Writing an essay report for senior management of an organisation acting as a consultant commenting on an organisational change process.

The organisation which I selected is Caf de Coral Group .

The report should follow the below format.
A) Executive Summary
1) summary of your report
2) relation/role with the organization

B) Introduction / Background
1) Background information of the company Cafe de Coral Group (company nature, business, organization structure, mission, performance…etc (where appropriate & use appendix if necessary)
2) General Issues – What are the changes / concerns / problems / issues (eg decrease in efficiency, performance gap, declining business, unhealthy signs, expansion of business, introduction of new things: technology, management  philosophy, standards…etc.)
3) A brief description as an hint for later part

C) Environmental Analysis / Environment and Drivers of Change
1) Environment Analysis:
i) General: Static/Dynamic, Simple/Complex
ii) External: Use PESTEL
iii) Internal: Use Growth model
iv) Current cultural state: Use cultural web for analysis
2) Analysis of Issues
i) What factors from the above analysis make the change necessary
ii) What are the scope of this change
– That is: the area has changed or may need to change. Try to find a specific but nontrivial aspect. These may include one or more (unlikely all) of the followings:
1)Perople eg. high staffing cost, lack of some particular professionals/skills; to improve morale; lack of some kind of skills, new CEO etc.
2) System eg. implement of ISO9000/14000…etc. or a new office standards; Computerisation / office automation – ERP type changes, new procedures for new regulation / market lead to new system etc.
3) Structure eg. re-engineering, merger of 2 departments, integration of business, formulating of a new product line lead to new structure ets.
4) Mission eg. implementation of company missions, change of missions or business philosophy etc.
5) Culture eg. to foster particular value/culture, to eliminate particular traditions, new leadership, new business/working atmosphere etc.

D) Sources of Resistance
1) Do you expect any resistance?
– If yes, what are they? Their nature, sources: eg status quo, resistance from long serving “old” staff, structure…etc.
– If no, why are you sure? Do you have contingency plan?

E) Sources of Leadership
1) What is the existing leadership style?
– Use leadership theories to describe your organization’s leadership
2) Whether it is adequate to lead the change?
– With reference to change you mentioned above, comment whether the existing leadership can lead the change
– Liz Clarke: Change Star Model: why change -> make it manageable -> shared approach -> reinforce team and individual

F) Scenario
1) Write a no change scenario
2) Also write a change scenario

G) Conclusion
– decision to change (identify key issues a change program will need to address -> for next assignment (which will ask for help after this)
– brief summary of the decision.

H) Reference / Bibliography



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