Unit 4 – Designing Activities for Specific Audience

Discussion Board


Difference Between Adults and Children Learning Process

            Metaphors, rehearsal, imagery and mnemonics are different learning concepts that are applicable for teaching children. However, these learning concepts can also be applied to adult learning. This is because of the fact that successful learning depends greatly on using all the senses, primarily auditory, visual, kinesthetic, olfactory, and immersing the learner in multitude of complex and interactive experiences (authorSTREAM n.d.). Metaphors enable me to show things that are not alike in most ways, but similar in one vital way, which enables me to understand a given subject or issue in in-depth way. Rehearsal or drill enables me to learn things based on the actual setting, which enables me to learn more. Imagery, on the other hand, enables me to understand a certain subject in more effective way, because it enables to maintain my interests. On the other hand, mnemonic enables me to memorize different important terminologies particularly those terms that are related to Information Technology that are hard to remember.

            Based on different theories, it can be said that learning is affected by different important factors that are available in the learning environment, as well as the different entities that are involved in the learning process, primarily teacher or instructor, there is a difference between the learning process of adults and children. Primarily, children rely on others in order to decide what is important to be learned, while adults decide for themselves what the important issues to be learned are. Children normally accept the important issues being presented at face value, while adults need to validate the information based on their beliefs as well as experiences. Aside from that, children expect that what they are currently learning is to be used in long-term future, while adults expect to use it immediately. Above all, children have little responsibility to serve as a knowledgeable resource to teacher or their fellow classmates, while adults have the ability to serve a knowledgeable resource to trainer and fellow students (Mihal & Belletti, 1999).

            Therefore, it is very important for instructor to consider the age of the target audience in designing learning approach and the different activities to be used.



authorSTREAM, Adult Learning Theory, Retrieved April 15, 2009, from authorSTREAM website: http://www.authorstream.com/presentation/aSGuest9340-132572-learning-theory-education-ppt-powerpoint/

Mihall, J. & Belletti, H. (1999). Adult Learning Styles and Training Methods, Retrieved from Justice website: http://justice.gov/adr/workplace/pdf/learstyl.pdf



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