1.0 Background of the Study


The  library is a dynamic learning tool that seeks to educate and empower the citizenry it serves. The library provides an outlet for people to explore and create, using information found through library sources and by providing space to display the results of this exploration and creativity. The library system encourages children as well as adults in developing their interest in their chosen field. More recently, a particular focus of inquiry has been on those factors that play a role in deciding to use the library and its resources as a place to seek information (whether physically or virtually) as opposed to just surfing the Internet. These inquiries assume an even greater importance in light of the fact that more people are using the Internet to find information they need, information that is unmediated by the library ( 2000).

Informed library users know that libraries have resources that are more comprehensive and scholarly than what most Web sites can provide. Libraries provide access to scholarly literature that is not freely available on the Web. Understanding how students navigate this maze of resources is important in helping us to develop and assess pedagogy designed to instruct students in library usage. Students are more and more Web-savvy (2000), many of them having been brought up around computers and the Internet. However, with the diversity of computer and Web-searching skills and experience, they are not anymore accustomed to reading books. Reading for leisure has never been a cup of tea for many. In fact, the reading for leisure is almost a forgotten issue.

2.0 Statement of the Problem

            Making people read through the use of library will be a very hard task. People nowadays prefer things that are fast and easy, and reading books online is inviting for them. What are the factors that make people shun away from libraries? What is the role of library use in promoting reading culture? The environment of a library is conducive to reading and strengthening readership and development mandate is critical. It intends to promote reading for deeper independent pursuit of knowledge.

What are the disturbances that lead to interrupted usage of libraries? What can a library have to attract people in joining the circle—that is the reading culture? Eventual decline in reading would be another issue to deal with. Unproductive reading practices ruin would-be future leaders of a nation. Therefore sacrificing healthy reading habits can be the cause to the decline in the quest for knowledge. Maintaining an open mind to the limitless offerings of a library could build a reading culture.

3.0 Research Objectives

            The main purpose of this study is to analyze the several activities or events that jeopardize the usage of libraries that is promoting the reading culture. This research, specifically, purports to determine how these activities affect the role of libraries in improving education standards and the promotion of literacy and to distinguish the role of the people in building a nation of readers. This research takes into account the practices that affect reading and explore  some of the contributing factors to the low educational standards and  high levels

of illiteracy. This study also seeks to evaluate the purpose and process of developing a reading culture.


4.0 Research Methodology

This study will use the descriptive type of research. A descriptive research intends to present facts concerning the nature and status of a situation, as it exists at the time of the study and to describe present conditions, events or systems based on the impressions or reactions of the respondents of the research (1994). It is also concerned with relationships and practices that exist, beliefs and processes that are ongoing, effects that are being felt, or trends that are developing (1970).

In this study, primary and secondary research will be both incorporated. The reason for this is to be able to provide adequate discussion for the readers that will help them understand more about the issue and the different variables that involve with it. The primary data for the study will be represented by the survey results that will be acquired from the respondents. On the other hand, the literature reviews to be presented in the second chapter of the study will represent the secondary data of the study.

The research will be presented in written form with the addition of data charts which will present the project’s results. Pie charts and network charts will be needed to illustrate some of the analyzed data. This cannot be confirmed, however, until the research data have been analyzed.









































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