Studying Hard: The Case of Qin Chao


Overview of the Case

School success is the key factor that translates to societal success, and individuals who enjoy and want to be in school are more likely to accomplish success in life and less likely to participate in problematic behaviors (Posner & Vandell, 1994). Students are facing a lot of problems and challenges in specifically when it comes to examinations. Different factors can be attributed in the teaching-learning process to make sure that students are being able comprehend what the instructors or teachers are teaching.  The case was about Qin Chao, a student taking up management courses from computing to management. The case shows that Qin Chao is having problems in his studies, specifically in terms of passing his examination. Primarily, the main goal of this paper is to identify and analyse the problems face by QIn Chao in preparing for examination. Based on the analysis of the problems, this paper will then provides pertinent solutions which Qin Chao can use for passing his examinations.


  • Identify and analyse the problems Qin Chao faced in preparing for his examination.

  • Based on the given case, one of the problems that affect Qin Chao in his examination is with regards to the attitude of his instructor. During his first course, Qin Chao has become a good student with good learning ability. He has passed his previous examination without any problems and he even passed his entire degree. During his second course which is management, Qin Chao started to have problems regarding his studies. Based on the case study, even if Qin Chao approaches his professor, the professor did not really bother to explain what Qin Chao is asking, though he has given some hints to Qin Chao about learning English more and understanding th questions carefully.

    Being a management student, Qin Chao is also having problems in comprehension of the lecture of the professors. Like all his classmates Qin Chao is also having issues with their professors with the way he discuss their lessons.  With these issues, other problems exists which is with regards to the inability of Qin Chao to have deep knowledge about the course that he has taken. Another problem that concerns, Qin Chao is with regards to the time. Qin Chao is studying at night because he has still works to do. The little time that he has spent reviewing also affects his condition during the examination,

    Based on the given case, the main root of the problems faced by Qin Chao is his inability to be exposed in real life situation since their professor is only lecturing about it but not really emphasizing how it can be used in the corporate world. Accordingly, management students should be exposed to real situations in the industrial world where they learn communication skills, how organizations function, how to interact with business people for information gathering and how to analyse marketing and management situation to pull together solid arguments to provide the stakeholders. This is the aspects that are missing in the teaching-learning process in Qin Chao’s school. During examinations, the professor is giving real-life case studies and problems but the students like Qin Chao have not understood it and could not use it during the examination,

    Another problem that can be perceived in this situation is about the inability of Qin Chao in terms of writing. Accordingly, English writing is an essential skill for students, specifically for management students to be able to write more efficient and correct.  It is said that writing efficiently is not just a choice that must be made by students, but it is important. Writing skills is known as a predictor of academic achievements along with reading comprehension. For this report, it can be said that with the problems of Qin Chao in writing, he cannot write even simple essay which is really important as a management students for reporting and case study analysis purposes.


  • Suggest a number of solutions he could have employed during his course, which would have helped him pass his examination.

  • In order to provide effective teaching-learning process, the educational system must be able to know first the learning strategies of each student. Students have different learning strategies and personalities for acquiring and practicing knowledge. Herein, it can be said that students can have different learning strategies to improve on a specific learning tasks (Young, 26) such as learning for passing examinations and enhancing knowledge. The case has been able to demonstrate or show different problems encountered by management students like what has been experienced by Qin Chao. To be able to solve the issue, the following are the recommended or suggested approach that Qin Chao can use to pass his examinations.

    In order for me to enhance my academic skills in writing, I am able to use three strategies and technique.


    Ø  Self-Regulation Strategies or Studying by Myself

    One of the most important strategies that Qin Chao can use his knowledge with regards to his lessons and also in terms of writing skills needed to answer the questions in essay form is the self-regulated approach or through studying by himself. Consequently, self-regulated learning encompass the learning technique as well as the mental processes that individual learners deliberately involve to help themselves learned perform better in terms of academic knowledge such as reading, comprehension, English language learning and  writing . Similarly, it is also noted that the self-regulation learning approach is also required for successful engagement in a large number of activities, whether they are intrinsically motivated or extrinsically motivated (Gremli, 1996).  Different authors have stated that self-regulated learner is known to be empowered and able to make sense of the learning and writing task, to generate goals and strategies, and to implement actions to meet such goals within a learning context (Young, 2005).  Self-regulation involves self-monitoring and self-correction of three general aspects of learning: self-regulation of behavior, self-regulation of motivation, and self-regulation of cognition (Zimmerman 1995; cited in Young, 2005). Young (2005) argued that that Student can be proactive and engaged or, alternatively, lack initiative and responsibility for their learning. Self-regulated learning involves learning strategies and mental processes that learners deliberately engage to help themselves learned perform better academically. Similarly, Bronson (2000) noted that Self-regulation is also required for successful engagement in a large number of activities, whether they are intrinsically motivated or extrinsically motivated

    In order to learn more, Qin Chao should continue what he is doing which is studying by himself.  Qin Chao should also study by reading different books about management, case study analysis, or about different companies and industries. Qin Chao should read books on how to write efficiently. She also try to enhance his writing skills to answer the questions effectively during the examination.


    Ø  Studying With other people

    Another important learning strategy to improve my Qin Chao’s academic knowledge and writing skills is through collaboration with other people or by studying with other people. In the given case, it was mentioned that Qin Chao has been able to collaborate with some of his classmates or colleagues to study. However, most of the students that he is studying with have low self-esteem specifically in terms of the lessons that they are about to learn. Herein, studying with other people can be considered effective of the people whom they are studying with have determination to learn more and are enthusiasts with what they are doing.

     Being able to be with some someone who can understand your weakness and strength in writing lessons and reading comprehension can really help students like Qin Chao to learn more. Through this, there is a chance that Qin Chao will know if what he is doing is right or if he still needs improvement (Reimer, 2001).  Through the help of other people, Qin Chao can be with someone who can give him tips and important information on how to write and how to understand their lessons in management efficiently and appropriately. When he is with his colleagues, they can try to have some brainstorming to know which part of the lessons is easy to comprehend and which part is still unclear.  Accordingly, effective groups are described by individual and mutual responsibility and a sense of common commitment. It is said that all group members, including leaders or ordinary one, must take accountability for the overall group success and for dealing with the problems which are noted to be inevitable. Furthermore, it has also been said that the best group invest tremendous amount of both effort and time to explore, shape and agree on a purpose which belongs to the group both individually and collectively and then translate this goal into specific performance objectives (Katzenbach and Smith, 1993).


    Ø  Writing Diaries and Stories to improve English writing skills

    One of the problems mentioned in the case is about writing skill, specifically in English writing. Another learning approach that can be used to improve writing English skills of Qin Chao which is very helpful in answering the questions during the examinations is through writing stories or diaries. In order to enhance his vocabulary or to enhance his writing abilities, QIn Chao can write diaries and simple stories just to practice the flow of his English writing.  Through this, Qin Chao can be able to learn writing academic English by starting a diary, in which he can make a note on everything that is appealing and interesting for him or anything that happens to him. He can also try writing about case analysis of different companies and also use the internet to find basic information or company profiles of the companies that has been mentioned during the lecture. By writing more and more, there is a greater chance of improvement in terms of grammar and sentence making.  Accordingly, keeping a diary is noted to be one of the best ways to enhanced writing skills in foreign language.  It is said that keeping a diary will be able to let you know a student’s own progress in writing.


    Ø  Creating a review notes and Managing time

    Another important lesson to learn to improve grades in examination is having a review notes and by time management.  There are many factors to consider in managing time. First, Qin Chao should be able to set his goals. It is essential to be clear about the reasons for taking up management. Setting goals enables Qin Chao to focus their attention and directs their actions. The next thing to do is to evaluate his time. Herein, Qin Chao should be able to find how he currently spends his precious times. Furthermore, he must know what things to be accomplished.  Part of time management approach of Qin Chao is to make a list of the things that he wants to accomplish and prioritize their time in terms of its importance.  The next thing to consider is to try to establish a regular study schedule and to study in the same place when reviewing. 

    Another important thing to consider which can help Qin Chao to pass his examination is to take note of all important things mentioned by their professor and search for other books to enhance his knowledge about it. After the lesson, preview good note taking before coming to class and review these materials for him not to forget anything.  Reviewing the notes taken and reading from other resources about the context of management can be useful for Qin Chao to pass his examination.



    It can be concluded that there is no single approach in improving his learning abilities. Each student have a unique learning strategies and the role of the educational system is to determine these strategies and create curricular instructions that would enhanced this innate learning strategies of these students, such as keeping a diary, studying with people and studying by oneself. By and large, the key aspects to consider are by studying hard which leads to enhanced knowledge about the course. It can be said that with the attitude that Qin Chao is showing, it only needs some support from his colleagues and professor and he will be able to achieve his goal of passing the examination and the entire course.




    Gremli, J. 1996. Tuned in to learning styles. Music Educators Journal, 83, pp. 24-27.


    Reimer, M. The effect of a traditional, a process writing, and a combined talking and writing instructional approach on the quality of secondary English students’ written response, Unpublished Documents, Canada 2001.


    Young, M.R. 2005. The Motivational Effects of the Classroom Environment in Facilitating Self-Regulated Learning. Journal of Marketing Education 27(25), 26.



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