August 9, 2007



   Tips on Writing


    Use or add words which will help to complete the idea in the paragraph.



              Instead of writing this:


              Although this news is not current, the subject and the location of the event are always in our TV screens and the article talks about the condition and abuses being endured by Iraqi and Afghan women today.


              Use the word “appeared” like:


              Although this news is not current, the subject and the location of the event are always appeared in our TV screens and the article talks about the condition and abuses being endured by Iraqi and Afghan women today




    The use of “is” and “was”. Is is used as a simple tense while was is the past tense of “is”.



              Instead of using “is”


A person is born and lived at sea level will have a smaller lung capacity than a person who spends their life at a high altitude as there is less oxygen in the air so; the lungs gradually expand to process more air.


              Use “was”.


A person who was born and lived at sea level will have a smaller lung capacity than a person who spends their life at a high altitude as there is less oxygen in the air so; the lungs gradually expand to process more air.



    The use of connectors “and” and “while”. And is used to indicate an additional thing, situation or fact. While is used to contrast.


                   Instead of using “and


People who have repeated episodes of acute bronchitis sometimes develop the chronic condition and a person with chronic bronchitis has a chronic productive cough.


              Use “while”


People who have repeated episodes of acute bronchitis sometimes develop the chronic condition while a person with chronic bronchitis has a chronic productive cough.



    Infinitive “to” must have a verb in the base form




                   Instead of writing this:


Direct attention to anticipating and minimizing the complications and towards preventing premature delivery whenever possible is the strategic goals.

Write it as:

Direct attention to anticipate and minimizeg the complications and towards preventing premature delivery whenever possible is the strategic goals.


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