Managing Change



            Management of change is defined as a structured approach to individual, ream, organization, and society transitions. The aim of management of change is to move the target from a current state to a desired state. Management of change is primarily focused in managing the people side of change. Management of change involves the adaptation of new business model into an organization in order to transform.

            I learned that change does not happen overnight. It is a process that must be properly planned. The major focus of managing change is managing the people within the organization. I believe that in order for a change initiative to be effective, the people within the organization must be educated and informed about the planned change and why it is important. Management of change must be continuously monitored for effectiveness and must be implemented throughout the organization and must be adjusted in order achieve the desired goals.


            In this reflective journal, I present the things that I learned from the subject. These are the things that I think will be useful to me in the future. My reflective journal is not a summary of the topics that were discussed in class. Through my reflective journal, I seek to assess and to share what I have learned and to present the things that had impacted me as a student who endeavors to become a manager, a decision-maker and a leader someday.


Core Concepts

            The organization is viewed as a system that is comprised of the following components:

  • Task

  • Individuals

  • Formal organizational arrangements

  • Informal organization


            In order to change, an organization requires an appraisal of its internal and external environment. Analyzing threats and opportunities, strength and weaknesses, and resources is the cornerstone of strategic management. One of the core concepts of managing change is the identification of change need. I learned that in order for the organization to facilitate change and to be successful in implementing change, identification of the change need must first be accomplished. In managing change, it is also important to deal with the factors that cause resistance to change. This entails the management of the people side of change. People resist change because of different reasons but it all boils down to the fear of the unknown. People resist change because they are uncertain about the impact of the change. They resist change because they are not well informed and educated.


I learned that change is a process that requires a deep understanding of the organization and its components. Change can be caused by different environmental factors. For example, many organizations are introducing flexible working arrangements and family-friendly policies. This change in the aspect of work can be caused by the changes in the demography of the labor force. This can also be caused by the desire of the organization to attract and retain its employees and to improve its production. Whatever may be the reason behind a change, the change agent and the management must have a proper understanding of the organization.


Recognizing and Diagnosing the Need for Change

            Recognizing and diagnosing the need for change requires an in-depth analysis of the organization and its need for change. Before the organization embarks on a change process, the management must first find out the current state of the organization and its needs. The need for change is often propelled by a demand from either the internal or the external environment. Change strategists and implementers must understand the organization’s operations, how it functions in its environment, what its strengths and weaknesses are and how it will be affected by proposed changes in order for them to craft an effective implementation plan. Recognizing and diagnosing the need for change is a very crucial stage in the change process, as it will direct the organization the right path. If the initial stage of the change process (recognizing and diagnosing the need for change) is not sound, no amount of implementation know-how will help the organization in achieving its goals. Organizations recognize and diagnose the need for change by conducting the following:

  • A full financial audit of the organization

  • A structural survey in which different departments and their staff are identified

  • A skills audit of the organization’s personnel

  • A marketing analysis of the business within the industry

It will also be helpful, if the implementers at this early stage of the change process systematically examine the forces for and against change. Change will not occur unless the forces for it are stronger than those resisting it.


            I learned that the initial stage of the change process, which is the identification of change need, is very crucial. The need for change must be identified and this must be communicated to all levels of the organization. One way of identifying the need for change is by conducting an internal and external analysis such as SWOT analysis.


Managing People Issues

            The implementation of change is always faced with challenges and difficulties, especially when the people in the organization resist change. In order to deal with employee resistance organizations according to Randall (2004) need to energize, enable and empower their people. By energizing we mean creating a goal that will prompt or energize everyone in the organization. Also the management must be able to lead from the front by showing integrity and establishing trust. Enabling involves invigorating the top team by strengthening its leadership capability. In addition, in order to enable the people, the organization must build a culture of empowerment by opening the door to ideas. Moreover, the organization must also make sure that the employees understand the change process and reasons behind it. Empowering the entire organization means aligning HR processes and practices to improve capabilities. The organization must also seize opportunities and empower employees in order for them to adapt with change rapidly.


            In order to effectively manage people, the management or the change agent must create a shared vision and common direction. Employee empowerment is very important. The management must make sure that everyone is heard and that everyone is informed and educated about the change process. The management needs to make a vision as it will guide the whole organization and it will prompt everyone to work and participate.

            I consider the people side of management as the most problematic. For me this aspect of the change process will determine whether change will be successful or not. I believe that most organizations fail to manage change because they failed to involve the people.


Shaping Implementation Strategies

            It is of utmost importance that the management develops a change strategy. In order to change, there needs to be a well-defined strategic intent. The organization needs to set new directions, new purpose, new values and goals.

            The management needs to craft a sound implementation strategy that will involve everyone in the organization. I believe that if everyone feels that he or she is a vital part of the process he or she will be motivated to act.


Managing and Sustaining the Transition

            Employee involvement and communication are important in managing and sustaining the transition. The management must describe where the organization is now, where it needs to go and how it will get to the desired state. The success criteria of change must also be clearly identified as well as the evaluation procedures and related rewards. The outcome of the change process depends on the involvement of the participants. The management must be able to communicate to the people in such a way that they are allowed to voice out their concerns and feedbacks. Through communication, the management must deal with the employees’ concerns, resistance and feedbacks.

            In order to properly manage and sustain the transition, reinforcement and institutionalization of change must be given priority. Reinforcement is important because it motivates employees to adapt to the new vision and goals of the organization. Managers and leaders should make it a top priority to prove their commitment to the transformation process, to reward risk taking and to incorporate new behaviors into the organization’s daily operations. By reinforcing the culture, they affirm its importance and hasten its acceptance.


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