenda to help the delegates in arriving at complete high quality requirements. 

    One aspects of iteration development is extreme programming. Accordingly, Extreme Programming and interactive development in general regard ongoing transformation to needs and requirements as a natural, desirable and inescapable factor of software development needs. Some believed that the adaptability to transform requirements at any part during the project life is considered as more realistic and better strategy than trying to define all the needs at the beginning of specific project and then exerting effort to control these transformation to the requirements.

    Figure 3

    Note: Planning and feedback loops in Extreme Programming (XP) with the time frames of the multiple loops.


    All in all, it can be said that in software development, the management should choose the best approach to follow to be guided in developing and effective and efficient software for the company.



    Cardozo, EL (2002). the seven habits of iterative development.





    [1] Lotus Notes is state-of-the-art e-mail, calendaring, group scheduling, Web access and information management application — all integrated in an easy-to-use and customizable environment.



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