Adult ADHD (coping mechanisms of adult ADHD on the family and on marriage)


In the early years, ADHD goes unrecognized and only few people are aware that it

exists.   Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder impact many people.  Children or

adult can be diagnosed by this symptom.  If one were never detected for ADHD as a

child, it doesn’t show that one can’t have it as an adult.  To be diagnosed with this

disorder, one definitely had it during childhood but some symptoms may occur in adult

years when one suffered from brain injury,  trauma or organic causes.    ADHD is a

medical disorder.  Base on research, its common cause is hereditary.  Other causes are

exposure to toxic substances and brain injury from trauma, brain tumors, strokes or

diseases.   The reason of the disorder is a chemical problem in the management

systems of the brain. If you find yourself late all the time and disorganized, overly

distracted and forgetful and you are overpowered by your responsibilities, then you may

have ADHD.  This kind of disorder causes frustration and may hinder relationships to

family or career.  Many adults suffer with this illness not knowing that they have it. 

Instead of accepting the symptoms and knowing the real issue, family, friends or even

teachers may label them as lazy, trouble maker, dreamer or a bad person.  Negative

perception, stress, fewer resources, limited coping methods are the effects in a family

with family member who has ADHD.   Procrastination and indecision are also the

symptoms of the disorder.  A person with this disorder depicts bad self-image because

they cannot concentrate on the task assigned to them, cannot focus on conversations,

gets easily bored and lacks attention to details.   Its symptoms will cause destructive

effects on the behavioral, emotional, social, vocational and academic life of a person.  


In managing everyday symptoms of ADHD, there are strategies to help an adult develop

coping skills with the disorder.  Making time to exercise everyday increases focus and

attention and helps fight depression.  Accepting one self and finding acceptance from

people who understands will also aid a person with the disorder to survive with daily

struggles.  Finding time to unwind and creating a system to organize schedule will

facilitate the illness.  Recognizing limitation of your spouse (if he has ADHD)  will help

him feel accepted.  Setting up work that would match his ability will help him gain

confidence.  Simplifying life by cleaning the clutter around the house will make it easier

for the partner to avoid relationship issues.  Family should be involved in handling this



People diagnosed with ADHD has difficulty maintaining relationships with coworkers,

friends and to the people who surrounds him especially if they are misunderstood.  One

cannot ignore the fact that it affects marriage or family relationships.  Being in a normal

relationship presents you with challenges and  what more if your partner has ADHD?  If

this will be taken negatively due to problematic traits it bears, there likely will be

depression in your life.  Remembering the positive qualities of your partner when you’re

angry and appreciating him or her  will help you save your marriage.  Spending more

time and lifting each other up will deepen your relationship.  Having an effective

communication or keeping the communication line open will help you understand your

partner without blaming or accusing your partner have positive effects.  Having a sense

of  humor will ease the feeling of stress for you and your spouse.  Being attentive to

your other half by listening will improve your relationship.   Making a list of issues and its

possible solutions can bring harmony to marriage.  Despite the emotional burden it

brings to the family, there are also good traits one may find in a person having this

disorder.  Adults with ADHD has their positive qualities also.  Such persona includes: 

being artistic or creative, eager to try new things, fun to be around, thinks outside the

box, spontaneous,  has high energy, among others. These characteristics give

 excitement and challenge in the relationship.  


Stimulants and anti-depressants can help medicate ADHD adults.  Coping up with

Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder is an individual decision.  Managing ADHD is a

family concern.  Some may organize their activities or schedules through proper

planning.  Others will rely on medication.  There is nothing wrong here.  Every

family takes different approaches to uplift their family member with ADHD.  A positive

environment is important.  A good support system of the family members will make it

easier for the adult to face his condition.  Learning more about ADHD and consulting a

doctor gives a deeper understanding on the disorder and the situation they are into. 



  •  Health Central, [Online] Available at:  [Accessed 28 April 2011]

  • HELPGUIDE.ORG, Adult ADD/ ADHD  [Online] Available at:  [Accessed 28 April 2011]

  • Melinda White, 2004, How Adult ADHD Affects Relationships: Strategies for coping [Online]  Available at: [Accessed 28 April 2011]



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