Question 1


Dear Sir,

Employee motivation is one of the important issues in organizations today. Companies and organizations are now aware of the impact of employee motivation on performance and job satisfaction. Because of the importance of motivation, it is necessary that we study why some people in organizations work hard while others do not. Let us find out the factors that affect motivation.

It is a well-known theory that individuals respond more to pressures created within the social group. Management controls are effective only to the extent that they influence the achievement of social needs. It can also be argued that work in itself is a mechanism that motivates individuals. Work motivates in the sense that through work people’s basic social needs are met – it provides a source of identity and an opportunity to meet other people, develop status and establish social relations.


What is motivation?

            To clearly understand the factors that affect motivation and the impacts of motivation on my performance and job satisfaction, let us first define what motivation is. According to  (2002), motivation is the process of satisfying internal needs through actions and behaviors. It is concerned with a composite of mental and physical drives, combined with the environment that makes people behave the way they do (). According to (2004), motivation is about something within us that impels us to move forwards, to achieve a goal, to make progress in a task. That ‘something’ is the driving force, it may be a need, or desire, or an emotion that leads us to act a certain way ().


Which Motivation Theory has the Biggest Impact on Me?

Herzberg’s Motivational Hygiene

            Herzberg’s theory focuses on two factors: (1) outcome that can lead to high levels of motivation and job satisfaction and (2) outcomes that can prevent people from being dissatisfied. According to Herzberg’s theory, people have two sets of needs or requirements: motivator needs and hygiene needs. Motivator needs are related to the nature of the work itself and how challenging it is. Outcomes such as interesting work, autonomy, responsibility, being able to grow and develop on the job, and a sense of accomplishment and achievement help to satisfy motivator needs. In order to have a highly motivated and satisfied workforce, Herzberg suggested, managers should take steps to ensure that employees’ motivator needs are being met. Hygiene needs are related to the physical and psychological context in which the work is performed. Hygiene needs are satisfied by outcomes such as pleasant and comfortable working conditions, pay, job security, good relationships with coworkers, and effective supervision. According to Herzberg, when hygiene needs are not met, workers will be dissatisfied, and when hygiene needs are met, workers will be satisfied. Satisfying hygiene needs, however, will not result in high levels of motivation or even high levels of job satisfaction. For motivation and job satisfaction to be high, motivator needs must be met ( 2002).


            Herzberg’s Motivation Theory affected my performance in the workplace. Herzberg’s theory stresses that in order to motivate employees, the factors that dissatisfy them such as low salary or wages, poor working conditions, and poor supervisory feedback and supervisory relationship must be eliminated. To increase motivation, the work should offer achievement, recognition, personal growth and personal responsibility.


            One example of how Herzberg’s theory affected our performance and job satisfaction was when our manager conducted an attitude survey in order to find out the dissatisfying factors in the organization. He also engaged us in informal conversations to dig deeper on the issue. During an informal conversation with him, I revealed my worries about the job security and the working conditions. There was also a suggestion box that the employees can use to voice out their opinions and suggestions. Through these methods (attitude survey, informal conversations and suggestion boxes), the manager found out that the leading dissatisfying factors are job security and poor work conditions. The manager was quick to respond and efforts were made in order to eliminate the dissatisfying factors in the workplace. Then the manager introduced some schemes that will offer opportunities for the employees to achieve. Our work was stimulated through different games, competitions, recognitions and fair reward systems. The employees are also offered with career advancement plans and career counseling. Herzberg’s theory affected my work by eliminating the dissatisfiers and increasing motivation through achievement, recognition, fair reward systems, work stimulation, advancement and by giving every employee in the organization more challenging and rewarding responsibility and tasks.


Psychological Contract

            The psychological contract refers to employees’ beliefs about the mutual obligations between the employee and his or her organization (1989 ; 2003). These beliefs are based on the perception that employer promises have been made about such matters as competitive wages, promotional opportunities, and job training in exchange for certain employee obligations, such as the giving of their energy, time, and skills (1998 ; 2003). Psychological contract according to  (1973) is an implicit agreement between the employee and an organization that specifies what each is expected to give and receive in the relationship.


            I have a psychological contract with the organization, and vice versa. I expect the organization to give and receive, the organization also have its expectations of me. I believe that the psychological contract is important. Without expectations, neither the employee (me) nor the employer (organization) will have the encouragement to each other and the relationship between me and the organization will not last.



What I Expect from the Organization

  • Career advancement – I expect that the organization will offer possibilities for development and chances of promotion.

  • Job security – I expect job security and protection against illegal employment activities and policies.

  • Training and development – I expect that the organization will offer opportunities for me to become competent and effective as well as offer me opportunities to develop my knowledge, skills and expertise further.

  • Fair pay/compensation – I expect that the organization will offer me with appropriate compensation and benefits.

  • Health and security in the workplace – I expect that the organization will ensure that I work in a safe and violence/accident-free working environment.

  • Management support and recognition – I expect the organization to acknowledge my efforts.

  • Work-life balance – I expect the organization to respect and understand my personal situation.




What the organization expects from Me

  • Loyalty and commitment – the organization expects me to be loyal and committed to my job and the organization. The organization also expects me to build a long-term career in the organization.

  • Ethical conduct – the organization expects me to ethically conduct myself towards the organization. The company expects me to keep confidential information and deal honestly with company resources.

  • Effort and performance – the organization expects me to make efforts to perform well for the organization. I am expected to make efforts for the benefit of the organization and establish a favorable working relationship with my co-workers.

  • Flexibility – the company expects me to be flexible in carrying out the work that needs to be done.


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